Clairtone Console Stereo Video #8 - Signal Tracing

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One channel is dead on this receiver and I try to localize the trouble by tracing signals through the amplifier.
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I just want to say thanks for this video. It has done wonders for me. Just when I think I'm completely inept working on electronics, you send me shooting up the ladder to appear as a super tech. I just want to know how you have managed to live this long ?


This guy is a disaster... Can't even trace a simple audio signal, all he does is poking around the volume control, it's the only part of the circuit he understand...


When he made that pop If he shorted the collector on that transistor to either the base or emitter pin, not only is the transistor possibly damaged but also There could be damage now in the preamp circuit also. Also, If them transistors are Germaniaum, He will have big time problems. Not to mention that If finds replacemant output transistors, They are not cheap.


Jim, if you would read the comments posted you wouldn't have spent money on that Microsoft LifeCam. It's ridiculously overpriced, inferior to the one you are unable to repair and known for very limited focal range (that you could adjust if you had the required dexterity).


A total and utter troll joke. I just wonder how he gets customers. Don't they watch his postings as a competence check? So originally only a turntable with issues, and he has, as usual, managed to toss in a truckload of problems of his own making. He couldn't figure out something as straightforward as the idle wheel spindle (and I bet he did read the posted comments), and he was expecting to be able to understand and fix the player problems? OK, missing was the drill bit grinding, bending and twisting parts and amputating options he can't make to work right. And now he is butchering a solid state receiver-amplifier when he is totally ignorant about. Way to go Jim, chuckle while incompetence, clumsiness, laziness and ignorance galore (even if he attempted the job without any manual). But we still have the best to come. Calibration and alignment, house sold out showtime.
