How to Crate Train Your Puppy or Dog | The Battersea Way

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Crates are useful for both puppies and adult dogs, offering them a safe and secure space to relax.

It's important to introduce your dog to using a crate properly by ensuring you build a positive association with going inside the crate. Take a look at our steps to train your dog to use a crate.

Remember to keep training sessions short and only move on to the next step once your dog has mastered the previous one.

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Really good video. My dogs refused to go back into their crates after my roof ripped off in a storm and water was pouring through the ceiling (despite it being nowhere near their crates) but they loved them for the first two years of their lives. I only used them at bedtime though.


Thank you so much😊


I have a crate, my dog loves going in his crate whilst I'm in the house, the moment he goes in and I lock the crate, he tries to escape as he fears he's missing out. Help is needed


My pup came to me with a broken leg and had to be crate rested after his surgery so I didn't have the opportunity to gradually build up like this, i just had to pick him up and put him inside. It's his bedroom now and the only place he really settles down properly. It's still a bit of a carry on to get him to go in because he knows it's bed time and wants to stay up playing.

Crates are a life saver.


hanging metal tags can get caught. Slider flat tags are safer if the dog wears a collar in a crate. Some dog folk remove the collars for safety


my dog is 5 years old and has sleep on a human bed her whole life so would this still work tho


I just put mine in there at night and ignored them done


thanks for the vid, I have a few questions if anyone could possibly help; (i’ve just bought a 9 week year old pocket bully)

first of all with my crate, shall I put the doggie pads in it for it to wee or poo on in the night when i’m asleep? (if I put it somewhere else in the kitchen it won’t be able to get to it)

shall I keep the water bowl in the crate at all times? or outside of it

thank you


So the advice is take a week off work and don’t leave you’re dog alone until they are fully trained.


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