The Continual Power of Christianity to Infiltrate and Transform Cultures

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Richard Rohlin might be my favorite guy on the internet. I really love Jonathan and everything he does, but his conversations with Richard ALWAYS enlighten me in some way. I'll often talk about people being stuck in a frame (the materialist frame, for instance) and Richard has been instrumental in helping me break MY frames and look at things in new ways. Even if it's something that's a bit beyond me philosophically or maybe something I don't really agree with or whatever, getting that glimpse outside is always something special.

I guess it goes without saying that I also am completely in love with his segments on the Amon Sul Tolkien podcast.


Pageau and Rohlin are tapping into something real (meaningful). As a materialistic protestant (recovering), I'm missing out on what the "abundant life" really is. The Lord of Spirits (Eastern Orthodox) podcasts, and the Pageau space, has helped me approach Christ with imagination, and therefore tap into that abundant life that Christ promises. I aint getting it in this banal culture. As an older dude, you younger male pups may want to try a symbolic approach, a more participatory Christian life filled with imagination. I get the young male paradigm ... been there. It's untapped. I see the hunger. Once Christ is revealed to young males, they then see a better "tribe" because the chieftain of the tribe is worth following. Well done Paul. I think I'll take the course.


Same here PVK...
"main goal of civilization is to properly harness the single young males " 🔥


Tuath, pronounced two-a, is like the clan.

Clan is irish for family


The Pageau/Rohlin video on purgatory was interesting. I sometimes wonder which old patterns will return. Clustering around monasteries seems possible.


46:35 It's always good to have someone in the circle that passes the hookah without participating lest spirit of the group take that fancy flight. Anselman plays an important role here.

Edit: I raised my eye in that same part about Mary's gaze summoning Christ into Being but Anselman might like that.


I have been saying for more than two decades now, that we need, as it were, mating institutions which bring young men and women together, in the determination of their differing characters, and hence, proper mates.

That is the basis, as I see it, for the “first love” of such once wholly gathered culturally communistic communities originally establishing Christianity in its prophetic, apostolic, and overall Lordly foundations, whereby men and women together were brought into public life in the creation, or “first works”, in turn, of guiding reproduction.

Arjuna, likewise, in the Bhagavad Gita, asserts that when the royal family - (as with Joseph and Mary being of the lineage of David) - has historically broken down, then reproduction becomes unguided and unrestrained; and so creates not only an overpopulation, but a hellish condition for all thereby, which then leads historically and culturally to Lordly judgments, as great battles like Kuruksetra in Hinduism - (Kursk?) - or Armageddon, as equally the valley of Jezreel in relation to East Texas and Washington DC today.


I challenge all the Estuary fans here to go and look up the history of inventions and technology and find something significant created in Christian Europe from 481 CE to 1100 CE? I did find the "Quill Pen" by Isador of Seville 580 CE.


Bingo. Civilization is about generational sustainability. This is where Western Christianity (and Boomers) has let down all of humanity. We are the children of winter. How do we bring forth spring?


This video from Pageau and Roland as well as the recent video with Ben Shapiro and Spencer Klavan have been my favorite videos I’ve seen this month. Enjoyed the commentary and hope you do some more on it.


Ireland vs Italy? RCC vs Celtic Orthodox (which invented Confession)? Saint Malachy was the boss, and wrote a prophecy ... before Dante. The first formally canonized Irish RCC saint.


I just started a new role at a place in Ireland, commonly known as 'Saint Patrick's Purgatory'. And you thought Benburb was cool... Haha You should visit when you're next in Europe, Paul. :)


I love all the Universal History videos.
One of my favorite series on YouTube in general.


This is something I was trying to bring up to BGD in our conversation. If the metamodern project is anything, it’s finding the foot of mount purgatory in the inferno, and the quest to become a saint


It's always great fun when those two get together on a video! Irish church history is absolutely fascinating.

Welcome to my world! I've been a *huge fan* of monasteries for a very long time, and the Irish version of those were some of the best.

One thing for sure, their video *really does have a ton of great ideas* for us to emulate.

Though I like Richard Rohlin's quip that "main goal of civilization is to properly harness the single young males, " it's not really accurate, if you think about it.

