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Goku and vegeta just gave up on fighting this mf and had to call the god of gods to deal with it what is jirens bum ass doing😭🙏


jiren just defeats him like trunks did but zamasu is immortal that's why he wins at the last


…He got cut by a super sayian Rage trunks Jiren looked at a spirit bomb and pushed it back


Zamasu’s Power Levels

Immortality: Zamasu's biggest advantage is his immortality, not his raw strength. In Dragon Ball Super, immortality allows him to endure overwhelming attacks, but it doesn’t enhance his power level. Without it, his lack of durability would be a major weakness.

Base Strength: As you mentioned, normal Zamasu was comparable to Super Saiyan 2 Goku, which is nowhere near Jiren’s level. Even as Merged Zamasu, his strength was largely due to the fusion with Goku Black, who had been getting stronger through his Saiyan abilities, but even this growth had limits.

Against Goku and Vegeta: Merged Zamasu struggled significantly against Goku and Vegeta in their Super Saiyan Blue forms, needing his immortality to stay in the fight. When Vegito appeared, Merged Zamasu was completely outclassed.

Jiren’s Power Levels

Power Beyond Gods: Jiren was portrayed as a character on a completely different tier. His strength surpassed even the Gods of Destruction, making him far more powerful than anyone Goku and Vegeta faced prior, including Merged Zamasu.

Super Saiyan 2 Comparison: As you pointed out, Super Saiyan 2 was meaningless against Jiren. Even Goku’s Super Saiyan Blue, enhanced by Kaioken, was barely enough to make Jiren exert himself.

Ultra Instinct Matchup: Jiren was able to stand toe-to-toe with Goku in Ultra Instinct, something Merged Zamasu wouldn’t even begin to handle. In the manga, Jiren's strength and composure were even more pronounced.

Why This Isn’t a Fight

Immortality as a Crutch: Immortality makes Zamasu a nuisance, but it doesn’t make him stronger. Jiren’s raw power, speed, and durability would allow him to destroy Zamasu repeatedly. Zamasu’s immortality might prolong the battle, but it wouldn’t make it competitive.

Lack of Power Scaling: Merged Zamasu’s feats and power scaling fall far short of Jiren’s. Without immortality, Merged Zamasu would have been defeated outright by Vegito, who isn’t on Jiren’s level either.

Experience Gap: Jiren’s years of intense training and his mastery of combat give him a significant edge. Zamasu’s strength is more borrowed than earned, and his arrogance is often his downfall.


The only reason people might entertain Merged Zamasu vs. Jiren as a legitimate fight is Zamasu’s immortality, which adds a layer of annoyance rather than danger. Jiren, being on an entirely different power tier, would dominate Zamasu without breaking a sweat if immortality were removed. Even with immortality, Jiren’s strength would likely allow him to incapacitate or seal Zamasu permanently, rendering him irrelevant.
The Event

Trunks’ Attack: Using the energy of humanity gathered into his Sword of Hope, Future Trunks landed a devastating slash that bisected Merged Zamasu. This was a critical moment, as Merged Zamasu's immortality had already started to destabilize due to the imperfect fusion between Goku Black and the immortal Zamasu.

Aftermath of the Slash: Despite being cut in half, Zamasu's immortality caused his essence to persist. Instead of dying, his physical form was destroyed, but his essence began spreading throughout the universe. This transformation marked the beginning of his evolution into a cosmic-level threat.

Why This Happened

1. Immortality and Fusion Instability: Merged Zamasu was already unstable because the fusion involved one mortal (Goku Black) and one immortal (Zamasu). The conflicting natures of their bodies and souls led to cracks in the fusion’s integrity. Trunks’ attack accelerated this process.

2. Zamasu’s Immortality: Zamasu's immortality prevented him from dying outright, even after being bisected. Instead, his essence merged with the very fabric of the universe, effectively making him omnipresent.

3. Divine Ego: Zamasu’s belief in his own divinity likely influenced this transformation. As he spread across the cosmos, he declared himself the justice and order of the universe, embodying his twisted ideology.

The Consequences

Cosmic-Level Threat: Zamasu’s new form was far beyond physical confrontation. He became a part of the very fabric of the multiverse, making him untouchable through conventional means.

Zeno’s Intervention: This transformation forced Goku to summon Zeno, who erased the entire timeline to stop Zamasu’s spread. This was the only way to fully eliminate his influence.


Future Trunks’ act of cutting Merged Zamasu in half was a pivotal moment, but it also inadvertently triggered Zamasu’s transformation into a universal threat. While it was a heroic effort, it highlighted how difficult it was to permanently deal with an immortal being, ultimately requiring Zeno’s intervention to bring an end to Zamasu’s madness.
Immortality or not, being fundamentally outclassed makes all the difference. Zamasu’s transformation into a universal threat wasn’t because of his strength or skill—it was purely because of his immortality and sheer stubbornness to let go. At the end of the day, no matter how much he evolved or how much power he claimed, Zamasu was still "garbage" when it came to actual combat ability and power scaling.

