What Is Revenge Bedtime Procrastination? ADHD Brains at Night (with Tracy Otsuka)

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I had no idea that it had a name! 😅 I don't have kids or pets or anything, and I live alone... But I still do this!!


3:08am right now and work at 9am. Prob go bed around 4. ya lol


This is insane. It's 11pm. And thats what im doing.


😢😢😢I just need that time to myself. Like a lot of time😮


I do this every night and then I suffer every day with sleepiness.


My 20 year old brother lives with my mother he has ADHD he is so bipolar. He doesn't sleep he has several weeks without sleeping because he got addicted to video games. He gets aggressive when he doesn't win. He has broken the flat screen and controls. My mother it's to scare of him she can sleep because he stars to scream, breaking stuff hitting the walls. Medicaid doesn't cover him for himself pills or help. Disability either for them, he looks normal. He doesn't work, of course, because he can't be around people he doesn't like to follow orders. He worked in 3 places, but the manager are used to yelling to the co-workers, so of course, if they would yell to him, he would scream back and they don't like that. So he got fired. What can my mother do? They tell her she has to live like that, and theirs no help for her and no cure for ADHD.


The funny thing is I ve never had ADHD. But since I have this epicrisis starting in the age of 48 I believe it all is linked with my pre & menopause? Cause this tips & tools really help and I see myself there as I m in hyperfocus, extreme procastonation and my executive functions are out of order, kind a goofed up!😅😂
