Can you trap light in mirror box | Light trapping box

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Physicists are curious to know what would be if light trapped into a mirror sphere that is a so-called light trapping box. This science video about to can you trap light in the mirror box. A mirror box is a simple box made of mirrors. Generally, a perfect mirror can reflect all incident light photons on the mirror surface. However, the perfect mirror is just a theoretical idea. Light is made of photons, so it is the very old question is it possible to trap light? The reflection properties of light can be used for trapping light in a box. Experiment with laser and mirrors is shown here in this video where anyone can see whether trapping light in a mirror box is possible or not. Trapping light in a box made of a perfect mirror is possible as long as the light source is continuously providing the light photons. The light trapping machine is only possible with a 100% perfect mirror that does not absorb the energy of photons.

To trap the light in a mirror box, three square shape mirrors were taken and they were composed together as an equilateral triangle. This equilateral triangle made of glass is called a triangle mirror box or mirror trap. A small hole was made for providing the incoming beam in the mirror box. A laser beam was used as a light source. The laser beam was incident on a mirror surface of the mirror trap exactly at a 45-degree angle. As a result, the light is reflected at a 45-degree angle from the mirror surface to the second mirror. That means the second mirror has an incident angle 45 degrees and a reflection angle also 45 degrees. These phenomena happen in the third mirror as well and this reflection of light is repeated over and over again in the mirror room. So easy anyone can say, light is trapped in the mirror box. Similar things will have happened if light trapped into a mirror sphere. Unfortunately, this triangle mirror box cannot trap light in the absence of the light source. As a result, trapping light in a box of trapped light in a mirror box is just a theoretical idea. Because a lot of photons an absorbed by the materials used for the mirror.

In this video, the light was trapped in the triangle mirror box until the source is provided the light. That means light in a mirror box exists as long as the laser beam source exist, this experiment with laser and mirrors is showing this room of mirror physics phenomenon.

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#MirrorBox #TrappingLight # LightTrappingBox #MirrorRoom #TriangleMirrorBox #Mirror #MirrorTrap #PerfectMirror
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The video demonstrating above is just a prototype that shows what would be in real. Some part of this video was made to demonstrate the possible scenario that has no relationship with a real experiment.


Perfect condition is impossible to achieve. Let's assume that the mirror is 99% reflective and the environment is vacuum. If the distance between 2 mirror is 0.1m, after 500 reflection, the power of beam will be less than 1%. That works out to a travel distance of 50m which takes less than 1 microsecond.

Conclusion - It is impossible to trap light in a box for an on observable period of time that can be sensed by our eyes. The experiment does not demonstrate how light can be trapped as it is impossible to observe one particular instance of the light - 3x10^8 m/s.


Light travels with the speed of roughly 300.000 km/second meaning your small mirror box would be 30 billion reflections/second assuming the length is 10 cm, the problem with that is that the mirror can't be perfect and if it's not a vaccuum, light will hit dust particles or even get absorbed by gasses in the air.


This was a fascinating video. My best guess is, no mirror is efficient enough to reflect 100% of energy so the light would eventually disappear. Also, if I'm not mistaken, the fact that we can see the lasers on the surface of the mirrors from outside the box means that the light is being dispersed into different directions so even if we trapped the light with perfect mirrors, we probably won't be able to see them unless you are looking directly into the direction of the light.

Just my uneducated guess :) Let me know what you think.


Maybe it would keep if you had perfect mirrors that were perfectly aligned and a perfect laser that didn’t scatter any light beyond the beam, but I don’t think those things are possible. Another problem is that you wouldn’t be able to observe it. If light is hitting your eye, then light is escaping the box. With light being so fast, I think even in the best box we could build, we would see the light stop as soon as the source stopped. Even if it did keep the light around a little longer it would be lost so quickly that it would be imperceptible to us.


Not what I was expecting. Yes you have made the box, and yes it should trap light for a while. However, you have not shown how much time after switching off the laser, light is still bouncing around! That would be really cool.


