Top 10 FTK Decks in Yugioh's History (Decks That Win On Your First Turn)

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In Yugioh, winning on your first turn, before your opponent gets their turn at all, is called an FTK. And FTK decks are very rare or incredibly inconsistent, so you don't see them very often. But occasionally a viable one comes around and gets a bunch of cards from that combo banned.

Script by Noah Pather

--The List--
Intro: (0:00)
10:Gallis the Star Beast Monster Mash FTK: (0:19)
9: Magical Explosion FTK: (2:16)
8: Gishkill FTK: (4:12)
7: Exodia FTK: (5:37)
6: Empty Jar FTK: (7:25)
5: Gem Knight FTK : (9:15)
4: Pendulum FTK: (12:52)
3: Danger Dark World FTK: (14:45)
2: Frog FTK : (16:52)
1: Magical Scientist FTK : (18:20)

#yugioh #top10 #YGOtop10

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The irony of Exodia is that it also doubles as a balance warning. Like you said, it’s always one card away from being viable. So whenever Exodia starts seeing play, Konami knows some draw card or engine needs nerfing.


The timing of this video as Ronintoadin gets banned and Subsitoad is freed is pretty hilarious.


The Supreme King OTK was banned before Verte Anaconda was introduced into the game. Effectively the way you would enable the OTK was by using Instant Fusion (usually searched by Gate Zero and Infinity) to get out Nightingale and linking it off with Electrumite for Zeframetaltron before Pendulum summoning the 4 material needed for both Supreme King Servants to copy lyrilusc to burn for 4000 a piece. The deck usually bought out Electrumite turn 1 via Supreme King Darkwurm (which could search Gate Infinity or Zero) or Astrograph/Chronograph Sorcerer to bring out the other Magician. Usually the Gate monsters in the extra deck would act as material for the Supreme King.

Yet Konami rather than hit the issue cards, instant fusion and nightingale decided to hit Supreme King Starving instead.


I once dealt with a FTK effect in a tournament, it was a spell counter FTK using an synchro monster to remove said counters to burn for 8000 points of damage and the guy was so confident about its consistency that he would brag that if he went first during the first duel of the match he’d guaranteed himself victory of the whole match.


Lyrilusc/Ghostrick FTK is also viable. Assuming that you don't get inturupted by some hand trap then it is consistent enough. But even if you can't pull off FTK you can still end in a good typical board to play in normal way too.


I have suggestions:
Top 10 splashable extra deck monsters for each type
Top 10 worst mill cards
Best Story cards part 2
Top 10 cards that show actual cards
Top 10 stall cards.
Top 10 generic pendulum cards.
Top 10 special conditions in the games.
More Rescue Rabbit, please.


Honorable mention for Meteor Black Comet Dragon Inferno Fireblast FTK, if your opponent doesn't have an Ash Blossom and you open with a single copy of Red-Eyes Fusion and 2 copies of Inferno Fireblast magic cards and you run at least two copies of Red-Eyes Black Dragon, 8, 200 points of burn damage. Red-Eyes Insight makes this even more possible.


I know it wasnt discovered until GOAT format was already over, but the royal magical library + reversal quiz + black pendant FTK deck is ridiculously over powered and should be on here.


Magical Explosion has been banned for a long time now in the OCG. Life Equalizer is also banned in the OCG.

Exodia was a tier 0 deck in OCG 1999. Not always an FTK, but point still stand. After that format, Witch and Sangan were errated. Pot of Greed and Graceful Charity were at 3 in OCG 1999


I remember an episode of a Warhammer 40k fan based parody called "If the Emperor had a Text to Speech Device" where the main character duelled a Chaos God using Yu-Gi-Oh as a base. The Chaos god used Morphing Jar with Book of Moon, Card Destruction and Magical Explosion and for a while I honestly thought that would be a viable FTK strategy. It probably still could be if Morphing Jar would be more than just limited


I like how older metas had FTK strategies that revolved around making your opponent mill and draw so much they decked out, while today Maxx C is basically that but intentional and it's one of the strongest cards in the game.


There was an FTK that was as consistent as Toad FTK and could play through 1 interruption without issue, and its the FTK deck that got Ancient Fairy Dragon banned. Harpy FTK. You only needed 2 cards out of 28 cards in your opening hand to do the FTK, and you could play through an interruption if you had another combo piece in your hand which was incredibly common. (Especially since going first drew 1 card as well during that time.)

It worked by using the Genex engine and harpy channeler/dancer. You would get Divine wind of mist valley on the board, sync for Ancient Fairy dragon, and use AFD's effect to swap through field spells. Once you had some setup on your board, you'd swap your field spell to Black Garden to flood your opponent's board with rose tokens, then go into fusion gate to fuse off everything into burning phoenix and just burn your opponent into oblivion.

It got banned pretty fast in the OCG and was pre-banned in the TCG before it came out here.


Would have expected Dark Strike Fighter FTK to make the list. Konami hit the deck on the ban list and it was still viable until they banned DSF. DSF stayed banned until it was errata'ed to be once per turn.


I'm surprised the Nurse Gift FTK dead was not on the list.
Combo was nurse or bad reaction to simochi and the drop 3 gift cards or 2 gift cards and one "path" and then nuke them for 8 or 9k DMG at the end of the turn.


Surprised not to see Blue-Blooded Oni FTK. It was insanely consistent, took 40+ minutes to complete like the Gishki one so no game 2, used a like 90-step loop, and won a Nationals. Thing came out of nowhere and I think was part of why Lavalval Chain got banned.


The odds of pulling all five Exodia cards as part of the initial draw is 1 in 658, 008. This means that players shouldn't be too concerned about losing to Exodia on the first turn, since the chances are incredibly slim.


Idk how long you've been playing, but they used to be very common, and used to come around a lot. Maybe not at the top of SJC/YCS, but especially in the DM/GX era they were a frequent entity you should have expected to regularly see at locals. Hand traps were the biggest killer of these types of decks. Even Herald of Orange Light and Hanewata were common side deck cards in 5D's era due to how often you'd expect to see this kind of strategy.


I was surprised that the dragon link/rose garden FTK wasn't on the list. It wasn't round for that long but it is probably one of the most recent FTK that could play through some handtraps even.


Cover the Morphtronic Cannon Soldier FTK deck, it's really cool and a phenomenal deck!


I have what I think is a fun suggestion. Top ten best boss monsters, that never see play. Like maybe some of them just have really bad summoning conditions, but otherwise great effects, maybe some of them have a terrible archetype that is incredibly bad at bringing them out.
