David Hyde Pierce Opens Up On His Family’s Battle With Alzheimer’s

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Actor David Hyde Pierce joins the 3rd Hour of TODAY to open up about his advocacy for Alzheimer’s research. Pierce, who’s father suffered from dementia and grandfather battled Alzheimer’s, says, “We owe it to ourselves and to our families to educate ourselves about it.”

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#Alzheimers #DavidHydePierce #Dementia
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What a decent and caring man. That is why he is so respected and loved by so many people. He is truly a mensch in every sense of the word.


This is why I adore David Hyde Pierce. My husband had the same dementia as his grandfather, only he had early onset, He understands how it affects families. This disease is very cruel. It Takes away those you love, they become strangers.


Good to see David again. I had such a crush on him when he was on Frasier.


I love David Hyde Pierce for being such a wonderful actor and an advocate for this disease. Thank you for sharing your story. I can see the pain in your eyes. I know that pain and sadness too as my mother suffers and my grandmother suffered from this awful disease. I pray that a cure or lasting treatment is found soon.


BIg fan of David Hyde Pierce here in the UK here. An absolute gent for promoting this awful disease and and ambassador for the charity he's connected with. Amazing guy.


My mom's mom is in moderate Alzheimer's now.. we just are in the process of selling her car she can still cook still walk places still loves to travel but I know this is only the beginning.. thank God for Aricept she takes it every day that she's home I cherish the times right now where she knows who I am because I know the time is coming when she won't.


I loved this actor in Fraiser.
I'm so pleased he is speaking out about this terrible cruel disease. I cared for my husband for many years until he died last summer. The journey we went on together was slow and distressing but rewarding too. Thankfully he still had some quality of life before he died.


My Dad is dealing with dementia, and has been for many years. Looking forward to celebrating his 80th Birthday this weekend. 🎉❤


How wonderful is this man. Such elegance and poise.


Thank you, David you are an amazing actor, and human being and your portrayal of Niles Crane was incredible, maybe please reconsider doing a guest appearance on the Frasier re-boot, that would give so much joy to so many people, good luck and God bless....


That is very true about the pandemic and alzheimers getting worse. My mom was diagnosed with dementia in early 2020 and once the lockdown happened she got progressively worse. She just lie in bed and not get up despite my encouragements. Then in August of 2020 she was gone. Worst time of my life.


I used to volunteer at an art centre where on a Thursday morning we used to have an art group for people with dementia/Alzheimer’s called the YPWD (Young People With Dementia) art group. I was part of a different art group for people with long term disabilities who class was at the same time and when the centre lost funding for my class some of us joined the YPWD group. To see people at the different stages of the illness was quite incredible and sad at the same time. Some were using the full resources to paint beautiful pictures while others were just able to manage some colouring in. They used to hold a display for them once a year in the cafe displaying their artwork to.


Thank you so much for bringing up the Caregivers during COVID! It is so hard to feel so alone in this, but I am hopeful that eventually I will get the support I need from my family 😪


David, you are truly admirable in every role you play, whether on, or off the stage.


Hi David ive just seen this here in Belfast you are amazing thankyou for your genuine care ❤


Love and respect to this wonderful actors of all time


My great grandma and now my grandma ( both on my mom's side) either had or currently have Alzeimers..I hate this difficult disease so much


Such a valuable discussion! David Hyde Pierce is doing a great service to talk about Alzheimer's.

When my mother developed Alzheimer's, someone suggested that I attend a support group meeting, and I decided not to because I didn't want to hear about what the future held. A big mistake. I would urge people to search out support groups; dealing with this issue in your family alone is not the way to go.


Wow, a lot of love for that man in this thread, touching


two of my great aunts had it when I was in collage and my grandma had me go spend time with her twice a week at her nursing home.
