Ep 1 | An introduction | Change of Heart Series | Ali Hammuda

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#AliHammuda #Heart #Soul
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7 reasons the Change of Heart topic being chosen

5:05 1) Before Nabi became a prophet, there is a need to cleanse the heart
7:53 2) the receptor of Islamic content is human hearts
14:22 3) the motivator towards doing of good deeds is the heart
18:37 4)fitnah destination is the heart
24:13 5)home of happiness is the heart
28:03 6) the greatest of all deeds, are the deeds of the heart
32:53 7) the centre of attention in Day of Judgement will be the human heart


i want to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart ya ustadh. I have felt the sweetness of imaan last year throughout the entire year. I came to know about the true path of our righteous predecessors and i chose to follow it and went against everyone else around me. i got kicked out of house i got new friends. My entire life changed. I started seeking islamic knowledge and sharing it. Then SInce november i have been in a very dark place. I was presented with a fitnah/sin in november and since then my heart is obsessed with that and i feel myself slipping away from the deen of Allah. i am in anxiety and feeling disgusted when i look at myself i feel like a pure hypocrite. This series i stumbled upon it last week and it has made me realise that my heart is not dead yet and even if it is, then Allah is the reviver. Allah is more merciful to humankind than a mother to her child.


I sincerely advise everyone to take notes while watching this series, if that is possible and easy for you. Whenever I go through and read my notes again, it is as if I have forgotten 95% of it. This is an insanely beneficial series and we need to take notes and go through them from time to time. May Allah make it easy for us to do good deeds only for His sake and for us to practice what we know. May Allah forgive me and all of us for our sins.


1:34 I've never been, but I believe. The more I learn about Islam, the more I realize that it is me. It is what lives inside of me. I heard the Quran for the first time a month ago, and it is everything that I've been seeking in this life...everything that I've always believed in. I'm so grateful. The love that I have for Allah is untouchable.


Where your heart is
1. when quran is recited
2. During majalis of zikr
3. When you are alone


7 points conveyed by Brother Ali Hammuda (may Allah S.W.T bless him abundantly for doing so) which serve as rectifiers for the heart:

RECTIFIERS OF THE HEART (after identifying and removing the illness that prevents light and guidance from entering your heart) :

1. The Qur'an:

Allah (S.W.T) has brought down perfect speech that causes the skin of the people to tremble after which the skin and hearts of people soften.
There is nothing better at softening the heart than the Kalaam of Allah (S.W.T).

2. Your attachment with this Dunya:

The offerings of life today are more than ever before personalized to fit your nafs/soul. It's tailored to what your desire craves, nothing standard anymore about the offerings of life.

Allah (S.W.T) says " I have not placed 2 hearts in the chest of a man". If the one we have is filled with this Dunya, then where is the space for your Rabb?

Take coffee for example, there are tons of varieties and customizations nowadays to fit everyone's tastes.

Another example is music today with all the genres and stuff which is distracting as heck.

Umar (R.A) has asked us to train ourselves to live a coarse life from time to time because blessings don't last. He asked us to become rough and tough.

Rasool (S.A.W) had asked us to take off our footwear once in a while and walk barefoot to remind ourselves that we are at the end of the day, a poor traveler walking towards our Rabb.

3. Beware of excessiveness in general:

That is going overboard with anything; this behavior affects the heart.

Example: Obesity.
Obesity does take a toll on one's heart as well, as when one's belly is big and full, one won't feel their heart, lethargy takes over and it directly affects the state of their heart and one's ability to worship Allah (S.W.T).

Other examples:
Excessiveness in socializing, sleeping, working, surfing the internet, shopping, laughter.

Excessivness in everything hardens the heart except for worship, the more you engage in worshipping Allah (S.W.T), the more your heart is softened.

4. Be in the companionship of good people:

Rasool (S.A.W) once said, " There are certain people who remind others of Allah (S.W.T) just by the act of looking at them, without a single word being spoken by them."

On the flipside, there are other faces which when looked upon remind you of Shaytaan, laziness and your past ways.

5. Being in the companionship of those who are dying and those who have passed away:
When being in the companionship of people who are on their deathbed, the noises, the atmosphere in general will remind you of death and the fact that we are mere travelers on a journey towards Allah (S.W.T) and this will be our fate sooner later.
Visiting maqbarah's help in this regard immensely as well.

6. Being in your own private company:

Be it during the depths of the night or during the day, there should be a point where you throw away your phone, stop whatever worldly activities you are doing, zoom out and look at the big picture, i.e ponder about the meaning of life.

This is what our Rasool (S.A.W) would do in the Hira cave which used to be a 45 minute trek and is a small dingy cave which had enough space for 1 or 2 people max. Our Rasool (S.A.W) used to sit there for days and ponder over the meaning of life, eventually our Rabb (S.W.T) rewarded our Rasool (S.A.W) immensely and made him our Nabi.

