Kako Resetirati Ford Battery Monitor Sensor (BMS) Ford BMS reset without scanner CHECK DESCRIPTION

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Pomembno je, da imate nameščeno baterijo iste vrste in zmogljivosti. Če je bila predhodno nameščena baterija EFB, je treba znova namestiti EFB (Enhanced Flooded Battery). Nikoli ne nameščajte svinčeve baterije.
Lahko uporabite tudi AGM baterijo.
Če imate senzor akumulatorja na negativnem polu, imate pametni sistem za polnjenje. (Inteligentni sistem obremenitve)
Ta sistem pametnega polnjenja se polni z obremenitveno napetostjo 14,8 voltov. Svinčene kislinske baterije se napolnijo z napetostjo 14,6 voltov.
Pametni sistem za polnjenje iz ford focus mk3 (s sistemom Start / Stop) prepolni svinčen akumulator zaradi česar se baterija se v kratkem času pokvari.

Poglejte negativni pol akumulatorja vašega avtomobila. Ali imate BMS (Battery Monitor Sensor)?
Samo avtomobili (Ford) s sistemom Start / Stop imajo baterijo EFB (Enhanced Flooded Battery) in BMS.
Vsi ostali (starejši Fordi) imajo v sebi običajne svinčeve baterije. Svinčene baterije nimajo BMS.

Za ponastavitev BMS:
1. možnost:
1. Vklopite kontakt (ne zaženite motorja)
2. Vklopite kratki svetlobni pramen
3. Pritisnite 5-krat gumb zadnje meglenke
4. Pritisnite 3-kratni gumb luči za nevarnost
5. Potem naj simbol baterije na merilniku utripne 3-krat
Če ne začne takoj utripati, počakajte 20 sekund

2. možnost:
1. Vklopite kontakt (ne zaženite motorja)
2. Vklopite kratki svetlobni pramen
3. Pritisnite 10-krat gumb zadnje meglenke
4. Pritisnite 10-krat gumb luči za nevarnost
5. Potem naj simbol baterije na merilniku utripne 3-krat
Če ne začne takoj utripati, počakajte 20 sekund

3. možnost:
Za tiste brez zadnje meglenke ali če postopek ne deluje je tu še ena metoda:
1. Vklopite kontakt (izklopljen motor)
2. Petkrat povlecite in spustite dolgi svetlobni pramen
3. Trikrat pritisnite in spustite zavorni pedal
4. Če bo uspelo, bo lučka baterije v naslednjih 15 sekundah trikrat utripnila
5. Ponastavitev BMS je končana

Lahko pa čez noč odklopite (pozitivni in negativni pol) avtomobilske baterije kar
tudi ponastavi BMS.

Important is that you have a battery of the same type and performance installed. If an EFB battery was previously installed, an EFB (Enhanced Flooded Battery) must be installed again. Never install a lead acid battery.
Alternatively you can use a AGM battery.
If you have a battery sensor on negative pole, you have a smart charge charging system. (Intteligent load system)
This smart charge charging system charges with 14.8 volts load voltage. Lead acid batteries are charged with 14.6 volts.
The smart charge charging system from the ford focus mk3 (with Start/Stop system) overcharge a lead acid battery. Battery is broken in a short time.

Look at your car battery negative pole. Do you have a BMS (Battery Monitor Sensor)?
Only cars (Ford) with Start/Stop System have a EFB battery (Enhanced Flooded Battery) and a BMS.
All others (old Ford's) have normal lead-acid batteries in it. Lead batteries do not have a BMS.

For a reset of the BMS:
Option 1:
1. Switch on ignition (do not start engine)
2. Switch on dipped beam
3. Press 5x the rear fog light button
4. Press 3x hazard lights button
5. Then the battery symbol in the speedometer should flash 3x quickly
If it does not flash immediately, wait 20 seconds

Option 2:
1. Switch on ignition (do not start engine)
2. Switch on dipped beam
3. Press 10x the rear fog light button
4. Press 10x hazard lights button
5. Then the battery symbol in the speedometer should flash 3x quickly
If it does not flash immediately, wait 20 seconds

Option 3:
For those of you without a rear Fog lamp, or if the process does not work. here is another method:
1. Switch ignition on (engine off)
2. Pull and release high beam 5 times
3. Press and release brake pedal 3 times
4. If successful the battery light will flash 3 times within the next 15 seconds
5. BMS reset completed

Alternatively you can disconnect (positive and negative pole) car battery over night.
This also resets BMS.
Рекомендации по теме

Yup..this method definitely works on my 65plate 1.5 zetec diesel. Just fitted a new bosch battery today now my start / stop is working fine 🙂.
Great video thank you for uploading it


Hello, Thanks for the video.
I have tried all three methods on my Kuga 2018 but neither worked. I haven't changed the battery yet, I just wanted to make sure that it works before I change it.
Do they only work after changing the battery or should they work any time?
Thanks for your help.


Buenas noches, tengo una Ecosport 2018 2.0 GDI AT 4x4.
Quisiera saber si alguno sabe cómo se resetea este sensor (BMS) de forma manual si es que se puede. Desde ya muchas gracias. Saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷🇦🇷
