Neighbour Calls Cops On 'Rowdy' Pool Party

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#Karen calls cops on ‘rowdy pool party’—consisting of 4 people and a kiddie pool

‘We were expecting a bunch of teenagers with a real pool.’

A mom had the police called on her by her neighbor, who allegedly reported that she was throwing a “rowdy pool party.” The party consisted of two adults, two kids, and one kiddie pool.

The mom, TikTok user @Ladyraroo, posted a video explaining what happened.

The video, which currently has over 2 million views, begins with her recording the police vehicle outside of her home. Two children and a woman are sitting in lawn chairs, soaking their feet in a kiddie pool in the front lawn. “Our neighbor called the cops on us for a rowdy pool party, and I’m gonna show you what the rowdy pool party is,” she says.

Her roommate laughs and adds: “Can you believe it?”

“I can’t make this sh*t up. This b*tch is hateful as f*ck, dude,” she tells the camera. She goes on to say that the neighbor was driving by and “scowled” at the two women, who smiled back at her. She says the neighbor drove off but came back a couple of minutes later.

“The cops were laughing. They were like ‘We got a call about a rowdy pool party, and we were expecting a bunch of teenagers with a real pool,” she recalls how the police reacted when they arrived on the scene. “This was it—this was the rowdy pool party.”

She then pans the camera over to her friend and the two kids, all with their feet in the pool. A sign on her front lawn reads, “Hate has no home here.”

The video’s comments section is filled with replies about how petty the neighbor’s actions were.

“She should receive a citation for that,” one person wrote. “Wasting cops time. Wow.”

Others shared their “Karen” horror stories of times the cops were called on them for seemingly minuscule reasons. “I was reported in a home owners association meeting for driving down the block too often… I leave my home too often for [people’s] comfort,” one replied.

“A couple weeks ago, my husband was making grilled chicken in the backyard, my neighbor called the fire [department] on us,” another commented. “Five pieces of chicken y’all.”

In a follow-up video, the woman explains that after the police left, she and her roommate were speaking loudly about the incident. “We yelled something like ‘we don’t do anything illegal, so quit calling the cops on us,’” she recalls. She says the neighbor’s daughter “happened to be walking by right at that moment, and she went in and told her mom that we accosted her or whatever.”

The neighbor then allegedly stormed out of her house, and when they asked her why she was angry, she sternly said, “I’m not angry.”

The woman recalls asking the neighbor, “What’s it like to have that much hate in your heart?” The neighbor allegedly angrily replied: “I don’t. I just don’t need a sign!”


Рекомендации по теме

That ain’t even a pool! 😂🤣 it’s just a big bowl 😂


All Karens need to be arrested for wasting cops time.


100% because your sign ticked them off


Hello this your daily dose of internet


thats what i hate about people, they call on the police for no reason and they expect the other person to behave but thats not the case and maybe its just because Karens are too comfortable around the police because they expect the ones being called on to be arrested and all


This is the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen


You are very lucky it was not Officer Eric Casebolt the one who showed up.


What makes creating Kraaaazy Karen Kontent so easy and a really fun hobby is that simply by pointing a camera at any of these Karens causes them to instantly lose their minds while they mistakenly believe themselves to be coming across as totally rational and that 99.9% of the population will side with them. In fact a new book 10 easy ways to explode your chanel create award winning content and How to expose the Krazy Karen living next door Everytime .


Oh yeah, the Guy in the Green Shirt looks very Dangerous😂😂😂


This is so sad, that children are witnessing this is are likely to repeat this behavior. I'm often shocked at how badly people act in front of thier children.


Everyone is hating karen but no one ask how are you karen? :(


Hey I believe it when people are having a good time and evil demons see that little angels are playing and having fun demons go nuts more power to you guys having FUN.


No I agree with Karen. That was a very rowdy pool party.


Is this in Ireland? Because the car says Dublin police


I just love these moms and every so often I continue coming back to watch their instructional videos teaching how brazen attitudes easily bring out the Krazy Karens losing their minds on camera for easily creating great entertaining content and no doubt they they've got it down to a science by continually daring to be the instigators anytime they see their Krazy neighborhood Karens knowing they're 100% unable to repress their Karen mindsets 😊 ..


Why the F bomb in front of the kids? Maybe clean it up a bit.
