The SAFIRE Project Is Not Real Science (Electric Sun Model Debunked)

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It would seem that I've really struck a nerve by debunking some of these "alternative cosmologies", and exposing the frauds that push them. In the very persistent and vocal criticisms that have been brought against me by the people who have fallen for these hoaxes, the most consistent thing they cite as though it is evidence of anything whatsoever is the SAFIRE Project. What is this circus sideshow masquerading as science? What is it that they pretend to do? Let's tell the whole story.

Check out "Is This Wi-Fi Organic?", my book on disarming pseudoscience!
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I'm a biology major, and I am proposing that what connects the universe together is a collection of very small microorganisms that exert a strong pull over one another. An invisible force that connects us all. I call them midi-chlorians.


Electric Universe does sound like a sick Band name though.


I'm a paleontologist, and I think the Sun is a dinosaur!


Hey. Im offended. Im always high and I watch YOUR videos.


“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
― Carl Sagan


When I shine a flashlight into a ping pong ball, it kind of looks like the sun. Conclusion: The sun is a giant ping pong ball being illuminated by a giant invisible flashlight. If you don't believe me, you're a sheep.


You should try explaining the Lorenz transformation for time dilation to one of these jokers, I had the misfortune of developing some of the early GPS end user software and the project was hampered by an electric universe manager. We were however successful and he was cured of his cult devotion but it was painful.


First the Easter Bunny and now Santa???? For fucks sake, Dave! Leave us with SOMETHING!!!


I love the way you contacted one of their only real scientists and Dr Morgan was like "Yeah, its all a scam". Boss move Dave.


I’m a philosopher and the sun is purely made of questions and thoughts from an invisible being judging us.


Remember, falling for a hoax doesn’t make you stupid or a bad person, it means someone tricked you, you are not to blame for being lied to


Why does the publicity photo for the engineers who worked on the project look like they are actually there for the opening of Jurassic Park?


The living embodiment of “when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail”


"It also violates basic physics in ways that even an undergraduate physics student can easily point out" 8:55 the problem of electron transmision was the VERY first thing it came to my mind at the beginning of the video when you explained the model of the sun as an anode.... i do have a degree.... on graphic design.


The only thunderbolts project I wanna hear about is General Ross assembling his own team.


Hi, Electrical Engineer here. I know enough about astrophysics to be certain that I know nothing about astrophysics


It actually took me a long time to realize that just because I’m doing a thought experiment or trying to conceptualize some thing doesn’t mean that I’ve done the research or have references and reviews from an external source.

I also used to think that references and reviews would make my work less genuine because it’s not coming from the person that’s doing the work.

I was pretty confused.

At a certain point in my mid 20s I must’ve been hit over the head or some thing because I realize that the only thing a person can genuinely know for sure is that they don’t.


I mean I do understand all the "anti-establishment" followers to some extent. Modern science is really far developed (at least to human intelligence standards). I have a PhD in engineering and I have the feeling if I look just a bit left and right of my expertise to what people are doing, I hardly understand it anymore. And that is still within the SAME realm of engineering. So these days, to just get a small "oh nice" from the community you have to bust your ass off, to discover anything of relevance, and then double bust your ass off to show that it is really consistent with, you know, reality. All that for a mini reward. Whereas if you join any of these pseudoscience groups you get to throw around big words that you need to not understand or think about and you get praise and love from your community. It doesn't matter what gobeldiguck you spew out, as long as it involves "mainstream scientists don't know anything"-kind of message, you are good. I mean it's psychology 101: you get praise, love and acceptance in a community to contrast the cold harsh outside world and even a sense of empowerment, of greater wisdom that others have no access to. Of course it's a mirage, but it does make sense from the psychological standpoint.


I'm a civil servant the sun is actually the central bureaucracy paper waste disposal fire.


The theory of relativity is just a There's no empirical evidence!!

Mercury: Hold my orbit.
