Myasthenia Gravis

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I was diagnosed with MG about 2 months ago. I am 73 years oil. I believe it was brought on my my immune system over reaction to a bad bout of blood poisoning the year before and the this year two very strong pain-killing injections that I had for a long term prolapsed disc in my back.

In terms of MG I initially had moderate symptoms of double vision and muscle fatigue. I've had a busted back for 50 years and have managed that. So I will manage MG. If you have a chronic rather than a fatal ailment it can be managed. Here's what I have learned to date.

Before I continue, understand that with MG everyone is a different case. Never forget this. Some people go into remission. Some get worse. This trend cannot be affected by you. It is your body that does he talking. No special foods or exercise really makes much difference. It's he luck of the draw. Just don't get obese.That helps no one at any time.

Also the aliment is insidious in that it can vary even during the day in terms of the severity of the symptoms. Sometimes it 'ambushes' you when you least expect it.

Your muscles are in groups and like the batteries of a computer if you use a big battery for a big job it runs down and is slower to 'recharge' than small ones.

The main muscle groups that affect MG are: eyes, mouth for chewing and swallowing, (including the euthansian tubes in your ears), neck muscles to hold your head up, arms, chest for breathing, thighs, and calves.

Once you get treatment the small muscles tend to improve rapidly.

The big muscles take time to recharge, especially the thighs. Even if you are not doing much, your thigh muscles carry your weight, so they run out of charge. Being big, they take the longest time to recharge.

I find the biggest triggers of problems with MG are STRESS and LACK OF SLEEP caused by the steriods. Note you need to take an injection every 6 months to guard against bone death caused by he steriods.

Having MG is like being on a roller coaster because how you feel can vary 3 times in a day., Sometimes I feel as if I'm not going o make it. At others, in the same day, I feel pretty well okay.

Also note that the medication contributes a great deal of the negative symptoms, especially when in comes to lack of sleep; however, if you want to survive, you have n o choice other than to take them.

Move forward day-to-day. You have no choice.

Remember often you will feel that you aren't going to make it, but you will. Just try to also bear in mind that maybe even after a few hours of rest, you will feel better.

I hope this helps someone.


Just to say thank you for all your wonderful videos all these years, they have been very helpful.


Great work, love your teaching method, wish I found you earlier


Thank you and God bless you for teaching and sharing ❤❤❤❤❤


Thank you so much for everything that you teaching. From Bolivia. 🎉😊❤


Father God, I pray for all those who are suffering this disease called Myasthenia Gravis, (MG) which I too suffered from this for 5 months. Lord Jesus I pray that you heal them supernaturally as you did from me in Christ Jesus mighty name. Read this scripture in the Old Testament.
Isaiah 53:5 KJV But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.


What u need all this when there's no cure..


Alhamdulillah setelah 5 bulan saya bisa sembuh total seperti sebelumnya. Awalnya takut dan pesimis . Terutama mata, pandangan ganda, kelopak turun, badan lemah kesemutan tak bisa berdiri seperti orang lumpuh, Susah nelan. Bicara seperti orang sumbing, kepala terasa sangat berat berat dan nyeri. Gejala mulai membaik setengah 2 bulan, tapi penglihatan masih ganda. Setelah 3 bulanan otot mata mulai menguat. Jalan2 sekitar rumah mulai kuat, meskipun gampang capek. 4 bulan penglihatan mulai kembali Normal, setelah 5 bulan sudah sembuh. Sekarang sudah bisa bekerja seperti biasa, bahkan sdh bisa olahraga tenis


Wow! Great job.
Thank you Dr., Nobody have explain this disease to me before.
I am a Nigerian, I was diagnosed of Ocular Myasthenia gravis since April 2021.pls help me Dr.


at 4x it stills feel slow watching this video


Great work, love your teaching method, wish I found you earlier
