10 Most Dangerous Birds In The World

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10 Most Dangerous Birds In The World
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Birds seem calm and peaceful but with those sharp beaks, razor
claws, and beady eyes, these can be pretty dangerous as
well...some even be like serial killers!
And you would not want to hold the one with poison on its skin!
So stick around, as we are going to show you the 10 most
dangerous birds in the world.
The shoebill stork is an impressive and somewhat ugly dinosaur-
like bird that is found in Uganda.
Shoebills have quite an unusual appearance due to the giant beak
in the middle of its face. This beak looks just like a shoe…
That goofy-looking bill clapped onto the front of the shoebill's
face may look like a cruel joke of evolution, but it's actually a
lethal tool.
What's more shocking about these birds is that they are meat-
Using that massive beak it hunts on quite unusual prey, including
reptiles and baby crocodiles as well!
That’s right, the shoebill will happily go to town on a freaking
crocodile if the thing happens to cross its path.
Do you know what's even more terrifying?
Shoebills decapitate their prey before eating! After taking its
prey's body into its beak, the shoebill opens its bill just enough
for its victim to poke its head out. Then, the shoebill clamps down
again with its knife-edged beak and removes its prey's head
before swallowing the rest.
Well, after this we must say that these strange-looking birds are
the serial killers of the sky.
No matter how much their skin and feathers look attractive and
brightly colored but you must not touch them.
Pitohui bird of New Guinea is the only bird known to contain a
It's the batrachotoxin, found only in the skin of some South
American poison dart frogs. Feeding just a few milligrams of its
skin to a mouse will kill it in a few minutes.
Discovered back in 1989, by Jack Dumbacher who caught one of
these birds in a net in New Guinea. When he inadvertently
touched his lips after handling the bird, Jack noted that his
tongue and lips went numb. After investigating it was revealed
that there is a presence of batrachotoxin in the bird’s feathers.
But how did it get there?
Investigations revealed that by not making toxins on their own,
these birds get it from the food supply.
Specifically, from a species of beetle, they dine on.
These birds better watch what they eat!
Lammergeier or bearded vultures are the big eaglelike vultures of
the Old World.
Weighing up to 15 pounds with a wingspan of 6 to 10 feet, these
massive birds inhabit mountainous regions. These resemble
eagles due to the feathered face and legs, curved beak, strongly
prehensile feet, and long curved claws.
The most striking fact is that lammergeiers feed on carrion,
especially bones, swallowing bones whole when possible.
When they can’t swallow the pieces, they drop them from heights
as great as 260 feet onto flat rocks below, shattering them into
manageable pieces, accessing the creamy marrow.
The technique being useful when they prey on turtles and other
shelled animals!
You might not want to get into their zones as you can get serious
injuries due to this dropping behavior.
Steely gaze, impressive claws, and large size!
No other bird can beat this prehistoric bird. Cassowaries are living
dinosaurs, descendants of the only dinosaur lineage to survive
the Cretaceous mass extinction about 66 million years ago.
Weighing up to 175 pounds, these are one of the largest birds in
the world, especially the Australian Cassowary and can reach a
height of five feet.
With powerful legs, four inches dagger-like claws strike the
victims as they jump.
These are territorial and aggressive. Unlike emus, cassowaries
can kick in a forward and downward direction. They may also
peck, barge, or head-butt. The commonest injuries they cause in
humans are puncture wounds, lacerations, and bone fractures.
You better not get too close to these killers!
In 1926, a teenage boy was killed while hunting them. Cassowary
toppled over him and slashed the jugular!
Well…you better stay away from this majestic bird.…
Who doesn't admire these seemingly gentle aquatic birds!
And you might never imagine a swan being dangerous.
But better keep your distance from them, as these are notorious
for being aggressive especially while defending their nesting sites.
This bird couple won't hesitate to attack anyone.
