I Accidentally Turned My Snapping Turtles Blue!!!

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I have a serious snapping turtle problem!!! I built my Alligator Snapping Turtle, "Happy" and my Common Snapping Turtle, "Snappy Pants", outdoor ponds for the summer. I also built outdoor ponds (complete with waterfalls) for my Red-eared Slider, "Seamore" and my Pink-bellied Side-necked Turtle, "Noodle". The problem is that the ponds turn green with algae FAST and I can't find my pet water turtles! Watch as I try to add a natural bacteria and pond dye to help clear up the water. You'll see the problem is bigger than I had anticipated! Make sure to watch the entire video to find out if I can finally keep my ponds clear and if my turtles are still blue! Thanks for watching this animal video!

#animals #reptiles #turtle

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Bro became godzilla with those blue cracks in his skin