Jiren, on the other hand, is in a league where strength, skill, and sheer dominance do the talking. Without immortality, Zamasu would’ve been crushed by anyone on Jiren's tier without so much as a second thought. Immortality might keep you in the game, but it doesn't change the fact that if you're fundamentally outmatched, you're still going to lose over and over again. As they say: you can polish garbage, but it's still garbage!


Jiren was stated to be stronger than anyone goku has ever faced and goku was confident that he would be able to beat zamasu alone after he fused with the timeline meanwhile jiren literally made goku scared at some point. It’s bad writing but jiren wins


Ok hear me out fused zamasu can't destroy jiren in the manga jiren beats mui goku and that's solid bro. Jiren would be annoyed to find out he becomes the universe or whatever.


… ok hahaha no … jiren no diffs lmao cuz there’s multiple things that are left out

1. Goku and vegeta are stronger in the ToP
2. Goku in the ToP was constantly shaking a endless void when he was powering up
3.mui goku is stronger than blue vegito
4. Zenkai boost are a thing that makes saiyan stronger
5. fused zamasu is weaker, slower, has less iq and battle iq, less endurance, less hax, and less durability
6. No universal zamasu isn’t a problem because most characters in dbs are universal and at the time goku and vegeta in ssj were universal but were drain after the fusion ( they used to much energy to fast which drained there power and caused them to defuse which is why vegito is weaker than gogeta)

And that’s why jiren dominates without moving a step


Let’s be honest…Jiren could beat fused zamasu 10 times over without full power…Jiren is stronger than his universe’s god and was taking full power Goku and vegeta as well as golden frezia and 17 and only won cause Goku and frezia had to push him out. What is a fake god going to do?


How can I say this power level get stronger in each arc even that includes the enemy so Jiren is the strongest in super as an enemies my guy even beat the crap out of super Saiyan blue kaioken and Vegeta evolution in a fight and beat multiple opponent in other universe in that fight


zamasu only got defeated by zeno

zamasu wins with low-mid-diff


Do you not remember the clash between Goku and Zamasu super Saiyan blue broke through zamsau blast


Who wins fused zamasu or Beerus both mortal


Goku in blue kaioken went toe to toe with fused zamasu but against jiren in the same form and technique goku got his shit rocked


So Jiren was stated to be the strongest person Goku and Vegeta faced of at that point. Goku and Vegeta had zenkai's after the Zamasu fight and were rusty due to spending 8 months without training. Keep in mind that After defusing Goku said if he had another senzu bean he could have beaten merged Zamasu and even with broken arms and using Blue Kaioken he could deal damage to merged Zamasu so maybe he wasn't lying. Before the tournament Goku fought Bergamo and Toppo and spared with everyone in the universe 7 team to test out their skills and see how suited they are for the team. And tanked a hakai which he recovered from shortly before the tournament. Goku during the tournament is shown that his Kamehameha did nothing to berserker Kale while he was is super saiyan blue but after his first ultra instinct omen awakening he's super saiyan god was strong enough to have him treat Berserker controlled Kale and Caulifla like playing things. After his second ultra instinct omen awakening he did pretty decent against the same suppressed Jiren who beat him actually defended against UIO 1. Literally even in Broly and super hero Broly was still talked about as one of the strongest fighters in the multiverse. Even the combined power of SSB evolution Vegeta who was strong enough to defeat a god of destruction candidate in their destroyer form was no match. Goku really needed Ultra Instinct omen 3 just to do anything and even then he was evolving as the fight continued until...he reached it. With Silver hair standing behind Jiren Goku holds Jiren's ki blast in hand which he flicks away. We see the true culmination of all of Goku's training Mastered Ultra Instinct. Jiren needed to go full power but he couldn't handle it. A technique all the gods attempted millions of years to achieve was reached by a mortal. Don't forget these fighters are strong enough to shake the realm of void which could be located outside of space and time so might even be larger than the multiverse. The fact that Jiren throughout the tournament was meditating and only fought people he saw as threats to the team shows he could solo the Tournament. Future Zeno who erased Zamasu and Trunks' timeline was more impressed with Jiren but hey he was disgusted by Zamasu corrupting the timeline so you could just say he wasn't trying to power scaling how strong Infinite Zamasu was. Like it or not these guys matched if not outright surpassed Vegito Blue from the Goku black saga.


Ok so you are saying that fused samasu is strong than a god of destruction from universe 11
