Building the Foundation for Long-term Change

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Sometimes it helps to get some clarity before even deciding what long-term changes we want to make! Getting to a relaxed, energized state can really help this. You only need a few hours.

Legal Notice: Consult your doctor before beginning any kind of exercise program. This video does not replace a physical therapy program or consultation with a medical professional.



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Many of us want to make changes in our lives. It can be good to get some clarity to inspire us on the changes to make! Thank you all for watching!


I want to start making more "regular-length" content for YouTube. I'm going to experiment with scripted, unscripted, etc. I'll try different levels of production, but I'll focus on making content that tries to help people regardless. Thank you all for being here! Let me know what you'd like to see.


I am almost 70 years old, recovering from chemo and a sedentary lifestyle. I visited my doctor, we came up with a plan to get me going in the right direction. I am in physical therapy and the first day the therapist asked me about my inspirations. I listed you as one of them. I am starting from below zero on my fitness journey and I know I will get there with your good advice. Thank you for leading the way.


When fitness people say "you don't need motivation, you need discipline" it feels like such a self serving answer. Like they are patting themselves on the back for how disciplined they are. A lot of fitness stuff has this sort of scolding perspective, and that your videos don't is something I like about them. I strongly believe that what a lot of people consider to be "discipline" is just habits. Like a person who has been waking up early to go to the gym for years, that is a pretty easy task for them. So when someone asks advice they say "you need to be disciplined like me, wake up at 5am and go to the gym". It's this all or nothing mentality, where there is no room to grow into the person you want to be, you are just expected to already be that person.

I have been working on exercising more lately, and a lot of it has just been making it really easy to exercise. Having exercise equipment close to hand so there is very little friction to use it, and programming my training so that it is fun so I am encouraged to continue. It took so much more "discipline" to do a single pullup every day when I first started than it takes to do a muscle up every day now a year or so later. Habits are so much more important than discipline.


When I get good sleep, eat well, and work out, the resulting clarity brings me back to the reality of how much I hate my job and how boring my free time is, then I end up back to booze. It definitely feels like a cycle. I have plans to quit the job soon.


As of writing this, I am 289 pounds. Last month I hit a peak of 308 pounds, and I feel like I truly woke up for the first time in my life. Staring at the mirror I had what felt like a dam burst forth with negative thoughts about my lifestyle and my body. I have never smoked or drank, and I've never participated in recreational drugs, but I've had a life long food addiction for as long as I can remember. You are one to the main inspirations that keep me working out daily, I've started a calorie deficit diet with tons of protein and focused on calisthenics, though I do throw some weights around here and there. This is a massive message but I wanted to say thank you for all of the lives you have positively impacted with your kind and empathetic energy. I have never felt more alive, more awake, and more energetic than I do today, and I know it will only get better. You guys changed my life and I'm finally starting to love myself.


As someone who has struggled with a lot of mental and physical health issues over the years, one thing I have noticed consistently is that when your body in general is unhealthy, so too often are your mind and your thoughts also unhealthy.

Taking time to cater to your body's primary physical needs can make a fundamental difference to the way you feel and think, and the ways to do that which are laid out in this video are exactly the kinds of things that I've also personally found can help to achieve that.

This is a great video, thanks. 🙂


Screw the alpha grindset mindset. Hampton sipping tea and handing out compassionate BestieCore life advice with soft music and fireflies in the background is the real path to a good life. If nothing else, I'm pretty sure my blood pressure dropped faster than the stock of a company after Elon buys it.


As someone who's struggled with depression and anxiety (self-diagnosed) since I was in primary school, I feel like my life has never been on track. But all the lows in my life make what others might consider basic or simple - sleeping for more than 6hrs straight, admiring the green grass and blue skies, filling my tummy up with a warm meal, putting away that one item I've left out for a month - even more beautiful. ✨

It might not seem like much but when I think back on my day, I can almost always feel a sense of pride and gratitude that I'm doing well. I hope everyone reading this can also learn to be their own cheerleader and keep putting one foot in front of the other.


Thank you Hampton. I'm 55 I've been sprinting and exercising. I've quit tobacco, caffeine and sugar this year. I've been meditating. No television, no radio for about 3 years now.


Hey Hampton. I'm a 47 year old dad. After a period of overwhelm, I'd got my life back on track through meditation and nutrition. Then I started to ge the energy to start exercising again. I wanted to express gratitude for your videos and your Hybrid 2.0 routine. The videos motivated me to start calisthenics. I love your energy, warmth and clarity. But it was the programme that helped me to build a habitual routine that I am sticking to. I love when I develop on to the next progression, watch your model clips and get going. Thanks for helping me get exercising again. Keep doing what you do!


Hampton you have a way of making things seem simple, in part because of your voice and tone, in part because of your sincerity and empathy, and in part because you deliver ideas in straight forward nuggets. You’re a great teacher, thank you


This video spoke to me. I did this back at the beginning of the year. Hadn’t been to the doctor in years and decided to go. Got diagnosed with high blood pressure. Weighed 311 lbs and I thought I was doing fine. I wasn’t.

As of today I’m down 71 lbs, blood pressure is under control and they are thinking of taking me off some. It’s so difficult some days, but I take those as motivation to keep going. If I can make it through the tough days, the easy days are that much easier.


This couldn't have come at a better time for me. You're so motivating and comforting at the same time. Thank you so much for an inspiring video.


I changed my lifestyle 3 years ago. I work out everyday, and try to take in more proteins and veggies everyday but sometimes I am unmotivated. What helps for me is establishing a base line - which for me is 8, 000 steps in a 24 hour day. On these days I don’t worry about speed or what I eat or if I accomplish anything else. I walk slow AF and I tell myself how proud I am that I’m doing this when 3 years ago this little bit would have been a lot.

Sometimes after a walk, I’m ready to take on more. Sometimes I don’t get that 8, 000 step until after 11 pm. Either way, I know the next day is a new day to recommit to my life goals.


I want to throw a comment towards you that you are the reason I started weightlifting. I think this small change has made me learn a surprising amount about myself - about how I want to be productive and end up feeling empty at the end, because I have to learn to enjoy the journey, not the product. I have to aim not for the dream house or the perfect child or the hot body, but the act of decorating, parenting, moving my body. I think this will change my life. What I’m saying is you have changed my life, and thank you ❤


This has been my exact problem, its so hard to stay disciplined but even more so to be motivated to keep going. Need discipline!


Man, this guy is a kind of blessing. Calms me just to listen to him. I'm 43 and have high blood pressure, owing to stress and nerves. Good sleep and regular exersise is essential for me. He is so right. We have to listen.


Very … very relatable. Maintenance and care for yourself is more than just readjustment of your schedule indeed. Looking over yourself with others eyes might actually be something most of us lack.


I struggle with a few health issues, and regularly go through these ups and downs with how I am feeling physically (in turn mentally too). Oftentimes when I am in a "down, " I feel like I am just waiting for the good days to come back. Taking those tiny steps while I'm down, even if it's a fraction of what I really want to be doing, does help so much. Great advice and something I needed to hear again. Have a beautiful day yall
