How to Backstitch in 3 Easy Steps | Cross Stitching for Beginners

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In this week's video, we're taking a look at backstitch! What is backstitch? How to get started, basic sewing techniques, backstitch for embroidery and cross stitch, top stitches and hand sewing for beginners. I explain step by step in this easy tutorial, how you can backstitch on your next cross stitch project and follow a pattern or chart.

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Thanks for visiting my channel, I hope you enjoyed the video! I founded Caterpillar Cross Stitch in 2015 when I tried desperately for months to find a modern baby sampler my mum could stitch for new baby Felicity that would fit in with her simple, contemporary nursery. I love cross stitch, running, baking fruit cakes, drinking gin, eating salted caramel ice cream and most crafts!

See you soon and happy stitching! Sally x
Рекомендации по теме

Many older cross stitch patterns require backstitch and I don't always agree that it is necessary. So I appreciate that you mentioned that it is not absolutely needed. It is a more modern softer look without the backstitch. However, as you stated, if the colors tend to blend together, the backstitch is a way to provide more definition. Thank you for a clear demonstration on how to properly backstitch! Very easy to understand and if need be, I will be able to stitch with more confidence. :0)


I'm watching from down under Australia and I absolutely loved this tutorial, I have always been intimidated especially back stitch. Now I might give it a go. Now I'm going to watch sum of your earlier videos!!


I’m afraid this is more of a lecture than clear steps for absolute beginners? Lots of stitching on the screen but nothing close up or slowly completed, favouring explanations of _why_ you use backstitch.


Hi, Sally! I wasn't quite sure of picking up any pattern which had backstitches in it... but you've explained the whole technique and its uses really well! Thanks a bunch :D


This is such an amazing tutorial! The steps were laid out perfectly and knowing the most common situations where back stitching is applied makes it even easier to understand!


Thank you so much! I'm just getting started with Cross stitch and I appreciate the help💯


I enjoyed your videos. I love all your designs. From the 🇺🇸 USA


I really enjoy all the videos I've watched so far and have learned a lot! Thank you all! I'm still very new to cross stitch, especially counted cross stitch, and have a lot to learn but so far I love it!


thanks. How do you start and secure a single thread backstitch when you don't have any other stitches on the canvas? And how would you secure the thread when you finish?


Fabulous instructional video! Love your very cheerful & happy energy. I’m about to start backstitching on my Dimensions-Rose Cuttings & am nervous. This is my first cross stitch project using a blank canvas. I’m a little concerned with the Half Cross Stitch coming up, I’ve been trying to find a video for this particular kit but no such luck, & I haven’t found a video that really explains or shows how to work the Half Cross Stitch for this kit. I’m going to look through your channel & hopefully find something that will help me understand how to do this stitch without stressing. The positive energy you put into your videos gives me the courage to just jump right in & if I make a mistake it’s easily fixed by undoing it & try again. Thanks for the inspiration. Happy stitching 🧵 🙃🙂🥳


Such an excellent tutorial and thorough explanation. Thank you!


Hi there, thanks for that helpful video. I just subscribed, so I can see more of your little tutorials 😊 A big hello from Switzerland


Thank you for this. I hate back stitching but have a puece to complete that has it through the piece for details


I am fairly new at Cross Stitching. Started years ago. Picking it back up, I see I quit at the back stitching. I know from watch this video and understand the black outline around the design. I don’t understand like if it has a pink line, what color do you use then? It is around leaves and through leaves. Can you help me with that.I am going to go to the video for new stitchers and watch. Bc the back of mine has thread everywhere. Thank you so much.


Is there a way to know in a chart if they want you to backstitch over every single hole or skip a few? Or is it just personal preference? Thanks for the great video! :) <3


Thank you for the video, very helpful! Do you recommend starting in the center once beginning back stitches? Or just anywhere? The project I am currently working has a lot of back stitch. Getting close to finishing the cross stitches and want an idea of how to begin the next step.


I've never been able to understand why back stitching goes ahead a stitch then back down where the last stitch started. Doesn't that waste some thread?


l have kits where a stitch looks like it goes 3 blocks one way but only 1 block the crossing direction. How do you do those?


When you back stitch, do you fill in the picture first? There is one cross stitch I started, the picture shows it has some backstitching on the umbrellas and windows. Its a stamped kit.


It's me again I wanted to know what is your advice for confetti stitches
