Everything Women Can and Can't Do According to the Bible: Women in Ministry part 13

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0:00:00 Intro
0:02:16 Why I refused to talk about this for years
0:06:38 What are Egalitarian, Complementarian, and Patriarchal?
0:15:00 I have over 40 hours of teaching on this debate
0:16:57 What you can expect today
0:18:46 What surprised me the most about this research project
0:22:33 The growing tide of egalitarianism
0:26:05 Egalitarians are right but still wrong
0:26:55 Comps and Pats are wrong but still right
0:28:07 This is a secondary/family issue but it’s worth arguing over
0:30:03 We bypass the Bible
0:33:49 Three things you need to believe when you study this issue
0:34:49 THE THREE PILLARS: Solid truths that should not be debated
0:35:26 Pillar #1: Male headship and female submission in marriage
0:47:26 Pillar #2: Elders positions and functions are for men only
1:01:03 Pillar #3: Women’s status as image bearers and sons of God is inviolable
1:26:00 The 3 pillars summarized
1:27:24 The big question: How far should we draw out the application beyond marriage and eldership?
1:35:49 MY INTERPRETIVE METHODOLOGY of “rules and examples” explained
1:40:12 An example of a good wife rebelling against her husband.
1:44:15 Quick summary of the impact of letting biblical examples help us apply gender rules.
1:47:12 Women in government: Deborah breaks the strongest patriarchal view.
1:52:37 Are women in government some lofty ideal?
1:53:32 Women bosses/employers.
1:56:56 Queens had some authority that men were told to yield to.
1:58:39 Should men have a resistant attitude toward women in positions of authority?
1:59:20 Should women vote?
2:01:28 The Bible is not limiting all women from all authority over all men
2:01:59 Women being “homemakers”
2:11:08 Am I saying there is no application outside marriage and church?
2:12:09 Scripture refutes modern gender values.
2:15:23 We should embrace these gender stereotypes.
2:19:17 Negative stereotypes to reject.
2:21:20 What do we do in our society that kicks against God’s design?
2:23:18 What would I say to a young woman who is looking at family and career options?
2:23:53 SUMMARY of how to apply biblical principles in society, outside of ministry and marriage
2:29:09 What detailed guidelines do we have for women in ministry?
2:29:44 What is an elder/pastor?
2:37:50 What’s wrong with using “pastor” for people who aren’t biblical elders?
2:43:32 What is a deacon?
2:53:22 The two simple principles guiding us regarding women in ministry.
2:55:01 Can women be church ushers?
2:56:23 What about serving in tech and media ministry?
2:56:47 What about being a children’s ministry teacher?
2:57:13 What about food ministry?
2:57:22 What about unofficial teaching moments?
2:59:15 What about women evangelizing men?
3:00:28 What about “stage evangelism” like Greg Laurie?
3:01:46 What about women theologians?
3:06:08 What about being in seminary classes?
3:07:53 A woman theologian who writes a book on theology that men read?
3:12:19 Running a podcast or YouTube channel?
3:17:00 Women’s ministries and weak women
3:18:07 Women prophesying in mixed gathering?
3:22:17 Doing church announcements?
3:22:47 Leading in prayer congregationally?
3:23:48 Any ministry that isn’t to adult men?
3:24:43 When does a boy become a man?
3:30:03 Being a leader and teacher in youth ministry?
3:32:16 Women teaching men and women outside of the church setting?
3:37:09 Teaching in church apart from the Sunday pulpit?
3:41:00 Teaching in church from the Sunday morning pulpit?
3:48:01 Women worship leaders?
3:51:41 Leading ministries to children with men under their authority?
3:53:03 A word for those who want to err on the side of safety
3:54:38 Things I didn’t want to forget to mention
3:54:51 Husbands are not “the priests of their wives”
3:57:11 Are we supposed to restrict women being “influential”?
3:58:01 Women do possess gifts of leadership and teaching
3:58:41 Women don’t need to show an attitude of submission to all men
4:00:47 These rules are NOT based on women being less capable.
4:04:54 Your sense of calling and skills are not enough.
4:05:17 This will protect against woke ideology
4:06:25 CONCLUSIONS: In the end, how far do we extend the boundaries?
4:08:58 If you disagree with me please do this
4:09:54 About that thing I left out that proves me wrong
4:10:22 A warning about egalitarians
4:13:18 It is NOT enough to just believe in biblical gender roles
4:14:36 Our secular culture needs these truths
4:15:28 What would I say to a woman pastor who just realized the truth?
4:18:08 I’m finally done.


