Stop Using Your Willpower - Do This Instead
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Our environment is one of the invisible forces that shapes human behavior.
We would like to think that the choices we make are our own and not influenced by external factors.
The truth however, is that many of the actions we take each day are shaped by the most easy and obvious option.
If you're overweight, a smoker or a video game addict, you might think that it's because you lack the willpower to quit.
Research however, shows something different.
When scientists analyze people who appear to have tremendous amounts of willpower, it turns out those individuals are not different than you.
Instead, the evidence says that disciplined people are better at optimizing their environment in a way that does not require massive amounts of willpower.
Good behavior is easy for them, simply because they optimized their surroundings in a way that supports it.
In the short run, you can choose to overpower temptation. However in the long run, you become a product of the environment that you live in.
We would like to think that the choices we make are our own and not influenced by external factors.
The truth however, is that many of the actions we take each day are shaped by the most easy and obvious option.
If you're overweight, a smoker or a video game addict, you might think that it's because you lack the willpower to quit.
Research however, shows something different.
When scientists analyze people who appear to have tremendous amounts of willpower, it turns out those individuals are not different than you.
Instead, the evidence says that disciplined people are better at optimizing their environment in a way that does not require massive amounts of willpower.
Good behavior is easy for them, simply because they optimized their surroundings in a way that supports it.
In the short run, you can choose to overpower temptation. However in the long run, you become a product of the environment that you live in.