Pearl Davis debates Michael Knowles on risks of marriage for men in the West

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Thank Pearl, you have stated exactly what happened to me at 49. No children and a ruined reputation based on complete and utter lies. God bless your work.


It's too bad.They took marriage and flushed it down the toilet.It's just a shame.I'm a Christian and I would never get married so unbelievable.I feel ashamed but I can't trust the court system


100% agreed! Family courts are generally very biased against men!


One woman a week, in Australia, dies from domestic abuse.


Pearl demolished Michael. He had no coherent come back.


Sorry you guys are or have gone through that..

As someone who almost did, i IMPLORE YOU to “keep the receipts”.

Record any crazy behavior (get cameras for the house, every room, let her know where the cameras are for legal reasons.. even your phone when out of the house. You can just act like you’re on it, start recording video..) she said i put hands on her and whatnot…

The REAL friends i had didn’t believe her. HER friends that asked me what happened, i sent them the receipts and “i got all the kids in the divorce”… i think she left town even..


ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!!! If you're innocent, those who love you will never believe lies about you!!!


It took me a long time. But, in my mid 40s, after being raked over the coals over and over...
the female archetype of the "gentle loving faithful nurturer" was a lie.
I was then free. I was lonely with them and lonely without them. But, at least not getting humiliated and broken.


Not always true. Addiction to porn has caused a lot of these problems with men. He was horrified when our adult children found out what he was doing. I hid it from them for years when they were little but decided that if the blame were going to be properly placed on him then they needed to see what he was doing!!! Same thing with another family I knew. The funny thing is that my husband was being encouraged by other men to continue this bad behavior. I actually saw the look of my husband's face as he watched his Friend worked out.... Very curious expression on my husband's face. That's what I knew he was too far in and there was no way I could help. His mind was totally engulfed in fantasies. I have also seen videos of the women that this reporter is talking about so that is absolutely true too. When I was a teenager my mom totally ruined my reputation and didn't tell of her child abuse to me. When I got old enough I left. It turned out that anyone who truly loved me didn't believe the lies that she was saying. I didn't have to say a word to prove my innocence, My action spoke louder than words.


She interviewed 20 men and she knows all about men. You know half of 7 billion people 😂


The problem is a tons of women look at men as JUST a source of money whether through staying as long as the are providing what they feel is enough, or they wait and just take half your money backed up by law. Ill just adopt as single father or not start a family. The economy is in shambles and soon many people will be forced out of being able to afford raising a family anyways. And they then wonder why our population is declining.


I had to start over twice at age 45 and it sucks


I don’t get why people can’t get the idea of a non legally bounding marriage. Marriage didn’t come into existence with the US government. It’s an institution that goes back thousands of years to the beginning. You can get all the things Michael and those on his side want and push for (good things, by the way) without all the legal risk that pearloften talks about. Marriage itself isn’t a legal issue fundamentally and isn’t necessary.


Pearl's wisdom has grown TREMENDOUSLY in the last year and a half I've been listening to her.


The marriage laws are fine. If this is 1942. 😮😅😂


No PEAL men loose custody in court for these reasons, which i will state below...
1) men enter court gripping about THIER RIGHTS OF OWNERSHIP over he child, NEVER speaking to the rights of the child to know its father AND its fathers family...
2) men when adked by the judge rarely if EVER know the childs birthdate or full legal name, and often they can not even spell it...
They do not know the correct ages of the children, which school they attend, who the family doctor is, nor any of the childs can't even tell the judge the childs hobbies or favorite color...
Which proves the man isn't at all interested in his childs life, he just wants to win in court to lord it over his ex who left him...
3) mens motives for wanting custody are usually a control issue, and butt hurt feelings over being dumped...
4) the day to day care giver, the mom can answer every one of these questions in minute detail...she knows every scar on their body snd how it got there...daddy doesn't know snything about his kids...

Would you men really deny your children the right to a mother just because your feelings are hurt???
You had YEARS to correct your bad habits and behaviors, she went through the seven stages of separation WHILE SHE WAS STILL WITH YOU and YOU DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO CHANGE IT...

And IF he man got custody, who would mind he children during the day?his new squeeze??? She will eant children of her OWN and the kids WILL SUFFER because she isn't as invested in their survival as the mom is...

Men do not make good single parents...i have lived with my father, he burnt the house down TWICE...was drunk on his days off, i had no shoes in summer, because his booze was more important...he brought strange men home which put me a risk...
Living eith dad was no picnic


It's nice to be Catholic, once we marry we stay married. There is no divorce. I have no fear of marrying my fiancee ❤️


Strange to hear the obvious truth from a chick, good job lady, hope the girls listen


It’s not ALL men against ALL women. These are personal issues, marriage in itself, is a personal relationship between man, woman and God. Stop trying to pit all men against all women, we need eachother and when we love eachother, we help each other flourish. You can be at the brink of divorce and recover with God’s on your side. When people prioritize marriage as an unbreakable covenant with God, their family and their legacy will grow. They will be blessed.


This is why we turned to God he was the only one who could fix both of us. Jesus is not only the way to eternal life, but he is the key to having a good life while we are here on earth.