Рекомендации по теме

0:00:00 Intro
0:02:16 Why I refused to talk about this for years
0:06:38 What are Egalitarian, Complementarian, and Patriarchal?
0:15:00 I have over 40 hours of teaching on this debate
0:16:57 What you can expect today
0:18:46 What surprised me the most about this research project
0:22:33 The growing tide of egalitarianism
0:26:05 Egalitarians are right but still wrong
0:26:55 Comps and Pats are wrong but still right
0:28:07 This is a secondary/family issue but it’s worth arguing over
0:30:03 We bypass the Bible
0:33:49 Three things you need to believe when you study this issue.
0:34:49 THE THREE PILLARS: Solid truths that should not be debated
0:35:26 Pillar #1: Male headship and female submission in marriage
0:47:26 Pillar #2: Elders positions and functions are for men only
1:01:03 Pillar #3: Women’s status as image bearers and sons of God is inviolable.
1:26:00 The 3 pillars summarized.
1:27:24 The big question: How far should we draw out the application beyond marriage and eldership?
1:35:49 My interpretive methodology of “rules and examples” explained
1:40:12 An example of a good wife rebelling against her husband.
1:44:15 Quick summary of the impact of letting biblical examples help us apply gender rules.
1:47:12 Women in government: Deborah breaks the strongest patriarchal view.
1:52:37 Are women in government some lofty ideal?
1:53:32 Women bosses/employers.
1:56:56 Queens had some authority that men were told to yield to.
1:58:39 Should men have a resistant attitude toward women in positions of authority?
1:59:20 Should women vote?
2:01:28 The Bible is not limiting all women from all authority over all men.
2:01:59 Women being “homemakers”
2:11:08 Am I saying there is no application outside marriage and church?
2:12:09 Scripture refutes modern gender values.
2:15:23 We should embrace these gender stereotypes.
2:19:17 Negative stereotypes to reject.
2:21:20 What do we do in our society that kicks against God’s design?
2:23:18 What would I say to a young woman who is looking at family and career options?
2:23:53 SUMMARY of how to apply biblical principles in society, outside of ministry and marriage
2:29:09 What detailed guidelines do we have for women in ministry?
2:29:44 what is an elder/pastor?
2:37:50 What’s wrong with using “pastor” for people who aren’t biblical elders?
2:43:32 What is a deacon?
2:53:22 The two simple principles guiding us regarding women in ministry.
2:55:01 Can women be church ushers?
2:56:23 What about serving in tech and media ministry?
2:56:47 What about being a children’s ministry teacher?
2:57:13 What about food ministry?
2:57:22 What about unofficial teaching moments?
2:59:15 What about women evangelizing men?
3:00:28 What about “stage evangelism” like Greg Laurie?
3:01:46 What about women theologians?
3:06:08 What about being in seminary classes?
3:07:53 A woman theologian who writes a book on theology that men read?
3:12:19 Running a podcast or YouTube channel?
3:17:00 Women’s ministries and weak women
3:18:07 Women prophesying in mixed gathering?
3:22:17 Doing church announcements?
3:22:47 Leading in prayer congregationally?
3:23:48 Any ministry that isn’t to adult men?
3:24:43 When does a boy become a man?
3:30:03 Being a leader and teacher in youth ministry?
3:32:16 Women teaching men and women outside of the church setting?
3:37:09 Teaching in church apart from the Sunday pulpit?
3:41:00 Teaching in church from the Sunday morning pulpit?
3:48:01 Women worship leaders?
3:51:41 Leading ministries to children with men under their authority?
3:53:03 A word for those who want to err on the side of safety
3:54:38 Things I didn’t want to forget to mention
3:54:51 Husbands are not “the priests of their wives”
3:57:11 Are we supposed to restrict women being “influential”?
3:58:01 Women do possess gifts of leadership and teaching
3:58:41 Women don’t need to show an attitude of submission to all men
4:00:47 These rules are NOT based on women being less capable.
4:04:54 Your sense of calling and skills are not enough.
4:05:17 This will protect against woke ideology
4:06:25 CONCLUSIONS: In the end, how far do we extend the boundaries?
4:08:58 If you disagree with me please do this
4:09:54 About that thing I left out that proves me wrong
4:10:22 A warning about egalitarians
4:13:18 It is NOT enough to just believe in biblical gender roles
4:14:36 Our secular culture needs these truths
4:15:28 What would I say to a woman pastor who just realized the truth?
4:18:08 I’m finally done.