50M Videos is the #1 place for all your heart warming stories about amazing people that will inspire you everyday. Make sure to subscribe and never miss a single video!
#viralstory #amazingpeople #50MVideos
Birds seem calm and peaceful but with those sharp beaks, razor
claws, and beady eyes, these can be pretty dangerous as
well...some even be like serial killers!
And you would not want to hold the one with poison on its skin!
So stick around, as we are going to show you the 10 most
dangerous birds in the world.
The shoebill stork is an impressive and somewhat ugly dinosaur-
like bird that is found in Uganda.
Shoebills have quite an unusual appearance due to the giant beak
in the middle of its face. This beak looks just like a shoe…
That goofy-looking bill clapped onto the front of the shoebill's
face may look like a cruel joke of evolution, but it's actually a
lethal tool.
What's more shocking about these birds is that they are meat-
Using that massive beak it hunts on quite unusual prey, including
reptiles and baby crocodiles as well!
That’s right, the shoebill will happily go to town on a freaking
crocodile if the thing happens to cross its path.
Do you know what's even more terrifying?
Shoebills decapitate their prey before eating! After taking its
prey's body into its beak, the shoebill opens its bill just enough
for its victim to poke its head out. Then, the shoebill clamps down
again with its knife-edged beak and removes its prey's head
before swallowing the rest.
Well, after this we must say that these strange-looking birds are
the serial killers of the sky.
No matter how much their skin and feathers look attractive and
brightly colored but you must not touch them.
Pitohui bird of New Guinea is the only bird known to contain a
It's the batrachotoxin, found only in the skin of some South
American poison dart frogs. Feeding just a few milligrams of its
skin to a mouse will kill it in a few minutes.
Discovered back in 1989, by Jack Dumbacher who caught one of
these birds in a net in New Guinea. When he inadvertently
touched his lips after handling the bird, Jack noted that his
tongue and lips went numb. After investigating it was revealed
that there is a presence of batrachotoxin in the bird’s feathers.
But how did it get there?
Investigations revealed that by not making toxins on their own,
these birds get it from the food supply.
Specifically, from a species of beetle, they dine on.
These birds better watch what they eat!
Lammergeier or bearded vultures are the big eaglelike vultures of
the Old World.
Weighing up to 15 pounds with a wingspan of 6 to 10 feet, these
massive birds inhabit mountainous regions. These resemble
eagles due to the feathered face and legs, curved beak, strongly
prehensile feet, and long curved claws.
The most striking fact is that lammergeiers feed on carrion,
especially bones, swallowing bones whole when possible.
When they can’t swallow the pieces, they drop them from heights
as great as 260 feet onto flat rocks below, shattering them into
manageable pieces, accessing the creamy marrow.
The technique being useful when they prey on turtles and other
shelled animals!
You might not want to get into their zones as you can get serious
injuries due to this dropping behavior.
Steely gaze, impressive claws, and large size!
No other bird can beat this prehistoric bird. Cassowaries are living
dinosaurs, descendants of the only dinosaur lineage to survive
the Cretaceous mass extinction about 66 million years ago.
Weighing up to 175 pounds, these are one of the largest birds in
the world, especially the Australian Cassowary and can reach a
height of five feet.
With powerful legs, four inches dagger-like claws strike the
victims as they jump.
These are territorial and aggressive. Unlike emus, cassowaries
can kick in a forward and downward direction. They may also
peck, barge, or head-butt. The commonest injuries they cause in
humans are puncture wounds, lacerations, and bone fractures.
You better not get too close to these killers!
In 1926, a teenage boy was killed while hunting them. Cassowary
toppled over him and slashed the jugular!
Well…you better stay away from this majestic bird.…
Who doesn't admire these seemingly gentle aquatic birds!
And you might never imagine a swan being dangerous.
But better keep your distance from them, as these are notorious
for being aggressive especially while defending their nesting sites.
This bird couple won't hesitate to attack anyone.