Hip Impingement Pain (FAI) Best Exercises, Rehab & Strengthening (How to Avoid Surgery)

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#hipimpingement #painfulhip #femoroacetabularimpingement

Femoroacetabular Impingement, more commonly known as hip impingement is a bony issue within the hip socket involving the femur and pelvis. These changes are more commonly seen in athletes and can lead to groin pain, potential labrum and subchondral bone issues.

There are two main types, CAM (changes to the femur, thigh bone) and PINCER (changes to the acetabulum, pelvis). In this video we will go into detail about all of this and best ways to manage this condition, including what role imaging plays and when surgery is recommended.

Anatomy: 00:05
What causes it? 00:22
Clinical Presentation: 00:40
Diagnosis: 00:54
Exercise Recommendations: 01:39
Sports with Hip Impingement: 09:03
Other Conditions: 09:16
Timeline: 10:00
Imaging: 10:24
Surgery 10:51

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Рекомендации по теме

I’ve been to physical therapy and pain clinic. But the exercises you just showed are helping more than the ones the hospital gave me. I want to just say thank you so much for making this video. You just helped this veteran.


Most thorough, detailed breakdown of different exercises. Kudos to ya!


I've been grappling in my mid 20s and I've started developing impingement symptoms. Online the general consensus has been that surgery is the only hope. I'm going to try these exercises out for a couple months and I hope they help 🙏🏻


Thank you very much for these tips. Great exercises. I already feel more mobility in my mild FAI issue..


Wow, best video on impingement I have seen. Great job


Thanks so much for the great exercises. How often one should do these exercises? Seems to be plenty of exercises, Tier 1 - Tier 4 I'm little confused. Please let me know. Again thanks for sharing your experience


I like the honest info on the efficacy of surgery. Really good run-through of those exercises!


How important is stretching the hip flexors in addition to strengthening? Thank you! Great video!


I’m 15 just recovered from a torn hip labrum could this be why I’m feeling this pain. My range of motion is fine tho it’s just pinching in my groin and pelvis and I can’t move laterally quickly


thanks alot for this video. I am a bit confused because you counted from tier 1 to 5 then releated again.


Thank you . I am 20 years old and a good football player. I injured my right leg when kicking the ball hard 10 months ago. You are lost now. I have neglected my leg and I cannot return to training. What do you advise me to do? Should I go to a doctor to get an MRI or take your own exercises? 🙏🏻


Amazing video! My hip pops out of the socket and I think I need to strengthen hip flexors and psoas. Physical therapy, doctors and chiropractors have but been any help. But I think this will help me. Thank you!!


Hello, thank you for the video! I was riding bicycle everyday for 6 years and no problem. Then I started squats and I had a "Cam type" hip impeagement and Trochanteric bursitis inflamation. Now I can't ride bike for almost a year. I tried some exercises which helped a little. I have two important questions; which exercise should I do exactly for "Cam type impeagement", can I recover and ride bicycle again? Thank you in advance for your help.


Very valuable information, thank you !


Hello, I am 29 years old and have been diagnosed with FAI and anterosuperior labral tear with associated thinning of the articular cartilage of the right acetabulum, my FAI is mixed. I had an x-ray and Hip MRI after I started feeling pain in my right buttock that starts there and stops on my knee, ( I also feel pain in my knee and slightly above it on the thigh when I sneeze or cough, even though I underwent an EMG test and it was normal) My MRI report also showed subsequent degenerative changes of the right hip joint demonstrated by joint hip narrowing predominating posteriorly, subchondral sclerosis and erosive changes of the right acetabulum and spur formation of the femoral head. Moreover, I have tendinopathy of the right gluteus tendons at their insertion on the greater trochanter as well as a small trochanteric bursitis on the right . My orthopedic recommended surgery because he said I might be developing osteoarthritis that might lead with age to hip replacement. I haven't started physical therapy or strength training yet, but I would like to know you opinion on my case if possible because I am not very convinced about the surgery (hip arthroscopy). Your reply is highly appreciated !


Amazing video! I have FAI and got surgery for it. Everything was fine for 2 years and now the symptoms are kicking back.... what is the next move???


Had an arthroscopy for this. Wish I saw this video earlier. It's perfect


Really good video! I actually understand more why I can’t internally rotate my hip. Thank you


Excellent video, I played rugby from the age of five to nineteen as well as surfing always been active. Diagnosed with osgoodschlatters disease at thirteen and FAI at forty. Be interesting to know the correlation between both.


Can we do weights while doing these exersices? Or should we wait until we reacj the last Phase ?