Since you dropped the first Women in Ministry video I graduated university, got married, moved states, and had a baby 😂 Thank you for your dedicated, careful, and thorough teaching on this essential topic.


Babe wake up, Women in Ministry series finale just dropped


I am in a local church with all male elders. All sermons are given by men. Most congregants and outsiders don't understand. It is sometimes tough for the pastor.
Two weeks ago, I sent him the link to your women in ministry-series. He was very excited and thankful for your work. As am I!

Greetings from Switzerland 🐄


I was here for every minute! Love this. Thank you. I have a PhD in medical science and am considered highly intelligent. I don’t struggle at all understanding my husband is the head of our household. A 3-pillar biblical marriage is wonderful.


I remember when I was a kid my sister would complain about being a son of God, so my dad would tell her if your brother is the bride of Christ you are a son of God…fair is fair


Hello from Germany 🇩🇪 !

Listened to all the 43+ hours of this series, enjoyed it tremendously! 🎉

Thanks for putting these crazy hours of research into the topic.

As a Christian woman, wife of an teacher-elder and mom of four I am very interested in all of this (yes, even the bizarre details😅) but there would have been no way to go and do the research all by myself. I appreciate this, brother!

And thanks for clearing up that churches where deacons are in a position of leadership, women should not be appointed as such. Our church is led by a plurality of elders, and deacons are in a position of assistants to the elders.

And as I assume that your wife supported you in many, many ways (and maybe not every day doing so was fun for her😅), please tell her that we are also thankful for her role in making this ministry possible ❤!!! 💐


MIKE - we all LOVE your long content. I know it’s a lot of work but PLEASE keep giving us long content!!


I can't believe how long it's been since this series began, but we appreciate your hard work on this subject, Mike!


Mike, I watched every minute of the whole series. It was so timely for my wife and I as we re-enter ministry after a long break recovering from the disabilities that hit our life like a wrecking ball when I survived a brain surgery that left me severely impaired. The church we planted from has gone full egalitarian, while we have discovered biblical complementarianism on our journey back to mental health and functioning. It has been particularly precious to us as my wife became a full-time caretaker and essentially single mom for YEARS and lost me as the head of our home. By God's grace and a real miracle (intentionally using that word) I'm back to being me, and have resumed my role in the family. As we enter the church, I needed Biblical clarity on how this should look in the structure and practice of the church. Grateful for your ministry, brother 👊🏼


Thank you so much for all that you do to get The Message out. I’ve listened to your first video on women in ministry and I was hooked! A few years ago, I was asked by my pastor to give a message for Mother’s Day at my church. I asked a family relative to pray, because I felt uneasy about it. She then begins to tell me that she could not pray for me because she didn’t believe that women should be speaking. This fired up a burn inside of me to understand that. I have seen women preach a message and I just felt that I wasn’t equipped to speak. I started googling women in ministry, and listening to different people give their opinion or biblical point of view. I started to see the light. Then I come across one of your videos. I loved how in depth you would study God’s Word and speak of it. I wanted more truth even if it was correcting the sin I was living in. I started searching your page for women in ministry and then I realized you were starting your journey in studying it. I am so thankful for you and your online ministry. I now want to know truth and follow God‘s Word.


