10 basic Linux networking commands you should know about

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Hi everyone,

In this video I’ll show you 10 basic linux networking commands that you should know about.

Whether you need to check your networking interfaces configuration, test routes, view your routing table, check ARP table, resolve domain names, monitor networking traffic, this 10 commands will be very useful.

The commands presented are:

1. ip
2. arp
3. ping
4. ss
5. nmap
6. dig
7. mtr
8. traceroute
9. tcpdump
10. termshark

The purpose of the video is too introduce you to the commands. You must further explore them to really enjoy all their features.

Please comment below for any other Linux networking command that you use and share them with us all here.

I hope you enjoy the video. Please press like and subscribe to the channel in order to support it.

Best Regards,
Rodrigo Matias
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Great video, help me too much
Muitíssimo obrigado Rodrigo


nice video, termshark new one for me, mtr good to


Very good video. Learned about mtr and termshark from this, thanks!
I would also like to mention 'nc' and 'curl' -- both very useful in every day situations.
