Needle Galaxy from a White Zone - Full processing in PixInsight!

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(Timestamps below)
This is my full processing workflow on the Needle Galaxy, that we pre-processed in the previous video - Using PixInsight and all my usual workflow tools.

I am so sorry about the echo in the second part of the video - I am not sure what caused it. I think a software problem with the screen casting software I am using...

00:00 Introduction & Initial analysis
01:25 Rotation and Dynamic Crop
02:25 Background Extraction / Correction
03:25 Deconvolution
14:14 Photometric Color Calibration
15:55 Masked Stretch
17:04 Curves Transformation
18:35 HDRMultiscaleTransform
20:18 Noise Reduction
21:47 Curves for contrast
22:52 Local Histogram Equalization
23:50 Saturation / Desaturation
28:05 Final Result and conclusion

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I had an image of 4565 from earlier in the year and went along with you and reprocessed it. I had a great time and learned a lot! Thanks so much.


Such an awesome video! Been following you for a week or so and finally, with your help, brought my images to the next level! Very glad i found you.


Cuiv, great video, thanks for showing your process. I made the jump into AP about a year ago. I live in St. Louis, Missouri and also have to contend with heavy light pollution, Bortle 8. I've had some success with shooting and processing narrow band images. I love imaging galaxies and have really struggled to pull out detail because of the sky glow. I followed your process in these two videos and was amazed at how good M31 turned out for me. Please don't stop making these videos, they have been very helpful for those of us that are learning AP in heavy light pollution. Clear Skies!
-Jeff Kisslinger


Great video as usual, learn more with each video of yours I watch. Thank you!


Holy crap Cuiv!!! Good thing I wasn't trying to follow along 😳 You are so quick and precise with everything and the outcome is amazing.


Hi Cuiv,
As usual from you, an extremely informative video! Though with some drawbacks for PI newbies as I am: mask creations are a bit rapid, and some actions on the HistogramTransformation window are hidden by your camera one on bottom right corner. Then I attempt to make some back and forth stops to get all I need to process my M101 image which looks very similar to your Needle Galaxy one in terms of background and so.
Clear skies,


You are god of astrophotography! My brain exploded😀


Awesome video Cuiv. Just wanted to point out that while you were doing PSF, you did not select all the stars so you basically created a PSF from one star only as opposed to all the stars you picked from your image. Just thought I'd point that out.


I wonder if the deconvolution can be spatially variant: so it can account for changes in local PSF as it varies over the image. Maybe a procedure can be created that does a patch wise deconvolution, with masking for each region with its local PSF, followed by blending across the boundaries? Hmmm.


Another great video. Almost ready to retry my PI subscription. Always so intimidated and have been forcing my processing into pure PS and Astronomy Tools action set. Was that the ASI 533MC Pro. I have been so impressed with mine and the OPtoLong L Pro filters in my light polluted sky also.


Hi Cuiv. I can see in your integrated image, before all processing, that it appears to be a redish "smog" in the background. I understand that its a drawback from light pollution. its that correct? I also understood that its an effect that we cannot avoid shooting in broadband even with LP filters (I use the Baader Neodymium Moon & SkyGlow and see the same effect), its that correct also?


Love the videos but you work so quick!!! It would be great if you do a set of videos for idiots and beginners on PI. Any chance? 😬


I assume it is useful to oversample or dither and drizzle prior to deconvolution?


Nice video :) could you go through the polar alignment feature in Nina? Thanks!


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Hi Lazy Geek!

Could you make a video on this topic?
How do you plan your night when shooting LRGB for galaxys etc?

How many subs of each filter? Do you take one filter one day, one the next day or do you take them in a Loop --->Lum 30 subs-->Red 30 subs-->Green 30 subs--->Blue 30 subs--->Lum 30 subs etc?

Is there a "rule" of how many more Lum shots you take than RGB?


Try calibrating without optimize on. With the ZWO Cmos cameras it seems to do more harm than good. I cant use it when I calibrate "the hard way" lol


Isn't Tokyo the most light-polluted area on earth?


Good video, thank you, but way too fast. It's VERY hard to keep up with you and see exactly what you're doing without constantly stopping, rewinding, stopping, rewinding. If you could slow way down and if you need to, break it into parts, it would be more helpful to more people.
