How Ayn Rand Got So Much Right
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Recently, a friend asked me, “If philosophers have been trying to resolve fundamental questions for centuries and have come up short, why do you think Ayn Rand got so much right?” This is a helpful question because it focuses our attention on the difference(s) that set Objectivism apart from other philosophies.
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0:00 Introduction.
1:24 Rand understood existence exists independent from the human mind.
9:17 Rand benefitted from many philosophers before her.
13:23 Rand's historical context. Seeing the fruits of good philosophy and the destruction of bad philosophy.
18:53 Final comments.
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0:00 Introduction.
1:24 Rand understood existence exists independent from the human mind.
9:17 Rand benefitted from many philosophers before her.
13:23 Rand's historical context. Seeing the fruits of good philosophy and the destruction of bad philosophy.
18:53 Final comments.
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