What to Expect Before, During and After Your Knee Replacement

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Tulsa Bone & Joint surgeons share valuable information regarding your knee replacement.
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Great Video I'm having a Knee Replacement o n Monday this video gets me ready for my surgery I've never had a joint replacement before Kim


Ive Just had a Knee Replacement on Monday Im recovering I had my rifht knee done 5days ago I have a lot of pain qhen I walk I have ataples Ill be glad to get ready hoaebout I had my right inee sone how late nf sows rhe party n last qhwn qill I be able to qalk qithout pain qhat can I get zpecr drom my dirst post op visit Kim


I am having a problem with my left knee. My knee is swollen leg, and ankle. I have severe arthritis. It hurts when I am standing on it for a long period of time. I am going to see a G2 Orthopedic Sports Medicine Doctor. Monday May 1, May 10. Getting two options