Here's my counter: *The main goal of civilization is to maximize safety and the development of **_children, _** along with the women who raise and nurture them.*

The best way to "harness" single young males is to make them married young males with children. Then get them a job so they are *forced* to raise a family.

I know this sounds hopelessly naive, but I truly believe that the means to solve whatever [INSERT NAME HERE] "crisis", is going back to the very basics of getting youngsters married off and reproducing. Anyone who studies church growth, and it's evil twin, church decline, knows that the "secret sauce" to a successful church is finding young families who want to raise their youngin's with morals and good character. It's just that simple.

That's why the mega churches, whether it's Willowcreek or Saddleback, are located way, way, out in the 'burbs, and why those churches take suburban values very seriously. There is a real hunger for big, happy-clappy churches out in the burbs, and they are still doing fairly well in that regard.

Looking at this issue historically and anthropologically, the very first steps to "civilization" was the walled city. Put the young woman, children, and the old folks IN THE WALLED CITY to keep them safe. Make the old men the literal "gatekeepers" to check on everyone coming and going, and then get the young men OUT OF THE CITY every single day, watching the herds, tilling the fields, joining the local army/militia, digging mines, cutting stones, and all that stuff. The reason? Every single society on earth knows that the most dangerous thing you have to contend with in a civilization is a young man with nothing to do. So you kick their butts out of the walled city every single day, and make them do something useful. The old men and the old woman enforce it, so that the young women and the kids can have some peace and quiet.

But now Western Civ's idea of peace and quiet is to not have any children at all. Can't get much quieter than that.

Ireland was one of the most perfect Catholic countries on earth for a very long time. Our own country, the USA, had more Irish immigrants come here then from any other country in Europe. Even as a kid, I have fond memories of an Irish immigrant family living across the street from us, with their five beautiful children. What a great family! We all used to play together, and found creative ways to incorporate all the different ages into games and fun.

But since the 1990's, Ireland has been going downhill very fast. Attendance at Catholic churches is a tiny fraction of what it used to be, and no one really cares about church or religion of any kind anymore. And yet the people themselves are better off than they ever have been, in terms of economics and job opportunities. The big Irish family has gone the way of the dinosaurs.

What happened is a bit of amazing irony: the Irish have brought SO MUCH to American culture through immigration, but now, thanks to TV and the internet, American culture has completely swept the Emerald Isle, from one end to the other. They even talk like us now, no joke. And they have greedily taken up our materialistic, hedonistic and consermurist ways to the hilt. They are now more American than we are.

How did this happen? Well, we Americans did it. Not sure it was intentional, but it's certainly our fault. Everyone want to get in on the "American Dream", even without having to move to America. And they found out that the secret spell that allows you to do that, is to stay single for as long as humanly possible, never, ever have kids, not even one, and find a high paying job that allows you all the hedonistic materialism that you can get your hands on. Works every time.

If you have all that, then what need is there of God? They've got heaven on earth now.

Sadly, we really are not too far from Ireland in that regard. The church in the USA is quickly becoming irrelevant, regardless of denomination.

People are beating each other over the head about Megan (Irish?) BASH 'EM!!! book about the compromises the shepherds are making, even _the super conservative ones who should know better, _ in order to feed their congregation the latest progressive fads.

So many are missing the bigger picture here: the conservative Evangelicals are the concrete foundation of conservatism, if you can subvert and destroy their conservative beliefs so that they are more inline with the urban monoculture, then there is nothing, _absolutely nothing_ to stop our country from becoming as post-Christian as western Europe is right now.

And the progressives are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams. _Or are they???_

As I've been watching the developments of the past few months across the world stage, there are some very encouraging signs that the Jedi are finally striking back. Let's hope that trend continues.

Always remember and never forget, *it's all spiritual warfare all the time.*


30:00 Men and Marriage by George Gilder does the most thorough job backing up this claim.


35:30 A series of videos on the lives of the saints? Madness!


You get real points for knowing about Leaf by Niggle!


34:55 Salmon of Heaven… one of my favorite Irish ballads. Right next to the ‘Herring of Halibut’


You will start out standing proud to steal her anything she sees; but you will wind up peeking through her keyhole, down upon your knees --- Dylan's concept of sin, suffering, and purgatory
