Are you AFRAID of MISSING the Rapture?

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As a Christian, have you ever had a nightmare that you that you or one of our loved ones missed the rapture and was left behind on earth? You're not alone! There are many people who struggle with this fear of being left behind. So in this video, we're going to cover three tips you can use to ensure your salvation is secure.
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It's kinda weird but all my life, I get forgotten easily. If I'm patiently waiting in line to pick up my food at a restaurant, if I'm put on hold by a business I call, if I'm in the Doctors waiting room or if I raise my hand wish a question, I'm easily forgotten. It's always been a thing my entire life and I always fear it when I go into a new situation. BUT I KNOW God will never forget me and I find comfort in that.


I think my greatest fear is thinking that I am a true believer and believing that I'm going to heaven, but then when I die or when Jesus comes back it turns out I was just lying to myself and it'll be me he tells "I never knew you". I'm 14 and really want a relationship with God, but I find myself always scared that I've missed something and won't be going to heaven. I love God and pray regularly, I just can't seem to shake this fear....


I can testify to this. I ended up willfully sinning and had a dream about Jesus coming back and I was left behind. I remember realizing I have to get myself together. I then a month and a half later repenting daily finally had 3 dreams. One where I was floating up. A meteor hitting the earth and another of Jesus saving me. God is real and he wants you to come to repentance. Jesus loves you. God bless y'all
Edit: I did not willfully sin because that would mean I had left the faith. Forgive me.


I feel like the rapture should be a joyous occasion because its the return of our savior, like a family reunion with the cool relative


1. Examine your fear and see if your faith is genuine
2. Use your fear to preach the gospel to people who may get left behind
3. Redirect your first to doing something useful like learning more about the rapture and learning how someone is saved


Like every time when I go through a situation, the right video shows up. GOD IS ABSOLUTELY GOOD!!!


My two biggest fears are being left behind in the rapture but also God telling me "I Never Knew You". I try not to obsess about this specific subject but it is always on my mind. I pray a lot for a lot of people in my life and there are some family members and friends who are not believers and I am scared for them as well. This has been eating away at me for a long time. If anything- one dream I had was that I was going home in the rapture and that I was with loved ones and we were going to meet the Lord. Another- however- was where I dreamt that I was in hell- surrounded by fire and brimstone. It was the worst feeling in the world and I want to talk to other believers about it- including my pastors- but I feel like no one will listen or if they do- that they don't care. One way I wanted to serve my church was to do an acting/film/movie ministry but was denied that because of other interests in the church that are not really for everyone. Also- I came across another person at my old job many years ago that told me that if I asked to be sent back in time that I would be kicked out of heaven. However- I don't remember praying the prayer of salvation until recently. And I have done it more than once. Please pray for me. And pray that others around me would listen and that action would be taken in the positive. Thank you.


Thank God that he gave us a teacher like you. God, keep on blessing you


This is good to know. I think my biggest concern is I always look back at my sins. I know god does not approve. Yet, still a sinner and trying to forgive myself.


just two days ago I was so close to having a panic attack over this. I didn't search for this it just came up. THANK YOU GOD.


Wow... I thought I was the only one that felt this way. As a child watching the movie Left Behind I was constantly scared and as I got my first job at a young age I remember calling home to speak to mum and dad as I did everyday and no one picked up. I was petrified with my heart in my throat and about to ball my eyes out thinking they were taken and I was left behind. I even called christian family friends to see if they were still around. To my relief as I called once more I heard mums voice and I thanked God. Even though I've given my heart to Christ, I still get scared today at 50 years old and can't shake it off. I pray that I can become fearless as God intended us to be. God Bless you all and keep fighting the good fight and keep looking up... His coming very soon. 🙏💜


I do have fear of getting left behind, but my friends and parents getting left behind are way more worst.


I actually had a rapture dream last night. My loved ones were taken up, but i was left behind. I woke up and while I was getting dressed, ready to go to Church, I prayed to the Lord and asked him to forgive me of my sinful ways. I even told my small group leaders, my mom, my grandparents and a few of my friends that this is REAL! and it will happen soon! It motivated me to get closer to Jesus. This video gave me a good bit of comfort knowing that these things are… pretty easy to do. I was so worried if i wasn’t doing good enough in my faith. i think that’s what triggered the dream of me being left behind. Thank you for this video and helping answer my questions. God bless you!


If I have to truly be honest, the reason I fear of getting left behind is because like it says in the Bible "many are called but few are chosen". I do truly believe in our Lord Jesus. I pray that everybody has a TRUE relationship with Him. I just don't see me as a champion, but I know God sees me as his child


For those of us afraid of the rapture or unsure of their stand in God, please read:

God desires to have you with Him even more than you desire to be with Him, He has provided you with everything you need to achieve a deep relationship with Him.

But there is a price to pay to be close to Jesus, it is called "Discipleship", to be a disciple of Jesus Christ you have to pick up your cross and follow Him. Jesus said that those who follow Him will not walk in darkness.

Most of us are only believers but not disciples of Jesus(John 8:32-40 shows the difference).
Ask God to show you what you exalt above Him, write it down and make efforts to get rid of these things.

Spend more time with God in Bible study/reading and intentionally seek to be pleasing to God, be willing to inconvenience yourself for God. Ask Him to give you the desire to pursue after Him

I pray may the Lord strengthen you with might in your inner man to obey Him today, amen


I’m so glad this video showed up I was thinking this for a while. I recommitted to Christ but feel like I’m not doing enough. Realizing I do put my phone and Instagram first which is so bad now I realize it more. Thank you much and God bless everyone


One thing that helps me is knowing that we didn't earn God or heaven it was given


Also don’t leave your friend or family or enemies behind. Love one another as God love you. ❤❤❤


Don't lose sleep over this. The rules for rapture are exactly the same as the rules for death. There aren't separate standards. If you'd go to heaven in a car accident, you will also get there at rapture.


God has blessed my algorithm to stumble across your videos. God is awesome, hallelujah praise King Jesus.
