All Jewish History in Under 18 Minutes

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An expanded version of "they tried to kill us, we survived, let's eat." Jewish history for ridiculously busy people. Please only watch this if you don't have time for a longer video.

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I am Palestinian and appreciate you're enlightening overview of Jewish history. I yearn for the day we live and thrive together.


I'm a non religious (Protestant roots) Scotch-Irish 3rd generation American who grew up with many Jewish American friends. I also had a Israeli Jewish roommate for years in SF. I also have SF State friends who would would run court over dinner about the Palestinian plight back int the 90's and early 2000s. It feels like things don't change. I learned a lot. We all know this is horrible what is going on, and has been for a long time. Henry. Very enlightening, and I appreciate you very much.


Thanks for this. As a Christian, I knew most of this, but it is still nice to put it all into one presentation in chronological context. I am quite fond of Jews. I love how they have preserved the culture and traditions for thousands of years in the face of many trials. And, of course, as a Christian, I believe that God is literally a Jew. "They tried to kill us. We survived. Let's eat, " is simply awesome.


What a beautiful video! My partner is Jewish and I've been making an effort to understand your folks' history, and I've been participating in holidays as well! It's been a lot of fun making delicious recipes and expressing our gratefulness for being alive. Thank you for this brief overview! I'll definitely be watching more of your videos.


I am an elderly Indian Muslim woman, very much interested in history and religion . With a little of prior knowledge I found your lecture very informative. I wish u also do something to stop animosity and bring out the human element between jews and nuslims.


Shalom, Henry Abramson, I could not help but laugh and smile with your ability of bringing such a comforting way of explaining what can seen like such a complicated event all the while taking me back to my days of Hebrew school where I actually looked forward to attending. where I have such wonderful memory's now. I should look forward to your next teaching as I will invite my grandson to sit with me? Thank you for your time and brief enlightenment of Jewish history.


Being a person who loves to study, you knocked it out of the park, giving a great overview of Jewish. I will use this in a class that I lead. I can't wait to have time to listen to more of your lectures.


Almost 4000 years of history in 16:24 - that's quite an achievement. Thank you very much for this articulate and informative lecture.


I had an music history teacher who left an impression on me as have you. Thank you for the expanded ‘table of contents’
overview of Jewish history. I’m a Christian studying the Bible both OT and NT and this kind of altitude is very helpful. The world benefits from listening, hearing and understanding. ❤


You just took several years of history classes and rendered it into just 18 minutes. I wish some of my history teachers could have done that, and did it as well as you. Yes, some of the finer details were left out but the core information remained. Thank you. My wife has been studying the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, and this will explain a lot to her. I will pass this on to her.


Bravo, ha Rav (sorry to mix languages)!

As someone who is not Jewish, but who has studied Jewish history extensively, your video is very valuable. It identifies for me what you, as a Jew knowledgable about Jewish history, consider to be the most important milestones of that history. That's important to someone whose attachment to the Jewish narrative is more intellectual than emotional. Grazie, grazie!


Love the 18 minute videos as that is about my attention span at this stage of my life. Will be watching many more. ❤


"Under 18 minutes ..." This super informative and agreeable video and matzah production! Very nicely done. Todah rabbah.


Hi rabbi

I just want to express my self without words.

You are my מגיד שיעור for over 10 years now every day with your lectures

I love you Doctor.
Thank you for doing this for the world!


Thank you very much for this, Dr. Abramson. It is a very useful 'in a nutshell' summary. Most notably i'm satisfied to hear about the Spanish bit and that will drive me to research more...I wish you smooth progress with future videos and talks.


This was very good! I liked the 18 minutes symbolism.


This is Amazing !! Am re-watching !! Thank you Dr. Henry Abramson !!


I just stumbled into this video by accident, and I learned more in 18 minutes than in three years of theology school about the Jewish history, great video, I really enjoyed it


Loved your passion for history, Mr Abramson. I will certainly watch more videos of you. Learning about Jewish history with your videos is such a pleasure. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.


Best condensed version of Jewish history I've ever listened to. Nice job, Henry. I grew up Christian in South Bombay with a lot of Jewish friends in school and college who have long migrated to Israel, and as a journalist, I've had the opportunity to read a lot about Jewish history. Even so, this 18-minute capsule is very, very enlightening.