Light can not be trapped like this due to inefficient reflections trillion times in the fraction of a second. We can't observe trapped light before it deminishes. Secondly there are the dust particles that will absorb a great deal of intensity. Thirdly, no such lesser light has ever been established that does not lose its some of intensity outside the straight projected path.
Mohsin: Senior Scientist from Pakistan


I have thought that if we could trap sunlight in a box during the day and then meter it out for indoor lighting when needed, it would be a preferable lighting solution. But the techniques and materials to make it work are beyond me and may never exist IDK.


Light can not travel infinitely at one point it will loose energy and transform into heat.


I was curious about it and I have stumbled across your video. You actually helped me understand this. My conclusion is that the light can indeed be trapped but just for a very short period of time, because after each reflection the light’s gonna be absorbed by mirrors and eventually will just be fully absorbed. I would love to see the light being captured and the ray of light weakening each time it reflects in real time, so that it could be noticed.


When you stop the light, the light keeps on reflecting and diminishes throughout the time by small value until the bare human eyes can not see it. The graph of the reflected light light getting reflected again goes down at a constant rate, but never ends. There is no situation where the light actually stops getting reflected, but just diminishes greatly. Moreover, all this happens suddenly and in fraction of seconds because of the speed of light being so high. Thus we can not trap the light beam so simply with our bare hands, bare eyes and with a laser. (Note: I dont know whether im right or not)


That's easy. .we did in class 1 at school..light is still trapped


This won't work when the light is off because if so that's perpetual motion, and that breaks the laws of phycics. It would also be useless because it'll 1+1=0//0.1, you also won't be able to see it...


i also want to start a project like this but in a diffrent way i dont want use mirrors because the can not hold light for long time i think we should discover a new material which would be a great reflactor of light


Imo trapped light means the light will continue on a recycle path as you have demonstated but without its source. Also that equipment you are using is not even close to accurate bcz the light is also reflecting to camera. Even you can trap a light it almost impossible to see it with just a blind eye a light is a energy wave what transffer energy one atom to another. Mirror ( nothing in the human knowledge is 100 reflective) is not 100 percent reflective and it will absorb some of the energy from the wave and reflected some of its particle to other direction, thats is the reason mirror gets hot from sun light. And once you remove the source of light You might expect to see the light recycle ( even if your tool was 100 percent perfect) for atleast 1 sec. But no, light is so fast that you cant see it blind eyes nor with the slowest camera in the world. You can only obserb it only if the source is active.


I had to show my kids this is wonderful, they love science! Really nice scientific finds, and how you did exact measurements showing really awesome!


Exactly true i studied this in physics. Good and clear explantion well done.


When I was a kid I wondered about this and tried it with a laser pointer and a Christmas tree ornament. Didn't prove much, but it was kinda neat!


Hey, I had this very thought today during a convo with a friend. So of course I decided to look it up on youtube for visual aid and the first video I found(that interested me) was you- would you agree the light WOULD be trapped- lets say, a sealed mirror box with a candle and a human subject (no hole for the light to escape) the candle is lit and eventually goes out, the light it self would remain in the box reflecting back and forth right? But each time the light reflects doesn't it lose some energy every time the light bounces? and given the speed of light- the time the light would remain in the box would be undetected by the human eye. It would appear- as the candle went out- so would the light in the mirror box you are standing in. It would be like flicking the light switch on and off. However if we were able to create a camera small enough and powerful enough to capture the light in a super slow motion manner, would we observe the light continue to reflect- getting weaker and weaker until darkness inevitably dissipates due to there being so much energy dispersal/absorption?

sorry if I'm not making sense haha... Also, without an observer how would we know for sure the light was in the box?  By observer I mean any human or any kind of measuring tool. What is light without an observer? A wave right? Only when a light source has a destination locked in place will it become a particle, no? Makes me think of the double slit experiment. Is there any tests done on this you can share links too?

Seems like a philosophical conundrum... a little like the famous 'schrodinger's cat' experiment

thank you!


You told amazing things
.Thank you! Happy New Year!
