Real Estate Expert Answers US Housing Crisis Questions

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fear a housing crash due to people buying homes above asking prices with little equity. If prices drop, affordability and potential foreclosures may arise, worsened by future layoffs and rising living costs. I want to invest more than $300k, but I'm not sure on how to mitigate risk.


*Appreciate your videos! I’m 54 and younger generations should know there’s no shortcut to acquiring wealth, but there are ways to go about it. Fellow millionaires don’t tell the poor/middle class they need the knowledge of finance coaches to help build their wealth. If anyone here needs a good coach, here’s it..*


If you wanna be successful, you most take responsibility for your emotions, not place the blame on others. In addition to make you feel more guilty about your faults, pointing the finger at others will only serve to increase your sense of personal accountability. There's always a risk in every investment, yet people still invest and succeed. You must look outward if you wanna be successful in life.


I don't think it's fake news...if you have an llc, you aren't a residential home buyer. I think it's still valid to say its worth considering that a problem may be that residential buyers are competing with investors...your biases are showing graham.


Not too long ago, landlords could afford to build affordable housing. Even in expensive markets like Seattle. But regulations made it too expensive to build these types of units.


Government building supply and renting it yes. Using public money to supplement hedge funds ...NO.
Demand is going up, supply seems to be lagging. Hence rising prices. Equilibrium price. 🤷‍♂️


Very good video! It’s tough for young adults to get into the housing market. We were fortunate to get our first house back in 2019.


We do not want the government to build more housing. Suspend or eliminate capital gains tax on selling investment property, and watch affordable inventory soar.


In the 70s there were tax writeoffs on construction loans similar to solar incentives today


Here’s what happens to the “incentive” developers get when building in a community. They get a tax break and the cost is picked up by the home owners. Home owners do not get a break. they are expected to pay the full tax. Who suffers, the community and schools. They don’t get the funds for the necessary services or building upgrades. Instead of giving incentives, Gov. should incorporate services the community needs. Not just a clean incentive. No ones says they are proud to live in a corporate community. They are proud to live in communities they live in


Excellent video. Far too many people don't realize how many moving parts there are to the housing market (and even the overall market out there) and just think that big players and government are out to get them. I'm not saying there isn't corruption or that there aren't things we shouldn't look into and see if we can make changes. But as we look at the kind of changes we should make, it does take actually understanding the problem so that the changes we do make actually have an effect. Subsidizing new developments is a great way to go. My area has opportunity zones, that if a developer develops certain properties (such as low-income housing), they get tax breaks, tax credits, and other benefits locked in for 10+ years that provides a very competitive incentive to other types of developments.

On the other hand, having moved to a neighborhood where most of my neighbors are retired, I find that there are a lot that really want neighborhoods to be laid out the same way as they've always been. They are against higher density housing, apartments, condos, etc that may provide more affordable options for more people. It's an interesting problem that you run into when looking into zoning laws and local communities thoughts on what kind of developments they will accept in their "backyard."


Graham should I wait to buy a house, I've been looking around for a few months and prices are just getting higher and higher.
Paying in full no mortgage.


"Owning a home is a keystone of wealth, both financial affluence and emotional security." – Suze Orman


How long until Elon tries to get into modular housing 😂


“What’s up guys it’s Graham here. I would like to start off be apologising for what happened”


The reason there’s a housing crisis is because the covid response resulted in a massive misallocation of resources. Dropping rates to record lows while handing out printed money meant a ton of people ended up purchasing property they shouldn’t have been able to afford. Everyone else meanwhile refinanced their mortgages and got to pay back their reduced payments with inflated dollars, meaning they had no incentive to sell. All of this was essentially a massive wealth transfer to property owners at the expense of the younger generations looking to buy in a market with very little supply.


GTH Graham. You’re part of the reason a family today can’t and will never be able to afford a home


Yet none of the complainers are moving to small dying cities with tons of homes for sale for sub $400k and 1600sqft starter homes under $200k. Sorry not sorry you cant afford a 3500sqft house in San Diego while you laugh at flyover country.


Dude awesome job! Keep up the good work pumping iron too!


Why did you block me on the GS channel? =(
