10 Most Dangerous Birds On Our Planet

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Hi everyone! From birds that would kill you with a single kick, to stalkers that will harass you all the way home, here are the ten most dangerous birds on Earth.

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10: Great Horned Owl
Owls are some of the most mysterious feathered animals in the world. They're comical, they are sometimes adorable, and they do that weird swivel thing with their head that chills the blood. But owls are also fierce and vicious, specifically the great horned owl. And yes, these owls attack people.

9: Australian Magpie
The Australian magpie is famous for being the most bothersome bird in the country. They are infamous for attacking cyclists, for swooping at people who happen to be walking too close to where they placed their nest, and for being generally annoying. People typically refer to the Australian magpie as the most psychotic bird on earth.

8: Lammergeier
This is the Lammergeier, also known as the bearded vulture. Not only does this bird look dangerous and vile, but it absolutely is. This is the scariest looking bird flying through the skies today. It looks like a prehistoric eagle. The bearded vulture has a wingspan of roughly 10 feet (3 m), it lives in mountainous regions from Central Asia to Spain, and it eats mainly carrion.

7. Red-Tailed Hawk
The red-tailed hawk is a relatively common bird found widely distributed across North America. They weigh very little for such large birds, only between 2 and 4 pounds, with a wingspan that can be up to 56 inches (140 cm). Unlike other birds that fly around looking for prey, the red-tailed hawk generally hunts from a perch.

6. White Swan
Swans are incredibly dangerous animals. These birds are big, weighing up to nearly 30 pounds, and they have a surprising amount of power. However, these birds do not generally kill human beings. You are more likely to suffer a swan attacking your dog or child than attacking you. The males are fierce in defense of their nests, especially during the spring nesting season from April to June.

5: Crowned Eagle
Did you know that primitive humanity was on the menu of the crowned eagles? According to CBS News, there is an extremely ancient fossil of a primitive human child who appears to have died when attacked by a crowned eagle. There are markings around the eye sockets of the ancient skull that suggest an eagle got hold of it and ate it for dinner.

4: Emu
The emu is not the most dangerous flightless bird, it is not the heaviest, and it is not the tallest. However, the emu is the ugliest. There is nothing more unnerving than looking into the beady orange eyes of an ornery emu. And while they are the least threatening of the three giant flightless birds on earth, emus are still pretty dangerous.

3: Ostrich
There is almost nothing more terrifying in the world than a rampaging ostrich. If you thought a cassowary or an emu was big, ostriches can grow to be 9 feet (3 m) tall and over 300 pounds (140 kg). Imagine the strongest person you know with a bad attitude, then add an extra 2 feet and a beak that could rip your face off.

2:Giant Petrel
Forget about sharks and tigers, these birds are straight-up savages. One of the last birds you ever want to be attacked by is a giant petrel. And despite this bird's absolute ferocity, you probably had no idea it even existed. These are serious killers, and there are two different species of giant petrol competing to be the most feared bird of Antarctica. You have the northern giant petrel and the southern giant petrel.

1: Cassowary
This is probably the one you have all been waiting for. The cassowary has long been crowned the most dangerous bird in the entire world. In fact, as recently as April 2019 a man was attacked in Florida and later died in hospital from serious injuries because of a cranky cassowary.
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I can’t believe how much I learned about birds. I really like and enjoy your content Talltanic and thank you for another good video 🙏


Great VID man 👍👍, Nice to see some POWERFUL BIRDS 👌👌
🙏GREETINGS FROM Techie Science youtube channe!🙏


They’re not really dangerous but the skull of a woodpecker is a wonder of nature. Their tongues actually wrap around their brains to protect it from the intense pecking. The Humming bird is the only bird that can flay backwards, it’s flight is more like and insect. Birds are freaking awesome even if they’re not dangerous.


Tayluns?? Umm... lol. Never heard talon pronounced like that. Talon is indeed pronounced TAL-UHN. YEAH I’ll save the rest of the trolls the trouble, “I’m a Karen, Boomer & whatever else” although I am not. Just drives me crazy to hear such a young & inexperienced narrator butcher words that I thought were common sense?


5th to comment also i saw an owl in a zoo it kept on starring at me


Eleven, if you count my ex girlfriend..


Emu's are around 5 feet tall, so they are not taller than most humans. Talons, tal=, like pal, not tailons. Very interesting video, the cassowary is definitely the scariest, it can eviscerate you in one swipe.
