BEST EXERCISES for FAI Hip Impingement

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The Best Exercises for Femoral Acetabular Impingement to Help Your Hip Recovery!

It's hard to pick just 5 exercises to help FAI hip pain, but I've found these 5 exercises to be especially effective in my own recovery and from talking with the hundreds of people who are working on their own hip recovery journey.

To be clear - no 5 exercises can take you all the way (you need a systematic, multi-faceted approach that incorporates tissue work, stretching and motor control for that) but these are definitely a great place to start!

If you haven't tried these 5 exercises - click the links in the video and try the exercises out for yourself!


Tissue Work: Hamstrings with Ball:
Jack Knobber II on Glutes:

-Shane - Build an Injury Free, Athletic Body


Do you have FAI or Hip Impingement?


The FAI Fix is a joint undertaking by Upright Health and Got ROM


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Once you identified the problem, and was put on the right track to correcting it, how long did it take for you to become symptom free? I'v not officially been diagnosed with FIA by a doctor etc but have been told its an impingement by a few physical therapists etc. I'm hoping for a military career but am struggling to overcome the problem


Awesome video.. Sometimes I'm ready to pull my hair out, I release one area then I have pulling in another area.. And with so much information swirling about my head I get stressed and overwhelmed.. So this ties it all up in a wee bow 😀


Is the muscle roller tool available yet? Thanks for doing this video. It is very enlightening.


You are a kind of intuitive movement genius. Your work has begun to help me. Thank you.


This works!So earlier in the year, I started developing inner left groin pain when lifting. Even on my off days when I lift my leg to the side (abduct), there would be clicking and clacking noise. I thought stretching the groin would make it better, but it didn't really helped.

I really thought I had a hip labrum tear, but I came upon the great video you put on Alan Thrall on how to fix hip impingement and it really works in addition to reading up on mobility vs flexibility. A bigger rubber ball work more of the area though. I use a Kong 3 inch rubber dog ball and 5 inch ball to get more into the glutes.

It worked better than stretching ever did. I realized that my hip adductor were so tight that stretching couldn't loosen it up, but instead pulled on my ligaments and tendons which made it worst. I am not super sure about this. Maybe you physical therapist can go more depth on that. I do know that a yoga practitioner friend, tore her hip labrum by trying to master the split. So these days, I only do mobility work and deep tissue work. I don't really stretch .

I came back from the hip doctor and he was like you're good fam. You save my life Shane


I have FAI- cam type impingement. Became symptomatic 4 years ago. I always stretched properly, did strength training for 35 years, am a Personal Trainer. There is bony growth on my femur head/neck. I'm in my 50's and this hit me hard at age 52. No improvement despite multiple interventions and daily stretches, rolling, strengthening (doesn't work. causes pain at the groin/hip flexor region, never improves). I have Medicaid, can't find a doctor who is willing to do a THR (total hip replacement), and there are no available hip preservation specialists who might do a repair that would likely involve shaving the bony growth and repairing my labrum and a full tear of another ligament/cartilage. This has changed my life completely and caused all sorts of other issues, including major problems in my ankle. It needs pointing out that RARELY does stretching, strengthening, rolling, etc improve FAI of ANY type when there is bony impingement. If you don't solve the source of the problem, which is the bone and the lesions within the femur head, any repairs to soft tissue in the joint are a waste, b/c they will continue to get sheared. I have what seems to be no options and I live in Boulder Colorado!!!! When in your 50's, any of those surgeries have a low success rate.
My life, as it was, is seemingly over. I can't find a single video, or PT exercises/mobility work, or any number of non-surgical recommendations that actually improve the situation. I expected to be a strong athlete well into my 70's. Taken down at age 50-ish, there goes my career. Major depression now for these 4 years. An NO, anti-depressants don't help (they make you sick). Wish I could find a solution. Then there's my ankle, which has suffered from years of apparent mis-alignment of my hip. I did everything right, but alas, when one develops this condition due to genetics or years of use w/ some deformities, seems pretty grave. Anyone who is older (never thought of myself like that until this started), please share anything that might have worked. As I said, with Medicaid, I cannot get a doctor to address this situation. Hate to think that the remainder of my life will be that of a semi-cripple. When every position is problematic, (walking, standing, sitting, forget exercise, forget riding a bike), what does one do? This was my livelihood. I was always a strong believer that most things could be avoided or treated w/ balanced strengthening, proper flexibility movements, rest, proper activities, etc. Now, I see that may only apply to the younger population, or to someone who has proper "insurance" so they can find a doctor who does specialize in either THR or hip preservation. So, honestly, this video is of little use to many who suffer from this affliction.


