How to fix Steam games From Crashing - 7 Methods!

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Today ill be showing you how to stop steam from crashing your games or stopping them before you even play them.

I have a total of 7 Methods ill be showing you although the 6th and 7th one isn't really in the video and is more like a reminder to update your games and/or Graphics card or Windows.


Method 1.
Right click your game and go to Properties, Go to Local files and Verify integrity of game files and wait for the Loading bar to finish, Then try playing your game.

Method 2.
Right click your game and go to Properties, Go to Local Files, Go to Browse and Find your game throughout its Directory and Double click on it and run it from there.

Method 3 (similar to Method 2.)
Right click your game and go to Properties, Go to Local Files, Go to Browse, Find your game and Right click on it, Go to Run as Admin and try playing from there.

Method 4.
Open Steam, Go to the Top-left corner of steam and go to settings, Go to Downloads, Go to the bottom of the tab, Click on Delete Download Cache and BE SURE TO KNOW YOUR PASSWORD AND USERNAME!

Method 5.
Right click on your Task bar or on your Windows Logo on the task bar, Go to Task Manager and left-click, If your Task bar open up in a small Task bar go to the Bottom Left and click More Details, Find your Steam Application and Click on it then End task in the bottom right. You can restart your pc if you want to ensure its full-effect to make sure that your game will run.

Method 6.
Ensure you have updated your Windows or Graphics card(s), Games cannot run if they aren't updated or if your hardware isn't fully updated so ensure that everything is up-to-date before gaming out!

Method 7.
This method really wasn't in the video but i have been thinking about it before adding it to the video but if all 6 Methods don't work, Try Re-installing your game, There may be a corrupted file within your game saves or directory so re-installing would 100% fix your problem.

Thats all the methods that i have to offer and i hope in some way that i have fixed your games from crashing or unexpectedly stopping. I also hope you do have and end up having a good day!

Please be sure to Subscribe and like as it really and truly does help me with making more videos, You guys give me motivation to keep going!

If you want to know the song that was playing in the background it is this:

Do understand that this song is No copyright / Royalty free but although i still think that the Creator of the song should get his/hers rights towards this song and credibility.

Although this is the end for my video, i hope you have enjoyed and ill see you all later in the future with upcoming videos.
Рекомендации по теме

SCP:SL didn't work until I used method 3. Thank you, you're a life saver


Non of this worked, I can start every game I want to but then, after about 1min it keeps crashing and this happens with every game, I really don't know what to do


Can we just take a second to realise this man has played beamng drive for a month in total


Thx bro I couldn’t play dbd for some reason and I thought I wasted my money thx bro much love❤️❤️


Thank you for all these possible solutions, I've tried every single one and it may be the combination of all the ways you mentioned that worked out. It also works if your game is always crashing at the same sequence while playing. And it works for old games from 2000-2005 like SW KOTOR (2003) as well.


Thank you so much I was stressing I deleted steam reinstalled my games and it kept happening, thanks bro I owe you now lol you’ve earned my subscription


Thank you ive been trying to make it past the zero cool mission in saints row 4 and it kept crashing on me in the same place i was too excited to put the controller down to write this when it worked after month


I just downloaded my hero one's justice. When i open the game it loads, but after acouple of seconds it closes itself without any reason.


i load the game it takes some time and it closes for no reason i check on steam and it shows the play button not the running button what do i do?


I had an issue with Steam in which some games (Assassin's Creed Origins, Grand Theft Auto V) which wouldn't connect me to their servers when I tried launching the games from within Steam and after many different attempts to solve this issue, I thought of launching the games separetly from their launchers alone, without opening Steam, and it actually fixed my problem and now I can once again launch those games from within Steam.

Now the more complicated issue I had was with Forza Horizon 5, which I also own on Steam and I don't have any launcher for that so I just went with my gut and went into its files location in my PC (on Steam Right Click on the game Manage > Browse Local Files), then from the folder I selected the .exe file or the Application icon that launches the game then Right Click on it and there was the option "Troubleshoot compatibility" and so I clicked that, I followed the steps and then I launched the game from there and it once again worked and now I can start the game from within Steam without any issue.

Hope this might solve your problem if the solutions from the video didn't work as it didn't for me either.


thank you man I started thinking somthin got corrupted or somthing like that for a little bit


I'm so confused...I've recently had a problem where I can't one run specific game. Everything is updated, I've done literally everything, including uninstalling and reinstalling the game and it is still not working...has this happened to anyone?


My issue is when i launch Phasmophobia or Wallpaper Engine and then a transparent square appears steam shows up with it saying (Steam Not Responding) same when i check integredy of the files


You know he's professional when he got the pyro profile picture




I keep crashing on the loading screen everytime I try to run storm chasers, any way I can fix this? It's very very annoying especially when you pay $13 for a game you can't even play


Thank you man, rec room just kept on crashing on the menu, the first thing helped a lot

Also fixed the loading time


Thanks bro i re-installed GTA V - (4 times) because of this problem and finally it was incompatible graphic driver and it was automatically updated


i have this with games but instead they crash after around 30 minutes of playtime, and the audio just glitches out and my computer restarts, does that fix that aswell?


you are an absolute legend i payed 20 euros and spore didnt work thanks to you now it does
