Zabbix-Agent & send it to Zabbix-Server (Docker)
Показать описание
Zabbix agent is deployed on a monitoring target to actively monitor local resources and applications (hard drives, memory, processor statistics etc).
The agent gathers operational information locally and reports data to Zabbix server for further processing. In case of failures (such as a hard disk running full or a crashed service process), Zabbix server can actively alert the administrators of the particular machine that reported the failure.
In the agent side
$ apt update
$ apt install zabbix-agent
$ cd /etc/zabbix/
Lines need to be Uncommented:
1- Line 47 DebugLevel=3
2- Line 64 EnableRemoteCommands=1 and enable by one
3- Line 72 LogRemoteCommands=1 and enable it by one
4- Line 85 Server=IP-Address-Of-Your-Server
5- Line 93 ListenPort=10050
6- Line 126 ServerActive=IP-Address-Of-Server
7- Line 137 Commentout if you can resolve the hostname
Save the file and restart you zabbix-agent
$ server zabbix-agent restart
Check your agent is running
$ service zabbix-agent status
Check your zabbix-agent
$ netstat -lnp | grep zabbix
The zabbix-server side
Docker commands to help:
To check the logs from the zabbix-server
$ docker container logs -f zabbix
To check the logs from the zabbix-server database
$ docker container logs -f zabbix-db
If you want to restart the container
$ docker container restart zabbix-db
$ docker container restart zabbix
Don't start the zabbix before the zabbix-db it won't work and it will cause errors and you will need to restart them both again
The agent gathers operational information locally and reports data to Zabbix server for further processing. In case of failures (such as a hard disk running full or a crashed service process), Zabbix server can actively alert the administrators of the particular machine that reported the failure.
In the agent side
$ apt update
$ apt install zabbix-agent
$ cd /etc/zabbix/
Lines need to be Uncommented:
1- Line 47 DebugLevel=3
2- Line 64 EnableRemoteCommands=1 and enable by one
3- Line 72 LogRemoteCommands=1 and enable it by one
4- Line 85 Server=IP-Address-Of-Your-Server
5- Line 93 ListenPort=10050
6- Line 126 ServerActive=IP-Address-Of-Server
7- Line 137 Commentout if you can resolve the hostname
Save the file and restart you zabbix-agent
$ server zabbix-agent restart
Check your agent is running
$ service zabbix-agent status
Check your zabbix-agent
$ netstat -lnp | grep zabbix
The zabbix-server side
Docker commands to help:
To check the logs from the zabbix-server
$ docker container logs -f zabbix
To check the logs from the zabbix-server database
$ docker container logs -f zabbix-db
If you want to restart the container
$ docker container restart zabbix-db
$ docker container restart zabbix
Don't start the zabbix before the zabbix-db it won't work and it will cause errors and you will need to restart them both again