How to avoid Nosy People? Funny English lesson

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How to avoid Nosy People? Funny English lesson

Everybody wants to know what’s happening is someone else’s life. Not all are comfortable giving out personal details. Questions like, how much money do you make? How many men have you been dating? Why are you taking a day off? Work, relationships, money can be private areas and many would not like to discuss about it. So in this lesson let’s see how to avoid nosy questions.

Not important –

One way of handling such question is just say it’s not important. For example if someone would ask you how much money do you make? You can answer by saying, Well, it’s not really important for me.

Change the subject –

You can just change the subject by saying Ohh, did I tell you.....or I almost forgot to tell you that....

Repeat the Question –

You can just repeat the question with a surprised voice and facial expression.

Smart Answers –

You can act smart by asking them, So are you from CIA,FBI or from some government tax office?

Polite Answers –

You can just say politely, I’m sorry I prefer not to answer such personal questions. Or, Wow, that’s a personal question!

Answer like a politician –

Be diplomatic or indirect. The way politicians usually answer directly for example if someone asks you about how much money you make you can start talking about the economy.

Humour –

Humour is always a polite way of keeping things light and civil. You can add humour when answering to any of the above nosy questions.

It’s complicated –

You can always simply say it’s complicated when someone asks you about relationships or financial matters.

When I figure it out... –

I love this answer it’s a great way to say when I figure it out I will let you know. When people ask me about my age or marriage or babies I just say “When I figure it out I will surely let you know.

I will update it on Facebook –

World revolves around the social media so when I want to share my details I will surely post it on facebook, which kind of means I am never going to share my personal things.
Рекомендации по теме

I find the people who are rude enough to ask a ton of nosy questions are so insensitive they don't get it when we try to 'change the subject' so this doesn't always work with those types...


I have a simple answer for many "too personal" questions, and if this helps even one person I'm happy. What ever it is, whether its "how much money do you make?" "What did you pay for that?" "Why are you not married?" Or, really ANYTHING too personal according to you. You can simply say, " Yes, that seems to concern a lot of people, and I'm not sure why?". Usually the person asking will be left scrambling, or say something to cover such as, "well, I was just asking a simple question." To which you can reply, " yes of course, you are just asking...but I'm speaking about the nosy people who just want to pry, what are your suggestions for dealing with them?."


My relatives will still think it is rude unless I answer their questions lol


HAHAHA no matter what we do it'll always be rude to them just cause we want to keep stuff to ourselves 😤


1. No comment 2. Let's wait and see 3. That's the million dollar question 4. That's an interesting question, why do you want to know? 5. Blank stare


Thank goodness, I never give anyone the opportunity or chance to ask me stupid question Cos I keep a straight, unapproachable face and uninviting look always. You have the boldness and gods to ask me a personal questions, I roll my eyes and raise my shoulder..


*I have a “friend” that’s definitely so jealous of me and my lifestyle. She thinks she can give an input on the men I like and asks how I afford my lifestyle as she’s married and older and here I am young, shopping, living my life and come from a good family. Lmfao! Jealously is so ugly to wear.*


Well, in my case I find nosy people when it comes to "becoming a mother", sometimes I like to be polite by saying "because I love sleeping", but it bothers me a lot, people think that everyone has to do the same, like Robots. Thanx for the video I loved that very much.


There is a co-worker I find is kind of toxic, he likes to make jokes of other men there and ask questions to women. One day, he would ask me, How are you? I've answered, Fine, thanks. Then he askes "But are you sure that you are fine?" I said YES. Then he said, but are you sure? then I said what happen? he said "nothing I just want to be kind and know how are you, I am concern", then I said, well I've already answered, then he said but are you sure you are OK? then I said while I was walking away, "well I'll send you an email when I find out how I am". Everyone around just started to laugh out loud. Ha!


When you wouldn't answer, you can answer a question by question. What about you? What do you think? It is really important for you? Why not?


Don't be "rude" if someone ask u about your vacation just ask him " are u FBI or CIA spay " lol


I've been wondering for a while why people are nosey? Well after doing research it has to do with a few things? 1) It's apart of their personality disorder and may be targeting you, 2)Wash Women aka Yentas, 3)Spy/Stalker


You can answer "I don't know" as an exit solution as well.


Very informative and helpful! I get asked all the time when I"m gonna get married or have children. I can't cuss them out because my family would get pissed. So thanks a lot for helping me become more diplomatic.


Cool Advice and important too Thankyou Mam


Good video for learning the language and warning against disgusting people who poke their nose into others' private affairs.


Hi Niharika, I'm from Brasil, I'm learning english a couple months. I discover that channel recently and i am loving to improve my listening with your lessons. You are very good  teacher, your way to teach is funny and i guess so easy to learn with you. I thank you so much. God bless you!


Thank you very much for these lessons, I want to improve my english and I´m sure I have found an excellent teacher...That´s you Niharika!!!. You have an amazing voice and a very nice name...Greetings from Nicaragua, Central America.


Ma'am, I had one thing in mind.. If nosy people despite knowing that you aren't working anywhere, tend to question u innumerable times where are you working now? For this scenario give me various tactics to avoid them


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