2 Years Alone Building A Log Cabin like our Forefathers

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This year I build the log structure for the roof, lay the complete roof and floor, build an underground root cellar under the log cabin for food storage and prepping and much more.

I am now 21 and have built this log cabin from the materials i could find in my own forest in Sweden with only the simple hand tools I could carry in my backpack. Just like our Forefathers did. I had no previous experience in building, gathering materials or even filming. So I started studying the old arts myself and learning from my grandfather and mentor Åke Nilsson. I filmed everything myself using a tripod and edited this video so you can follow my journey and hopefully learn as I do.

There is still a lot of work left to actualize my dream. To become self-reliant. For example I want to start a full out garden so I can live out here only reliant on that and the forest. Big goal and a lot of work. So if you are interested in my journey then definitely subscribe to the channel.

The clothes I am wearing is from Revolution Race a Swedish brand. These clothes I use on a daily basis while I am working, hunting and so on. I have now partnered up with Revolution Race and received a discount code, that you can also use to get 15% off: GRANKVIST15
This is their website:


From Forest To Log Cabin: (0:00)
Where Is The Door?: (1:39)
Log Cabin Roof Structure Using Only Logs: (2:44)
Fitting Inner Roof Into Log Cabin: (7:18)
Chopping Down The Logs To Fit The Roof: (9:22)
Overnighting A Snowstorm: (10:41)
Need To Take A Bath: (12:20)
Finishing The Wooden Roof: (13:37)
Taking A Ski Trip To A Sauna: (17:07)
Making A Trail Through The Woods Using The Woodchips From Log Cabin: (20:15)
Digging For Something?: (21:09)
Burning The Barge Boards For Preservation: (23:16)
Need To Clean Up: (28:18)
Splitting Stones: (29:35)
Cleaning The Walls In The Log Cabin, Nice Finish: (34:17)
Vorsteh Puppy: (35:57)
Collecting Birch Bark For Log Cabin Roof: (41:48)
Reusing Abandoned Old Clay Tiles: (49:17)
Just Living: (58:51)
What Is This Going To Be?: (1:06:16)
A RootCellar?: (1:14:25)
Floor In Log Cabin: (1:20:38)
Hunting Trip: (1:30:17)
Secret Hatch Under The Log Cabin: (1:36:10)
Crafting A Ladder Down The Root Cellar: (1:38:52)
Bushcraft Shelf From A Log Using Only Axe: (1:42:26)
Gathering Food For Root Cellar Under Log Cabin: (1:56:18)
Celebratory Moose Meal!!: (2:00:35)
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This year I built the log structure for the roof, laid the complete roof using birch bark and abandoned clay tiles, laid the floor, built an underground root cellar for food storage and much more.

If you want to see what happens next on the build, click this video:

I am now 21 and have built this log cabin from the materials found in my own forest in Sweden with only the simple hand tools I could carry in my backpack. Just like our Forefathers did. I had no previous experience in building, gathering materials or even filming. So I started studying the old arts myself and learning from my grandfather and mentor Åke Nilsson. I filmed everything myself using a tripod and edited this video so you can follow my journey and hopefully learn as I do.

There is still a lot of work left to actualize my dream. To become self-reliant. For example I want to start a full out garden so I can live out here only reliant on that and the forest. Big goal and a lot of work. So if you are interested in my journey then definitely subscribe.

The clothes I am wearing are from Revolution Race, a Swedish brand. These clothes I use on a daily basis while I am working, hunting and so on. I have now partnered up with Revolution Race and received a discount code that you can also use to get 15% off: GRANKVIST15

This is their website:

Thank you for watching my videos.
Remember that nothing is impossible with time.


Not sure why Youtube felt the need to recommend this video to me, a person who can barely build a birdhouse, but I'm very glad it did. Amazing video.


I find this approach to videos very interesting. No lengthy intro, no talking, just the universal concept of a guy building a cabin in the middle of nowhere. It’s nice for a change. Love the stuff mate


The amount of self discipline and self respect this young man has at his age is remarkable..


Wow the patience, fortitude, determination and ethics this young man has is astounding!!! And the work of art he created in this HOME, well he should be extremely proud of himself I’m literally amazed. I could not stop watching this amazing beautiful piece of art being built and the filming and photos and quietness of this documentary is purely another piece of art? Thank you! God bless you in all your endeavors.


I love the fact that there is no music and no talking Just the sound you create and the sound of nature makes this something very special and relaxing to watch.

Also, that dog is living the dream.


i'm fascinated thinking about the technicalities. -How often did you need to head back and charge or replace camera batteries or get extra supplies? -how many camera batteries do you have and how picky do you need to be about shots to make them last? -how far are you from a town or electricity/stores, etc? -Do you own the land or did you need permits to build? - It must be a pain going back for the camera after each shot. Either way, Your documentation is hugely entertaining and inspiring. Best of luck on the next one.


It's not the fact that he can build a log cabin from scratch that makes me feel less than; it's the fact he can do all that and film and edit it perfectly as well.


Посмотрел все ролики на одном дыхании. Огромная благодарность за полученное удовольствие .Вы, молодой человек необыкновенно талантлив с филигранным мастерством и знаниями ..Низкий вам поклон !🤠👍


I DID NOT expect to watch the whole video in one sitting, yet here I am. It’s now 2am on a Thursday and I regret nothing.


I can't imagine the hours of work, the pain, patience, tiredness and efforts you put in that timber house. You must have had so many blisters and dreams of wood


Not only is the sheer skill and dedication of building the cabin extremely impressive but the photography is also very impressive and calming.


Доброго здравия, начал смотреть и сразу понял терпеливый и мощный мужик, респект👍


I cannot explain the level of calm this video brought to my life. 2 Hours of not thinking. Just watching and enjoying. Erik, thank you!


Я не знаю как это видео попало ко мне в рекомендации, но посмотрев 20 секунд, я не мог оторваться и даже не заметил как прошло 2 часа. Это круто .


This is what a social influencer should look like. Hard work, dedication, self-respect. Crazy honestly to do a build on this level solo. Quarried his own stone block. Probably the most authentic self build iv seen. Ever.


Невероятно!!! Наткнулась на шортс, и залипла...такой кайф и волшебство!!! Это фантастика!!! Насколько гениальным и трудолюбивым должен быть человек!!! Респект!!!💪✌💝


I can’t believe you built that whole cabin in just over two hours!


It's really inspiring to follow your journey Erik, thank you for sharing this with us! 😊


When I was 20-21 I was still a kid living at home just doing stupid stuff with my friends... but this guy, is a Man in every sense of the word. Humbling, impressive, amazing.
