Democrats favor socialism over capitalism, Gallup says

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CivicForumPAC Chairman Ford O’ Connell and RNC Spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany on how a new Gallup poll revealed that Democrats view socialism more positively than capitalism.
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OK but what about bail outs the country does? For instance the billions to bail out farmers? THAT’S SOCIALISM!


A direct result of participation trophies.


This is a free country, if you want socialism, there's other places in the world you can go. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out


That being the case, it is the duty of every patriot to eradicate each and every one of them from their suffering.


I'm a social democrat, the german social democratic party is the oldest party in germany, it survived all world wars, the nazis and cold war, they are the standart in european politics.


Socialism is contrary to the very nature of things and is therefore, naturally unsustainable. Socialism intentionally attempts to confuse and conflate the concept of "free market community" with "autocratic socialism". They are 2 completely separate political ideologies. Free market community relies on the individual's free will to contribute whatever they choose to, to their community at large; Socialism forces all individauls to comply with government set regulations & standards to maintain a universal basic social exsistence regardless whether the situation merits it or not. Anytime humanity attempts to ignore the basic nature of things, and impose its own standards over that of the natural laws, has invariably created a dynamic that is unsustainable and will eventually fail. The history of socialism bears this facts out. All socialism programs now operating in the US are historically unsustainable. That is the nature of things . . .


Fake news. Divisive. Irresponsible reporting.


This is why they have got to go!!! Its time America lets them know where we stand, vote red in November


Nothing wrong with capitalism is citizens United that changed it all. corporations should had never been given that right equal to citizens.


Greetings from a "socialist" country aka Finland. Also known as one the best working education, social security and health care systems of the world.


Folks, it takes a lot to explain but it is quicker to conclude that the American capitalist system of economy is not an ideology, it is not actually "capitalism", instead it is the best economy system that makes the best for everyone. Because people insists, so I call it "American capitalism", but it is not "Marxist capitalism" that is "made in China” and infects the whole world, be careful please. People must learn more to understand "American capitalism", but the result can tell a lot. It produces big middle class, small very rich class and small very poor class of economy. And the gaps between rich and poor is also not too much. The American people do not want socialism, they just want a good job, some opportunity to get rich, and social equality, which they can not get from any form of socialism, but they can get it from "American capitalism". That is why they love "American Capitalism" and hate socialism (so do I). Socialism in any form is a big lies, and it takes a lot to explain this. I will try to do that next time.


Faux News always tries to frame the argument as an either/or option. Numerous highly successful countries have a combination of capitalism & socialism, including America right here, right now. Social Security IS socialism, & exists perfectly well in our capitalism system


caucasians own the majority of the private sector, if we were to switch it to socialism, the majority is slowly increasing to include Hispanics and African-Americans, Republicans who are majority Caucasians would not want to relinquish that control, so that is why they say socialism is not the right way to go.


It's okay you'll learn to love it.


It be nice if college was free and Europe paid fire the defense of the U.S. so we had more money to invest in social improvements.


You could socialize medicine and do a lot of good actually we're the only civilized country left that doesn't have socialized medicine my relatives are all over the world and ask how do you put up with such shit seawood socialized medicine everybody gets a chance to live instead of dying because they're poor but if you have money and means you can upgrade the point is your taxes pay for your medical and for anybody who says that's on American remember this it was the plan of Franklin Delano Roosevelt he gave it to all the countries we liberated along with it right to an education or right to fair housing and a right to a job and a decent wage the only thing is he passed away before we could get it so we're the only ones left without it so with the insurance companies being so rich and Powerful it's almost feudal to try to back it up there too powerful another thing that can't happen with socialized medicine is insurance fraud it can't happen it's impossible we pay for all this insurance fraud


Maybe that's why #walkaway is so popular?


Socialism wouldn't work in the US, but millennials do have it extremely bad in terms of housing, work, and college.


Denmark and the scandivians countries are not socialists, we are social democratic. Free private markets just like in the us. We are more social responsible though and pay for healthcare over taxes, just the same as you pay for police over taxes. This was all false claims and I am pretty sure that most Democrats in the us do not wish socialism, they want social democracy.


At least socialism is way better than crapitalism...!🤗🤗
