The NEXT 3D Zelda WILL Be at the Nintendo Switch 2 Direct!

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Next video: GTA 6 WILL BE switch 2 exclusive!


Now Nintendo Prime hold on. If you put WILL BE in the title, you do know fully well that people will hold it against you for months if it's not in the Switch 2 Direct.


Who else got clicked baited even though you've either stopped watching this channel and/or know that its the channel of maybes? I fell for it. Im a fool. I should have known better.


I think you're completely wrong. We JUST had TOTK. We haven't had a 3D mario in 8 years. Why would we get another 3D Zelda reveal before a new 3D mario?


If history repeats itself they will show an amazing looking more realistic version of 3D Zelda that never gets released and the one that is released will have a completely different artstyle.


Okay sorry this one is clickbait. You do clarify it’s your opinion in the first 30 seconds at least

Better title “I think will” “I’m confident” etc


we haven't had a 3D mario game in 8 years ...


There is absolutely no way. Metroid Prime 4 is their big budget AAA launch title. There is no way they're going to muddy that with a bit Zelda announcement. Especially since we just had Tears of the Kingdom.


Says it’s only a prediction after he’s already got the click. 🤦‍♂️ clickbait king.


Just because Nintendo has done something before, doesn't mean they will do it again. They should show something Zelda, because those games are system sellers. But I still wouldn't count on it.


The Zelda live-action movie will come out before any news of 3D Zelda.


This is a step too far I close my case here. That’s not happening


This prediction is going to age like LonLon Milk. Jk. It could happen. If the trailer has real visual flair, then an outfit inspired by the new game and several other iterations of link will show up as costumes in "New WindWaker HD Deluxe Director's Cut Seas of Hyrule Edition Revisited."


I still can't believe they spent 6 years on an expansion. I want to believe they've been working on the next 3D Zelda on the side since BotW.


Monolith soft next game will probably be there too, exciting times!


Milk eventually becomes good cheese
So, at the very least, we'll have something to laugh at


BOTW 4K will be shown off... that is all i really expect... new 3D Zelda game for Switch 2 though I feel we will absolutely see in 2026...


“This is a PREDICTION” - writes title of video as if it’s a fact. 😒 bye.


OK. I really liked this channel before it became as big as it is now, but there's nothing I can't stand more about youtubers than watching them go down "that sleezy path" where they start being deceitful with their titles & content. It's just so cheap. Like really. I understand it's the easiest/fastest way to manipulate/trick people into clicking on your videos, but c'mon. I really wanted to think you were better than that - like so many other youtubers. I understand that honestly, reliability & trustworthiness doesn't pay as much nor as quickly as the alternative, but that doesn't make it right. Personally, I'd rather be known & respected for being trusted by people rather than just being known as YET ANOTHER generic context creator that's literally an identical copy of the big guys. And I understand that outside of the digital world you may be a very reliable, transparent, honest guy, & that this is merely a business endeavor as a means to earn more money, but I hate to see people become such sell-outs. Especially when I liked to THINK that they were better than that, which is why I - and so many - subscribed to YOU & YOUR channel, in the first place.

Unfortunately, for those of "us" in that smaller percentage of people who subscribed to your channel, we don't compare to the higher number/percentage of people who DON'T give value to transparency, honest titles/thumbnails, nor reliable, fact-based content/information, so we certainly won't expect any change to improve the quality of your content. We may have taken the bait & fell for your gross exaggerations, but that doesn't mean we're stupid & therefore don't see your channel for what it's become. I get it. It's just too easy. So many others people use this strategy so why shouldn't you? Why should you settle for less when you can get a much bigger piece of the pie? I guess it just depends on how valuable honesty & transparency is to a person. Unfortunately, it's also a good indication when someone knows that they don't have anything better to offer. Kind of like the ol psychological trick of acting all hyped & energetic when recording themselves - again, another trick that you do to try & get people more excited over absolutely nothing of any substance nor value.

The title states that the next 3D Zelda WILL be at the Nintendo Switch 2 reveal. It's even capitalized to EMPHASIZE the damn idea (another cheap trick), & you even bring that up - how it WILL be part of the reveal, but then follow it up by basically saying that you can't say that it WILL be & that you're basically just HOPING & GUESSING. Those are two very contradictory things, which cheapens things even worse than they already were.

Anyways, I've been considering this for quite a while now, but I think it's time to unsubscribe. Sorry, I "WILL" unsubscribe after submitting this comment, there's no uncertainty about that. And I know that's not a big deal cuz I'm only one person, it's not going to affect you so who cares, really? So I'm not meaning this in a petulant, childish manner like a "take THIS" kind of thing - I'm not "that" childish nor am I a spiteful kind of person, like many of us who have followed this channel, nor do I wish any harm to your channel's success; I'm merely giving my personal opinion & constructive criticism to explain why (at least) one person who's living on a small island in Canada who the world will never know or remember no longer sees the value in being manipulated into watching content.

That being said, thank you for the videos of good quality containing information from reliable sources that you've shared, & good luck with your future endeavors.


I'm hoping for a new 3D Zelda game and Splatoon 4 will be revealed 🤞🏼🤞🏼
