The thing about women that take everything in a divorce…#shorts

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If you treat your child like that, the adults they become will resent you, especially the sons. Trust me, I know. 18 and out the door, and nothing to do with her anymore.


My mom literally didn't care if my dad ended up on the street, even though he had done nothing to her. She acted completely sociopathic, cared about no one's well-being but her own, treated my dad as sub-human, and then wondered why I wasn't overflowing with positive feelings toward her.


Nailed it Emily. Watched my father get chopped in half by divorce. Had a lasting impression i never forget. Then Watched my mom do it again to her second husband. Emily I get this video will probably get the most views of any of your valuable work. Probably the most relatable subject men of all ages share in common. Wonderful job!


My son is 25 and he hasn't talked to his mother since he was 16. When I got custody, when he and his sister were 14, they both begged me not to have to visit or talk to her. Begged!!


Sadly it’s most often done out of spite alongside systematic prejudice against fathers


It scares me to my core that not even prenups can fully protect us because they can simply be thrown out if the judge sees fit to do so. Marriage used to be scary because it was such a big step in your life to start your own family; now its scary because women are incentivised to seek divorce.


Pay my ex 750 in child support and 750 alimony and 500 for the family cell phones 150 for curriculum for the kids a month. I've lived in my car for 2 years since the divorce and early have enough money for food. I did initiate the divorce I put up with narcissist, manipulative, gas lighting, berating and talking down to me everyday for 20 years. I'd rather live in my car than go back to her....


My ex wife is terrified of the day I show our son why I couldn't see him all those years. She alienated him from me AND my family.
She's in overdrive trying to get me to react so she can accuse me further of rubbish....but like before, I continue not to bite....waiting and knowing one day I'll tell my son everything.


I worked with this guy and he had child support and spousal support. I mean he was only pulling in 20 an hour at best. Payday and he looked at his check in disgust. Showed me and after paying out, he was left with 150 a week to survive. He moved back with his mother but he needed to pay utilities and food plus everyday expenses. He was working secret side jobs like mowing lawns, doing yard work and such. I mean this guy just had a streak of bad luck. Steps in a gopher hole and shatters his ankle. Out of work for a few months. On top of it all he was severely diabetic. Woke up one morning and was blind. Out of work for almost a year. Has dialysis twice a week. Working Saturday when there’s a limited crew and was emptying all the trash cans in the facility when someone finds him passed out in the back on the floor. Didn’t want anybody to know so he wouldn’t lose the overtime. A few weeks later he dies at the dialysis clinic.😢 I feel for the guy. I hope he is in a better place than what was dealt to him while he was alive. RIP Martin. I pray you are home with your Lord


As the son of a single mother who spent 90% of my Dad's child support on herself I can say that we grow up eventually. It didn't take long for me to figure out what kind of person my mom was


Emily, my ex took everything. She took my children (all 4) the house, the newer vehicle, my computer system, most of my woodworking tools, and all the furniture and appliances in the house. She didn’t work and didn’t work the whole time we were married. She had no plans of getting a job. Fortunately my lawyer made sure that the divorce decree said that I was divested of financial responsibility to the mortgage and auto loan because the house was foreclosed and her nice van was repossessed.
She continued making my life a living hell using my children. Now that they are grown, they see the truth. 😂


Yep. Grew up disliking my stepdad. Never knew my biological dad, so stepdad was dad, even if we never connected. After witnessing what my mom did to my dad, and seeing someone I loved show their true colors like that, it truly shook me. To the point that my opinion of both of them flipped, and it's left me with trust issues ever since. The crazy part is that they're both remarried, but she is still bitter over the whole thing, AND expecting a payout from my dad after he retires. This divorce happened 20 years ago.. she wonders why my brothers and I are distant.. gee.. let's think


Their daughters, too, who grow up thinking that's what a woman is supposed to do and be


My ex took the much bigger "half", and also lifetime alimony. Divorced 20 years now, it appears unlikely any of my kids will have a romantic relationship. It is also unlikely I will ever consider another long term relationship. I have no idea if my kids will have anyone else in their lives after they are no longer my ex-wife's caregivers. The narcissist ruined four lives. I will survive and have my peace as I live alone. My daughters and son appear unlikely to have any life partner, or children of their own.


My son is 18. He's finally old enough to see what his mother's true colors are.


My son is now 20, been living with me since he turned 18, and refuses to speak to his mom. We're living our best lives now.


When your mom wonders why you’re not trying to get a girlfriend, but also shredded your family…


I needed this video emily!! My mom divorced my dad for being a narcissist and I loved my dad he wasn’t perfect he would yell when things didn’t go his way but he wasn’t abusive. I was able to forgive him and move on. Alittle different though my mom pulled divorce on my dad who she was married to for 25 years. She forgot everything I remember my dad did for her and made her relationship with him, his priority. This happened when Im the age of 21!! Im boughta leave the house and she has been rather abusive to me for the past year for judging her how she talks about my dad and gaslights everyone about what he did which wasnt ever true. If you judge her and confront her she doesnt like that.


Every boy needs his Father as a Father needs to be there for their sons..


I think the reason why my two boys have not married is because of their mother and how they saw she treated me.
