2 YEARS ALONE OFF-GRID | Everything we built [TIMELAPSE]

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We left our city lives behind and moved to the top of a mountain in Spain, to live off-grid. We’ve spent 2 years alone, renovating an ancient stone house and restoring the land.

Our first goal was to create a liveable space, and then to develop a vegetable garden in order to grow our own fruit and vegetables, and begin the journey to self-sufficiency.

Since we moved here we’ve experienced some of the hottest summers on record, wildfires, floods, goats eating all of our trees, wild boar eating our vegetables and eagles eating our chickens. On top of all this we’ve been learning how to build a house for the first time on our own, in a language we have no experience in.

We believe very much in our vision, and will continue to overcome these challenges, and find peace and happiness on this magical mountain.

Join us as we continue to build our off-grid homestead, and become self-sufficient from the land.

0:00 Discovering our new home
1:35 Cleaning 1.5m of donkey manure
2:15 Clearing our impassable 2 km track
2:33 Meeting the inhabitants (snakes, rats, spiders, sheep)
3:21 Building the foundations (first ever concrete mix)
3:45 Buying 30 chickens (+ building a home for them)
4:23 Clearing 100 tonnes of soil
5:35 Making a vegetable garden
6:48 Biggest rain since 1940
7:51 Rock climbing
8:37 Planting trees
9:15 Retaining wall falls down
10:15 Planting 100 olive trees, sheep eat them all
11:40 Having a baby
11:53 House nearly burns down
13:59 Rebuilding the wall
14:50 Magical river
15:49 Winter (snow storm blocks our track)
17:22 Creating a liveable space upstairs
18:28 Making a path to our front door
20:14 Solar system (DIY)
21:27 Moving in
22:17 Harvesting olives, night-time creatures
22:38 Eagle attack
24:04 Where we are now

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Thanks so much for watching, it means the world to us! Say hi in the comments.


One of my favorite things is off grid living. A slower pace of life. No racing off to some city job trading you time away for someone else. One of the most beautiful things to me is seeing a couple working together hand in hand. Is amazing seeing what you have build with your hard work and determination. You will always get to look back and know, is was your grit and determination that built what you have. That's awesome! Thank you for sharing.


...gosh you are so adorable, and you poured so much enthusiasm, playfulness, curiosity and happy vibes into that piece of land and your vision of creating a home off the grid, and the surroundings look so, so beautiful!!! You also give tastes of the countless hardships that you had to move through... fires, floods, predators of your chicken, persistent sheep... you are such an encouraging example showing that a life in harmony with nature is possible... 💖


Hi guys. You have my total admiration for what you've embarked on. I'm an old octagenarian living in Oz, and your adventure reminds me of one my wife and I embarked upon many years ago, sick of suburbia, and transformed a 20 acre parcel of rural land into an sustainable home where we raised our family devoid of suburbia frustrations. Enjoy the good and bad times as they come around, but you will survive and reap rewards untold, that many folk will never experience. You and your family are on a winner here. Best wishes.


Μπραβο σάς η καλύτερη ζωή που μπορεί να έχει ο άνθρωπος.


For a person dreaming of living up country, your journey is so inspiring and makes me want to start soon. Thanks for the upload


OMG, you live in the Eden. Lot of work, can see, sometime exhausting. But real beautiful triangle! Havens landscapes! Joy ♥


je viens de découvrir votre chaine, vous êtes plein de vie, votre joie de vivre est communicative, merci pour ce partage et bravo pour tout le travail que vous faites


Life is so cruel now, enjoy the moment with your loved ones. be happy. You are such a sweet family.❤


I like everything about the two of you and the life you are trying to work out for yourselves. But I must say you have a beautiful adorable baby. I hope your lives together are safe and happy.


I just came across your channel and I love your content. I'm an old guy but you young people bring back memories of my youth when I did the same things you're doing. Great videos!


A Great Oak grows from a tiny Acorn and basically that is going to be your journey.
But at the end you are going to be sitting there gazing with loving eyes at what has grown from all your hard work and dedication and sacrifices along the way.
What you are doing is pretty incredible and something that not everyone is capable of achieving, lots of people would give up at the first opportunity but you have a Dream and you can see just looking at one video that you two are working together to make the Dream come Alive.
Total admiration for the pair of you and a little bit of envy…. What a Beautiful Life ❤.
A Beautiful Family xx


Saw your content for the first time now. 2 things I liked the most: 1. More genuine content as to many, many, MANY others on YT who make same content as you (and timelapses). 2. The most (genuine) honest thing you've told us at the very end: there are things we miss about our old life. As do MANY many others, but they mostly don't admit it. Congrats on the video, but mostly the hard work and your honesty.


Ok I’m hooked. Beautiful home you are making for yourselves.


Hello from Canada. Wow! Amazing video. Good on you for not giving up. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your life


Hi ! from Stagecoach Texas ... I can't understand why this video doesn't have more likes ..
I DEFINITELY gave this an EPIC THUMBS UP ! Amazing progress ! Awesome compilation !


Yours child will have a beautifoul childehood.
Amazing job.


Great vlog. This was us about 15 years ago here in NZ, raising our 2 girls on our special piece of land, planting, shooting wild pigs and possum. It is so worth it and I would do it all again. Hard days that seem never ending, cleaning up after floods and storm damage, but sitting out having a coffee in the morning looking down the valley is so worth it.
Well done, looking forward to the next vlog.


Hola Emilia, mi niña guapa. I am so proud of the brave woman you have become. I wish you all the best. With love from Tenerife.


What an amazing and beautiful home you have and that view looks like Heaven! Your hard work and progress are so inspiring!
