New to Concealed Carry? WATCH THIS ASAP

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Today, John is giving advice to people new to concealed carry and the things that he wish he knew when he started.

Choosing the BEST Gun for Concealed Carry:

Universal Firearms Safety Rules:

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I just started carrying last November and instinctively did these things.
Week 1: Started carrying around the house unloaded.
Week 2: Carried unloaded to a nearby restaurant.
Week 3: Carried unloaded to college (got licensed for that).
Week 4: Started carrying loaded everywhere.
Now I feel naked without a gun on me.

Oh, and I train at least once a week.


Thanks for actually being willing to tell people who are new and nervous to carry unchambered. That’s how I started. Over a little bit of time I got a lot more comfortable and now I carry hot and wouldn’t dream of carrying another way. We in the 2A community need to realize that to inexperienced people, guns are kinda scary and we need to encourage people to take baby steps and grow, instead of making them feel bad for not being a commando on day of owning a firearm. Great video!


What I like the most about John is the fact that he conducts himself as a gentleman. There’s no profuse vulgarity or acting like a know it all tough guy. People who are secure enough in themselves don’t need to use such antics. There’s other sites online that shall remain anonymous (carry trainer!) that are a real turnoff because of the attitude. God bless you John. It’s refreshing to see a gentleman and not a thug for a change.


Great video. Been shooting a long time and doing most things "wrong" during that time. Trying to re-train myself while teaching my son and wife to shoot as well. I've finally gotten them beyond the fear stage and to the respect stage of handling a firearm. It's funny you mention shot anticipation, it's the one thing I am having an issue with for them.


I dearly wish we had your 2nd ammendment rights here in Europe. I have regular intel up on YT. Keep prepping guys 👍 🙏 ✝️


If you are uncomfortable, you need to train. If you are comfortable, you need to push your training.


The “carry unloaded” thing sounds crazy but it’s great advice. For some people who were never exposed to the idea of carrying a gun (parents never did it, etc), starting to do it can be a big bridge to cross. I grew up around guns but when I started carrying I couldn’t get over the idea of carrying a gun with no safety and a round in the chamber. So I carried with a mag, and racked the slide so it was “cocked” but no round chambered. After about a week, I learned to trust that it wouldn’t go off by itself and I started carrying with a round in the chamber.

Carrying with a round in the chamber is extremely important, but don’t hammer people who are scared to do it. This is a great way to gather that trust in your firearm. Just use a proper, safe holster and it’ll be fine.


I really appreciate these recent “carrying for beginners” videos.
I’ve got my carry permit, a new gun and a quality holster… But I’ve been hesitant to actually start carrying it… Partially due to the discomfort, partially due to my lack of training & confidence. Thank you for the nudge to keep moving forward.


Even after 22 years in the military, training is non stop,


Practiced the hand grip from one of your videos and it instantly improved my accuracy. Began at 15 yards and progressed to 50 yards and held decent groups. I had nearly given up.


Let me just take a moment to say, "Thank you, John". America is a better place because of guys like you. God bless you.


I conceal carry for the first time, and I didn't feel powerful, I felt sad, because I'm a christian, and loving my neighbors and my enemies is God's way to salvation, and I have the understanding of self-defense, I pray to GOD that I never use it on a person or animal.


The contra code is up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start


I have small children, been carrying for around 17 years, I carry with an empty chamber just to avoid any accidents around them, train and when you think you’re trained, train more


Contra cheat code: Up up, down down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, start or select start for 2 players 😁👍🏻


When I got my first handgun, I had a unhealthy fear of it. I had to start by loading it and keeping near me when I was at home. I would wait for my family to leave, then sit down and have it next to me loaded while I worked. This helped me get over my big fears and now every gun I own is loaded and ready for action.


I carried unchambered for about a month. Been shooting my whole life, 82nd ABN. Intellectually I knew that a quality pistol (Hellcat Pro) would not go off in a quality holster. But being new to CC (Thank you SCOTUS!!!) I chose to crawl, walk and then start running. I train, I travel to training I pay for and I do all of this out of a deep sense of responsibility to my God, my community and my family. I have digressed. Carry chambered when you are ready, if only to prevent a stress induced malfunction when racking the slide in a life or death moment. It is not about the half second to me.


Went to a class with John. Had an issue for several months I couldn't self-diagnose. In less than three minutes, probably 90 seconds he diagnosed it. I was skeptical but the next moment when I applied what he said to do all of a sudden I wan in the black again. Worth the entire trip.


Where around the house, during yard work, doing whatever chores you might do close to home…you’ll be surprised how quickly it becomes a normal feel to you


All great points. My first instructor, in about 1966, wouldn’t allow me to *touch* a firearm until I could recite and explain the four Cardinal rules. Talk about motivation!
