My Husband's Spending Habits Are Killing Our Marriage!

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My ex was an alcoholic and an over spender and a packrat. I tried marriage counseling. He went once and said there is no problem, it's all in my head. He never went back. I stopped enabling him and started stashing money to leave. Best decision I ever made.


My switch flipped and husband changed overnight. I told him I can’t die broke and in debt. I told him he had one chance and done. He stopped going to stores. He still doesn’t go. We are getting out of debt. We are snowballing. We only have two snowballs left.


That is exactly why my marriage ended. I was married to a child and he said something and I suddenly felt trapped and I WAS DONE. I still went to counseling and he still didn't grow up. I know what it's like to have that switch flip. It was instant. I wasn't mad, sad or resentful. I was just done.


I am quitting smoking this week ... to save money and save my life. Its freaking hard. I am on my 3rd day. Yesterday was terrible but I did not cave in. Today is better. I constantly want a cigarette, but I HAVE to stop.


When I finally realized my spending was due to my childhood of unmet wants, I was able to control my spending. My parents through no fault of their own were barely able to supply daily needs. This left me wanting for everything I saw. Now I know I can live without things, and my family has benefited from my revelation. Learn to live for God and family and things will lose their hold on you.


My husband was stuck in the mindset that we would never own a home or have a fall back money stash so he sabotaged me by over spending. After 29 years I threatened to divorce him. Our children were 20-28 years old and would have been devastated. That finally made him seek wisdom from my older brother and go to see a financial advisor. Our financial advisor was able to give my husband hope and a plan. Fast forward ten years and we have been able to retire with 40% more money than se even thought we had. Social security knew where we had money we'd forgotten about. We are happy and he is forever grateful I pushed him to believe he/we could do better and deserved better. This March we will celebrate 40 years of marriage, warts and all.


I felt this one in my heart. After the lies, abuse, and out of control spending time and time again.. the switch has flipped. I married a boychild 😫


When i married my ex i sold rental property and paid off $11, 000 in credit card debit. I helped make extra payments on his truck and 4-wheeler. He isn't happy unless he is in a ton of debit. We divorced and he has ran his debit back up. He is wanting to come home now. It will never happen. He will pay it this time by himself or default.


Dave is 100% spot on. My mum has been a marriage counsellor for 30 years. When the husband calls because the wife has been hassling for months/years and then finally walks out, so he calls, it can NEVER be fixed. She still tries, but it has never worked. She says that once a woman has checked out of a marriage, she’s done.


I was there with my 1st husband! He became my ex-husband over10 yrs ago thank GOD!!!!


The way he describes a woman being done with s relationship is so true. I know when I was dating that's exactly how I was.


"Sometimes I want a chocolate chip cookie, shut up" 😂😂😂


This is exactly what I am going through right now. A constant rollercoaster. So tired of it.


Husbands and wives should have a competition. See who can spend the least


Identified with the switch flip, it happens so fast and so decidedly


My ex is like that too, spending like he has a bottomless checking account. He was 36 when we were together. Holding a restaurant job but living high end apartment, driving fancy car, never has the ends meet. His zero sense of budget makes him a life long loser.


Dave is correct about the switch, happened to me with my ex. He was the same as the letter writer and was tired of his stuff. Been happy without him since.


Have her husband watch this video! Please change, sir, or you'll lose her!


Spot on Dave! When a woman is done, there is no turning back!
Some men learned it the hard way!


It’s some facts in here cause that switch flip is something that I feel when dealing with immaturity in my relationship. Whew I don’t know how long I can hang on...