Mike, I've said it before, you should turn this entire teaching series into a book/audiobook.


Mike "I actually have a video on that" Winger has leveled up to Mike "I actually have a 40 hour playlist on that" Winger.


Riveting! From a female(now a senior) as a pagan unbeliever, to an Episcopal religious believer, to a SoBaptist believer. Grateful for your hard, well fought labor, brother in Christ. 🎉


Thank you for all your effort with this teaching. I was a feminist and it ruined my life completely and my marriage. In short, I got tired of being in control, because it made everybody miserable. Only after becoming a Christian, I understood my role and now I love that my husband is the head of our family and I life daily to be his helper, all to the glory of God. If you read the scripture, you can not confuse it. It is extremely straight forward. Woman trying to to argue these basic points, are still trying to defend the self... the flesh. You will never find peace and joy with this attitude. Trust and believe the Word of God and crucify your flesh daily.


Mike, as a ministry leader with many of the same questions, concerns, and confusion that you expressed leading you to do this series, I came across your content and devoured all 40+ hours. I echo the sentiment of many already that this is a gift to the Church. Thank you for your offering of time and energy, and especially the humble, gracious spirit in which it is presented. May God continue to use this to bring clarity to His body worldwide! Blessings!


Do you realize this video dropped at like 9pm on the east coast.
I can’t stay up for 4 hrs. watching a video!
Yet I can’t sleep knowing it’s here!
Oh the conundrum!

JK Thank you for all the hours of study, preparation, work, and prayer.
Looking forward to finishing this series…tomorrow. 😂


To God be the glory as we follow His Word. 🙌📖


Waiting for these videos has been good practice for waiting for the second coming. You know it’s coming… soon. You must always be ready, because the coming of the next women in ministry video will come at an hour when you do not expect! Then it comes! Yay! Really exciting.


I've got some sincere questions.

I've listened to the entire series. All of it. I am very impressed with Mike's logic, knowledge, scholarship, humility, honesty. Everything. I think there are a lot of good arguments for complementarianism in these videos. I think I agree with most or all of it. In addition, I am a huge Mike Winger fan of several years. I am also a life long complementarian according to my personally held beliefs. However, I fail to truly understand how complementarianism should actually manifest in a marriage differently than egalitarianism. I am 60 years old and have been a conservative, Christian since age 19. I have been married to a Godly man for 40 years. Verbally, we say we are in a complementarian marriage. But I've been challenged to figure out how that could be proven observationally. My husband is humble, kind, loving, generous. All the good things. He loves and respects me deeply, as I do him.

First Question: We make our decisions together. He has never trumped me with his complementarian authority. Why would he? Under what circumstances would we quit on our discussion and he make a decision I don't agree with? If the answer is any circumstance in which we just can not come to an agreement, my reply would be twofold. 1. That hasn't happened in 40 years. 2. My husband would not carry it out. He would simply keep praying and keep the discussion going. At some point, he knows we will agree and we always do. There is no bullying. No one sidedness. There is mutual respect and love, and a deep desire to put our precious relationship before our individual wants or needs and an even higher desire to follow the Holy Spirit. Why is the "tie breaker" idea in a Christian marriage even a thing? I do not understand it.

Second Question: Even complementarians as harsh (I'll go so far as to say unbiblically oppressively to women) as John Piper agree that the trump card is to be used only rarely, so lets set that aside. In what other actual ways, on a daily basis, in a marriage, does the wife's obligation to submit manifest in the relationship? Everything I've heard complementarian teachers teach to either the husband or the wife are things BOTH spouses should do! A husband should make sure the family prays and studies the Bible. Well, so should a wife, right? And don't they just do this together? A wife should treat her husband with respect, and so should the husband treat his wife with respect. Can someone tell me actual ways in which a loving, healthy, complementarian marriage is supposed to be different from an egalitarian marriage?