The last one-third of the night is the best time to privately connect with your Rabb. If the last one-third of the night could speak, it would tell you of the sins that were forgiven during it, people who were given Jannah during it, the finances burdens that were allieviated during it, faults, crimes and sins of humanity that were covered during it, children who were given as a blessing to barren parents during it and anxieties and worries that were alleviated during it.

7. Beware of using your heart for other things than what it was created for:

Your heart was designed to be close with Allah (S.W.T), if it is indulged in sin, it will burn with pain.

Imagine somebody trying to drink through their ear, similar is the case with the heart, it was not designed for the things your Rabb has prohibited, indulging in such acts damages it.
The pain and burning you feel in you heart is proportional to the size and time spent indulging in the sin.

Good deeds bring about luminosity in the heart, light in the face, strength in your body, expanse in your provisions and love in the hearts of people for you....Masha Allah
Whereas sins bring about darkness in the face, gloominess in the heart, weakness in the body, limitation in the rizq, provisions and hatred in the hearts of people.

Whenever you knock on a door and it does not open, you have 2 options, to give up or keep knocking on the door of Allah (S.W.T) and soon enough it will open.
This is a journey, it might take you a year, 2 years, 5 or as in the case of our predecessors even 20 but in the end the efforts will pay off and the heart will reach the station where it truly belongs, that is, close to our Rabb.
Our hearts will soften, light will come in and we shall be the happiest Muslims on the planet.


44:00 sheikh talks about the heart and mind being interconnected, as implicated by the Quran. Recent studies have shown that the heart actualy has neutons like the brain has neutons. The heart and mind are infact exchanging information. The mind processes the logistics, and the heart decides how it feels about it. This is hinted at in the quran many times when Allah (swt) says "the hearts dont understand". The heart has the ability to think and process information. SubhanAllah


I can't imagine what have i heard in this lecture . I was completly mind boggling you know we sometimes say always listen your heart instaed your mind now i know that everyone says this. And if i talk about this series amazing, i have not seen like this is like netflid series you know crawing to see another episode but if i will see i could not get much more from it. I would highly reccommended to evryone if you are thinking to watching, watch now.


I also advise people to watch the '12 Principals of Success' by Ustadh Ali Hammuda as that's also extremely beneficial.

Sheikh Abu Bakr Zoud also has very beneficial lectures that make us want to ACT immediately. May Allah bless Usthdh Ali Hammuda and Sheikh Abu Bakr Zoud and grant them and their families Jannatul Firdaws without account.


2 years later and yet this video is underrated. Subhaan Allaah what a lecture. Jazaak Allaah sheikh for taking this initiative


Change of 💖. Allahu Akbar. May Allah beautify and purify our hearts in a way that befits His majesty. Jazakumullhkhaira


That’s how the saying goes ‘listen with your heart and you’ll understand’ 🍃


The key to happiness is the cultivation of virtuous traits. These grow out of pure heart. When our outward form of Ibadah align with our inner spiritual state, we will find contentment in life.


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ،
أحبك في الله ياشيخ علي ،،،بارك الله فيك ..


I had a quadruple heart bypass 3 years ago, after a serious heart attack. At the time I thought of the heart as merely the muscle that pumps blood around the body. How wrong I was.
I found this introductory talk on the subject completely engaging and instructive. I was going to say it’s mind-blowing, but perhaps it’s heart-blowing!? ❤️‍🔥

I agree with the commenter who says it’s best to take notes. There is so much information here. Essential information, so eloquently presented.
Allahu Akbar.


Subhan'Allah.. Finally I got my answer at the end of this lecture.. I used to feel before that there is something happen in heart when we fall in love with someone.. But I never felt that any change happen in brain at that time.. As a Muslim from today, I must believe that center of reasoning is not the brain but it's the heart.. Although there may have strong connection between them what I don't deny..


Elhamdulilah, may Allah bless you with this topic, as it ia extremely important !
We need sound and healthy hearts !


Recent findings: Dr. Armour, in 1991, discovered that the heart has its "little brain" or "intrinsic cardiac nervous system." This "heart brain" is composed of approximately 40, 000 neurons that are alike neurons in the brain, meaning that the heart has its own nervous system.


This series is one of the most beneficial series for me... Especially in the dark times like today..I must listening to it over again to help me stay strong and yet humble with my Khair ustadz and the team... May Allah rewards you and your team for this beautiful lectures...It will never get old inshallah...


Eagerly anticipated the resumption of your lectures. Amazingly structured intro, cannot wait to sit with a pen & take notes. You upload a video from Wales UK? And the ripple affect travels the world… I heard part 1 whilst having my car valeted in Dubai, a world apart SubhanAllah. Will revisit with a pen for sure. May Allah make this a means of sadaqah jaariyah for you, I hope we meet one day InshaAllah as I’ve benefited from you immensely & I particularly love your inspiring lectures as you emphasis is consistently on Quran, Allah, sunnah, salaf, Quran, Quran Quran, Wallahi your words over the years have strengthened me spiritually, of course you are the means and الله is Al-Qawi - بارك. الله فيك