thanks, this video guided me in the right direction on what helps me.


Make sure your quad muscles, mainly the rectus femoris, is properly stretched (especially if you have an anterior pelvic tilt). I noticed after weeks of stretching my quads after every workout, it was MUCH easier to get rid of the hip impingement and engage that groin barrier when you're bring your knee straight up to your chest.


Thanks shane! I'll give these a try today and report back!


Great video! I have cam impingement in both hips. I had surgery last September, they fixed the torn labrum but decided not to file the boney growth that caused the labrum to tare in the first place. So I'm pretty much in the same boat as I was before surgery. I had to stop practicing martial arts because of the pain I was in after kicking. Abducting my legs is when I'm in most pain, after doing the straddle stretch my right hip feels like its come out of place a little bit. I'll stand up contract my adductors by trying to squeeze my legs together and my right hip makes a snap sound. Every time i've been for a run my quads and hip flexors are always sore. I have tried some of these tissue work techniques you've shown in your videos but my hips just don't feel like they're getting any better. I stretch everyday, I've stretched for years, soon as I hit my twenties my flexibility stopped increasing and problems with my hips started to happen. My quads are super tight and refuse to be flexible no matter how much i stretch them. I just wanna get back to high kicking again, I'm now into my thirties. I workout a lot and have good strength in the hips and legs. I can do one leg squats with good form although there is some pinching in the bottom part of the movement. What I have noticed is if I sit on the floor and press into my groin and contract my psoas there's a lot of pain there. So I'm thinking the problem could be within the psoas because that muscle has been sore for many years now. When i apply pressure to my quads, glutes there is also deep pain there. If you could give me any advice i'd really appreciate it. Thanks


Is there a way to positively differentiate FAI from greater trochanteric pain syndrome?


Hi Shane. I've been practicing yoga for about 20 years but about a year ago I started experiencing pain which I now know is FAI. I do think it's been caused by the extended yoga practice and I have narrowed down the poses that aggravate it. I am happy to find your videos as they have given me hope that I don't need to go get surgery. My wife is a massage therapist and PTA so I'll pick on her to help me. Since I am just finding you here I was just curious what your background is? Thanks again for giving me hope!


Hi. Do you have a link to the video with the stretches you can provide? Thanks!


Do you recommend a massage gun to supplement massage and trigger point release?


I have been diagnosed with a partial labrum tear and cam-type FAI; I'm only 21 and love bodybuilding. I talked to 2 doctors, and they pretty much told me ill never be able to hit leg presses and squats and things of that nature( which mentally dropped me) that cause hip flexion. Do you think I might be able to do an exercise like a leg press with high intensity without destroying my hips?


Ive just tried the chair with the lacrosse in fire hydrant and it really got in there!


Do you recommend continuing to squat while dealing with FAI hip impingement? Obviously it's going to depend on relative pain levels, but how would you personally determine if you should train or not?


Hi Shane, thanks for sharing! I have the FAI and my job requires to sit on my butt all the day.. Do you have any suggestions how to minimize the butt pain which I feel during that time?


Hi Jay I have a question I had surgery years ago but know I'm having problem on my knee specially when I do pigeon pose or a cross leg position in yoga. They told that I have arthritis & a syst. Can you show some exercise or stretches that I can get better. Thank, & hope yo here from you
