Have Bipolar? 3 Tips for Finding the Right Psychiatrist

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How do you find the right psychiatrist when you have bipolar disorder? That’s an important question because finding the right psychiatrist is the foundation for getting a treatment plan that works for you.

When you live with bipolar disorder, you struggle to voice your opinion. There were many situations with doctors where my input was dismissed entirely. After I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 disorder, I always left my psychiatrist’s office with less hope than I walked in with. It did not feel right and, at one point, I was fed up with not having any control in my treatment.

Finding the right psychiatrist is not as easy as some people may think. For me, it took around five years to find the psychiatrist that has helped me get to where I am today. However, it does not have to take that long. In this video, I share three tips for finding the right psychiatrist based on my personal experience living with bipolar 2 disorder.

Hannah posts a new video every Monday morning on the HealthyPlace YouTube channel. You can help spread awareness and understanding by sharing this video or playlist. And if you find the video helpful, I hope you'll give it a thumbs up.


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The doctor I have now 1. got me in immediately when I was in the hole, even though I hadn't had a psychiatrist in 12 years 2. has a family member with mental illness and understands our struggles 3. is super intelligent and is up-to-date on research 4. isn't afraid to tell me what he thinks but also isn't afraid to admit when he might be wrong 5. doesn't back down from me. #5 is what I refer to as my own character defect of always wanting to pretend that everything is fine. I have been seeing him for four years this month and he has yet to let me go more than three months without seeing him because he knows my mental health pattern probably better than I do.

Thank you, Hannah, for another great video!


Love you Hannah and yes it took me awhile to find me a psychiatrist but it takes A LOT of time to find someone who accepts you of who you are.


Hannah, thank you thank you for posting these videos. I hope you will read this because you have helped me more than you’ll ever know. I was just recently diagnosed (1 month ago) with bipolar 2 and you have helped me look at my disorder in a brand new way. Thank you for helping me look at bipolar disorder as a blessing and especially not to settle for the right psychiatrist. Thank you so much. ❤️


The rainbow goddess is beautiful!! thanks for the video also, brilliant stuff x


I was very lucky that my GP was able to take over this role (and do a rather good job considering it wasn't his field of expertise) while I was living in the Netherlands (where I was diagnosed). Since I moved to Prague, however, I have been unable to find a psychiatrist. Here you are not allowed to have a two-way conversation with your doctor (it's a teacher-primary student like scenario) and you are most certainly not allowed to be part of any discussion about your medicine. If you try, you are challenging God! I have been on a regimen of anti-depressants and mood stabiliser that I know works for me--after years of trying other SSRI's and figuring out which one works best and has the fewest side-effects. The first psychiatrist whom i saw here insisted that I should change to lithium even though documentation supports that lithium is only the first line of medication for type 1 BP, not type 2. She then went on to prescribe me an anti-psychotic (olanzapine) as well as xanax in such a high dose that after taking only one pill, it knocked me out for 3 days. Interestingly enough, when I went to the pharmacist to have the prescription filled out, he was certain it was a mistake and warned me. The sad part is that when I refused to go back to that person and asked for a second option, the second psychiatrist defended his colleague tooth and nail and made it sound like I was overreacting. Communist countries still sweep mental health under the carpet.


Its hard to define for me where do i stay. A room? No i stay somewhere where its pain its fantasy world where i see deaths where i am afraid of losing people. Its so painful i cant even define it pains my head it feels like its about to burst. I keep myself busy i have no complaint to anybody around everyone is good i have no low self esteem problem i dont even think of myself that i lack this and this. Am i depressed? I cant even say that seeing the symptoms in the video i think of others pain and i think of my life without them it pains. I am most of the time lost completely i see the river and no body is anymore in this world this is all empty its the world of my imagination. I do meditate i study i paint i dont know what lacks i want to get rid of this imagination world its dark it scares me. When its day i am almost okay but when it turns to be evening to night it scares me i see blood deaths i see people dying i just feel like shooting myself. Its hard to get my symptoms matched with someone who is depressed how do i know i am depressed or i stay in fear or something bad everymoment. 😢 Help me if someone else feels the same way.


Hey Hannah. last night was the first time ive taken depakote for bipolar. I was prescribed the drug yesterday. Its not that i necessarily felt overwhelmingly bad side effects, however the more and more i think about this, the more and more i realize that i think i have way wayyy too much anxiety to take something with so many horrid side effects, whether I experience them or not.

I also have severe anxiety, (which means im always in my head), and its pretty triggering not knowing what a pill is doing to my body. I know ive literally only taken ONE pill, but this thing is laced with horrible side effects, doctors act like they know more r than you do, (which they technically do but you know what i mean). For the most part they only know what you tell them. You are basically a lab rat to them and id like very much to learn how to deal with this disorder through very good therapy. Ive been feeling very very uneasy since taking this medication and im hoping for SOME other alternative...

That being said, do you think i should give the depakote a shot for a while?


My advice for choosing a new psychiatrist would be to first ensure that they are, in fact, *an actual psychiatrist.* One I went to called herself "Doctor" but was a nurse practitioner. Had to find out the truth through my insurance.


Hannah what side effects do you get from your current meds? how well do they work for you? I mean to ask you this in another video, I apologize if its too personal. thank you for the videos I like.


and back on topic... my own experience is that some of the older better medications like lithium, tegretol, depakote and lamictal are being used slightly less in favor of the new atypical antipsychotics. any doctor who doesn't use "the big 4" as a primary base for treating patients needs to be questioned. I am not saying this applies to all people. get second opinion. That is my advice: get multiple opinions. Sometimes you will feel as though you are in the dark or you don't get input. It doesn't mean you are in the wrong path always, bipolar can be frustrating... I wish anyone well and good luck on your journey.


Hello Hannah just a question would you trust in a APRN for mental health
