What is Project 2025? Project 2025 Explained | 5 Criticisms of Project 2025

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Have you heard about Project 2025? In this video, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about Project 2025 including 5 criticisms. Remember, if you disagree with Project 2025 or its criticisms, please don’t dislike the video, but instead, respectfully comment your thoughts below.

Project 2025, led by The Heritage Foundation, is a comprehensive initiative designed to prepare for a potential conservative administration starting in January 2025. It is structured around four main pillars: policy development, personnel recruitment and training, and strategic planning for the early days of the new administration.

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“The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood he was one of them.”
― Turkish Proverb


I’m a republican and I have traditional values. However; I don’t like people being FORCED to align with my beliefs.


This is what a road to a dictatorship looks like. As a Catholic Christian, I always believed that having faith was for me, not to push my beliefs onto others. It was for my own personal growth. To have the Heritage Foundation slither themselves into our government is ludicrous. This MUST NOT HAPPEN.


The road to a dictatorship may be shorter than you think but coming back to our democracy would a journey possibly longer than we can endure.


The ones who shout freedom the most sure don't like freedom for all


I don't want the Heritage Foundation in charge of any part of my life.


As someone who actually loves freedom, the whole being FORCED on people is the quickest way for me to despise something. I may disagree with people, hell even make fun of them, but I would never force anyone to believe in how I do.


As a younger person who cant vote yet I heard about protect 2025 and saw that it would impact my education so I decided to research it.This truly shakes me to my core I do not believe that just one religion should be projected onto the school System. This is terrifying and I'm truly afraid for the future of our country if project 2025 is enacted. 😔


I am a retired fed employee with 42 years of service. In my agencies, the focus was NEVER on ANY ideological issues. It was always, who can do the job! These ideas are insane!


"all that is required for evil to flourish is for good men to be quiet"


This is just scary. I can see my freedom shrinking fast


I haven't read the other comments, so this might be redundant in places. The video was objective and simple. But he neglected to even mention 80% of Project 2025 which deals with the dismantling or converting ALL government agencies, privatizing them, or leaving it to states to deal with such things as severe local, regional, and state disasters. The complete elimination of FEMA would leave local, state, and regional resources to deal with catastrophic disasters from hurricanes, widespread tornado outbreaks, wildfires, and floods.

I was in the 2011 multi-state tornado outbreak. The region from Texas to the Carolinas was crippled. We couldn't even clear our roads because we did not have the resources. So all kinds of utility trucks, debris removal trucks, and many other sources of help had to come from other areas of the country. People also relied on FEMA for monetary disaster relief, temporary homes, and many other things.

I hope everyone living in areas which tend to have disasters from season to season are aware of Project 2025's total elimination of FEMA . There are many people who criticize government agencies, but when they have a disaster or catastrophe, they cry out to the government, "Please help us!" This is the widespread ignorance in our country about government, what it does and how we do have the power to criticize what it does wrong. This will disappear if Republicans win add Project 2025 is implemented.

People need to wake up. Anyone tackling the problem of explaining Project 2025 had better be ready to perhaps expand their usual time limit and truly explain the overall plans and the damage that it would cause the American people, even Trump supporters.

The Department of Education will be dissolved. There will be no more Public Schools K through 12 through college. What will be in its place maybe things like charter schools that can only teach information in the Bible. Project 2025 wants to get rid of all types of Education that teach sciences, probably performing arts, nothing but religion. Schools will become churches. So I imagine there will be many families who want to homeschool their kids as they try to find a job if they have been fired as a career civil servants because they didn't wave the flag for Trump and learn all the words to their new national anthem.

No one can make a simple video or should even try to make a simple video about an issue that would SHRED our government, our freedoms, our diversity, and our rights.

Do you think Project 2025 supports free speech? Just try to go to a protest. You will be shot.

Republicans have lately been saying to their constituents how beautiful Russia is! That's because that is the system they want here. And it's not beautiful. It's a dictatorship. If you want to challenge Putin in election, you will be killed as we all know.

If you want to make a simple video, just make a video about all of the things that will be eliminated or changed, as was mentioned briefly, so that only far-right ideologues being in all positions of power.

And these are only just a small handful of things that will happen. Wake up, America. Vote for the Democratic candidate whoever he or she is. The alternative is the end of elections all together. We will be living under a dictator.

Trump would be in power for the rest of his life and when he dies someone younger will stay in power for the rest of his life.

Wake up, vote blue no matter who, and take it upon yourselves to learn more about Project 2025.

Videos like this barely scratch the surface. It's better to work your way through a longer document or a longer video and get a better idea of the disaster that is waiting us if Republicans win the election.

And it will hurt a lot of conservatives and Trump supporters, too. Trump has said he is now willing to cut Social Security and Medicare. Additional funding and assistance for farmers will be dramatically reduced. Not to mention the weather disasters which often occur in the South, and many Trump supporters are usually the victims.

Learn the truth about the scope of Project 2025. All checks and balances will be eliminated. The so-called president/dictator would have UNLIMITED POWER, even to assassinate his political rivals.

Don't stop at one very brief, oversimplified video. Keep learning about Project 2025, because it will affect all of us - - democrats, republicans, conservatives, libertarians, independants, everybody.


I am no longer a republican. I can’t allign with this madness.


Retired defense contractor here. We never even thought of making a decision based on politics. Our oath is to the country, not a political party.


There HAS to be better options for government control/policies than the regime choices we are given every election cycle...
It's a shame that this nation is so utterly polarized that people feel compelled to vote either red or blue just for the sake of spiting the other side. We TRULY need to unite together and end this cycle of madness.


Suggest to have this video translate in other languages so that elderly who do not understand English but have voting rights would be able to understand project 2025 prior to making informed decision before going to the poll.


Issue is, when you actually read this document, You realize they named it wrong.. it should have been named "How to become a dictator, for dummies" ..


Even this kid-glove, neutral-language, basic explication should frighten anyone who believes in democracy. Well done.


The fact that so many people want to stand up and say “i don’t think some people should have rights” scares me. Why do people want this😢


I had only heard of it the first time a few days ago so went and looked it up and read for a while. Enough to know that it is not a good thing.
