Montgomery Childs: SAFIRE Project Update | EU2015

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Building on the past year of experimentation and analysis, the SAFIRE Project is moving into Phase 2, which takes the lessons from the Phase 1 Proof of Concept Prototype into a much larger chamber. Phase 1 ended on a cliff-hanger with indications of fusion and transient million-fold CME-like eruptions. Monty will present some aspects of the new chamber design, and also explain some of the equally challenging tasks of building SAFIRE Phase 2.

Montgomery Childs is the author of three college engineering text books and holds eight international technical patents. He was lead design engineer of the Canadian National Research Council for Rocket Design to measure for oxygen in the upper atmosphere. He is now the Lead Scientist and Program Manager for the SAFIRE Project.

Twitter: @tboltsproject

The ideas expressed in videos presented on The Thunderbolts Project YouTube Channel do not necessarily express the views of T-Bolts Group Inc or The Thunderbolts Project(TM).
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This project is a true beacon of science.
All involved should be very proud of your achievements thus far & the ambitions of the next steps.
Kudos and thank you to all of you!!!


Excellent work Monty and co, this is what the EU is all about! Real scientific investigations producing verifiable results!


Coincidentally @Suspicious0bervers has show the heartbeat of the sun can be seen as a pulsation in the umbra cores of sunspots. The "heart rate" sticks to 2 minutes +/- 30 seconds or so. So when Mr. Childs mentioned that term, it caught my ear.

I have been waiting for this update eagerly, thanks TBolts. I am excited to perhaps be witnessing science history!


Excellent. I notice comments on gravity. That is. A mini sun and einstien. Einstien knew his model was just that and incorrect it has been those who didn't understand who think otherwise. And gravity is yet undefined, we suspect though it is electromagnetism. So a mini sun wouldn't create a 'mass' as we think of 'black holes', which of course don't exist in an electric universe. This is exactly a mini sun and that's the point! Our understanding is finally finally expanding away from simply blowing things up and burning things. Final thought: As far as we know since the first mastery of fire man has never come up with a form of energy which did not need to take and destroy. The future is just beginning and it is wonderful to watch it happen, thank you SAFIRE and EU.


Glorious! Today is great day! Can't wait to see the compared results of Solar Probe Plus and SAFIRE. Amazing results!


Thank you for presenting us with this detailed breakdown!


Definitely wanted to see this presentation from EU2015 made available on YouTube, and in plenty of time for me to review once again before I give my local course on EU Concepts in January 2016. Thanks !


This has me really excited for future results.


I recently introduced my youngest son to the EU theory and he has shown genuine interest in it, which says a lot as he's not easily drawn away from girls and sports, lol. My eldest son is really looking forward to confronting his teachers with all this once these experiments are completed and the data is analyzed. I am hoping that he will take the time to go over the info, once available, and complete a thorough essay along with a few small scale experiments to help the idea take root with his classmates Maybe we'll turn it into a family project and see if we can do a presentation to the whole school. I kind of doubt they will allow it on that scale but I don't think they'll have issues at a classroom level.

They both have absolutely no problem accepting new ideas and we all really enjoy learning as much as we can about the EU theory. I am going to turn this into an ongoing project where throughout the week we all go our separate ways and at the end of the week we sit down and discuss what we have learned. This means less time for them in front of the TV and more time getting the neurons firing.

Keep up the great work and awesome job on the presentation, Mr. Childs.


I cant say I really understand whats being talked about here (no scientific background), but I learned some interesting points. I'm excited to see what we can learn.

Thanks for this project!!!


if the nasa's multi billion dollar sun probe misson findings matches the safires probe from inside a lab, that will be pretty exciting


8:26 "Although we limited the power to only 1800 watts DC, the oscilloscopes measured a short lived power surge of over 2 million watts, and at times over 10 million watts". Holy shit. Does that mean you've accidently created fusion energy? 11:20 "the atomic mass of 3... if it is helium 3". I hope if you guys have accidently discovered clean energy that you allow us fans early access to shares of the business you'll be setting up ^_^


Can progress on the SAFIRE project be followed anywhere? Do they have a blog or other publicly accessible updates? Thank you.


Safire will help explain many things that mainstream science is still grappling with


I have a planetary formation theory that may explain how some comets and planets are formed. Plasma sheath discharges = dielectric condensation [matter formation].
I have another theory that may best explain the mechanics of the moon's orbit. The moon being neutral [no spin] behaves according to the relaxation of charge on a particle [gravity] or dielectric field modality. I would love a chance to talk to Dave, or Steve. Thank you!


This maybe a bit of a digression...However, a number of years ago I seen in a dream... All our electric poles no longer had wire from pole to pole...There was some kind of receptacle circular in shape which protruded somewhat and made of some kind of metal almost pewter in color....The bottom half was cut out...Also, there was some sort of black shiny surface.... again I had this dream so many years ago but yet remember in such great detail... starting to think that dream just may have meant something and not so crazy after all...


The heartbeat is energy pulses no matter what you put it to white light ejection mode...then stop and start again...:)


Volume too low for comfort - but very awesome!


Here is our spaceship to the universe.. plasma driven. Anode to cathode and a super conductor core return.. We inside the 'Arc' of the Anode ship.. "Noah's Arc"?!.. faster than light travel.... this would work!! Travelling on the 'filaments' of the Birkeland Currents which connect all the universe...


Haha, SAFIRE makes the LHC look stoneage :- )
