The Ultimate Behringer XR18 IEM Rig

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Have you ever wished you could get more out of your Behringer XR18 IEM setup? In this video I discuss pairing the Behringer XR18 and the Midas DN4816-0 together for the ultimate XR18 IEM rig.

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Products shown in this video:
Behringer X-Air XR18 Mixer:

Midas DN4816-O:

Sennheiser XSW IEM Wireless In-ear Monitoring System

00:00 Intro
00:55 Overview of the Behringer XR18 IEM Standard Setup
01:58 Adding in the Midas DN4816-O as a Digital Split
03:10 Setting up the Midas DN4816-O on the Behringer XR18
04:30 Routing on the XR18 for Digital Split
05:55 Careful of Preamp Gain for a Digital Split
06:38 Linking Auxes to be Stereo
09:15 Getting more IEM Sends out of the XR18
13:00 Getting 11 Mono IEM Sends out of the Behringer XR18
15:29 Conclusion
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Excellent narration and explanations in this video. This helps to clarify what can be a somewhat overwhelming piece of technology for some folks. The XR-18 and mixers in that series have a ridiculous amount of horse power under the hood for what they are. Navigating through all of that and keeping it straight and organized can be a challenge. I suspect a pretty good percentage of people who buy the xr-18 either don't really understand what it can truly do, or don't come close to utilizing what it can do. Just it's audio interface capabilities put a lot of so called audio interfaces to shame. Then there is the basic mixer which is jam packed with features and functions. Then the aux busses, 4 FX slots, all the EQ, compression and gating, very very flexible routing options, then the ultranet stuff, then you can get into midi connectivity and programming which is yet another whole bucket of worms. I have been considering a splitter snake to be able to use my xr-18 for IEMs when we play somewhere that has a full house system. But a rack mounted splitter snake with cables and so on is as much or more money than the Midas DN4816-O. So, thanks for the really great video, I know what I need now for a much more slick and made to order solution. Oh, and just my opinion, but if someone using any mixer doesn't understand how to set the head amp gains properly, they have no business touching a mixer. If you're new, learn. If you crank the gains because you think it's better, go learn your bass parts properly before going anywhere near the mixer :)


I'm in Brazil, thanks for your service. We love you!


You can also add up to 2 mono ouputs while still using all the inputs. Go to the setup page, click on the monitor tab and then select Bus 5/6 as the monitor source. After that, go to the In/Out page, then go to Aux Out and you want to tap Aux 5 to Effect 1 and Aux 6 to FX 2.

Auxes 1 and 2 will be the first stereo mix (Buses 1-2), Auxes 3 and 4 will be the 2nd stereo mix (Buses 3-4), Phones output jack wil be the 3rd stereo mix (Buses 5-6), Aux 5 will be a mono mix (FX 1 Bus), Aux 6 will be another mono mix (FX 2 Bus). As you already explained in this video, it's also possible to use the Main LR out as a stereo IEM mix.


Midas DN4816-0 is affected by any gain changes the performers make in the XR18. As a FOH sound guy, I do NOT want them making changes to my signal, or any sound coloration from the preamps, or latency from A/D D/A conversion. Good old fashioned analog splitter snake is still 100% the better way to go. But thanks for yet another informative video! :)


The knowledge and insight I gain from you are invaluable. Keep up the fantastic work you're doing! Wishing you continued blessings. BHOC


We also use XR18 and DN4816-O for our band as IEM rig. But it happened several times that the FOH sound engineer reported that the signal from DN4816-O is too hot when I set the gain to average (and recommended) -18dB on XR18. So our solution is to set the gains to -30dB. Of course, this results in a lower signal-to-sum ratio, but it's still imperceptible for live playing.
Another problem that gave us quite a hard time was occasional loud noise on some output channels on the DN4816-O. Eventually we found out on reddit that it was probably a bad masterclock synchronization. The solution is simple - turn on DN4816-O after XR18 is fully up and running.


Hello Drew, Thanx for the clear explanation. One question is there an internal way to send an effect like reverb to the in ear busses?


Thanks for your teaching. Please I love you to make, a video connecting x air mixer to a drive rack pa or pa+ and connect to live sessions


Fantastic tutorial as usual, keep up the great work Drew


There I was, wondering how to get an "alternate" output from the XR18....
Then the DN4816-O segment began and I realized you were saying "ulTRAnet!"
Great video, as always.


Thank you for this brother! Your vids are awesome! ❤❤❤


Nick from Vanuatu, thanks for the informitive videos mate.


Always enjoying your content watching from Bolivia ❤


This is more or less the setup I built for our string band. I’m using a transformer isolated analog split but otherwise pretty similar. We’ve had lots of issues with RF interference from the Sennheiser XSW system. Wondering if a larger combined antenna setup would alleviate these issues but otherwise it’s been a great setup


Love the x air 18! I use it for my in ears. And I use your presets!


Great vid…. A very important piece of information is that the outputs are LINE level, post gain. A FOH guy should catch this but still probably a good idea to mention it.


Combining this setup with waves superrack performer is the ultimate ultimate rig 😅


I want to run ultranet from my X32 Rack to the DN4816-0 then to the inputs on the XR18 so I can have eq, compression on each channel so the in ears can sound more like live music


Waiting this kind of great video on studiolive III mixer


Or you could use the Powerplay 16's and Ultranet and get 16 channels - creating your own stereo mix. We've been doing this in my band for 8 years- it's a great setup.
