YUCKY protein film or oil sludge on aquarium surface. Remove it quickly! #shorts

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When white or brown sludge or film forms on top of the water, It’s either an oil or protein film (also known as biofilm).

Sometimes it can happen on aquascapes and tanks that doesn’t have mechanical filters especially if without surface skimmers. It indicates the tank is already dirty or the elements that keep the water healthy are still out of balance. Oil slicks can happen when your tank or aquascape is in the kitchen where oil is present in the air.

Usual causes of biofilms are organic decay of plant matter, and in cases when you have animals, uneaten food or poop.

If you just did your regular weekly water change and water is still clean, you can easily remove the sludge by laying a piece of paper towel on the surface and gently removing it.

But since protein and oil films are always caused by pollutants in the water, the best way is always to do a quick water change. #theindoorwetlands #shorts #short #biofilm #proteinfilm #oilfilm #aquascape #aquarium 🌿🍸
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