What is a ureteral stent?

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A ureteral stent is a temporary, small plastic tube that is placed in your ureter that helps drain urine from your kidney into your bladder by a urologist. A stent may be placed to help unblock your kidney if a stone or obstruction is present. A stent may also be placed during surgery to help allow the ureter to heal without forming a stricture or narrowing. Dr. Reznicek from Pacific Northwest Urology Specialists in Bellingham Washington explains the procedure and steps involved in a typical placement of a ureteral stent.
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The pain from the stent was worse than the stones. Urinating was like being stabbed in the kidney from the back with a screwdriver.


I was recently slammed (out of nowhere) by 4-5mm kidney stones. Two were lodged in the left ureter which sent me to ER. The pain is indescribable and relentless.
A stent was immediately placed to clear the blockage and surgery was scheduled 10 days later so the infection had a chance to clear. THE STENT PAIN IS HORRIBLE AND YOU WILL BE MISERABLE. After surgery to remove the stones, the stent was replaced as a precaution of ureter swelling and another 8 days of stent agony ensued.
I've been completely panicked for the last week reading comment after comment about the barberic procedure and pain involved to remove the stent. Happy to say I experienced ZERO pain and nothing was given for numbing during the procedure. It was a little uncomfortable due to pressure but even that was over in less than a minute.
All of this to say everyone is different so someone else's experience won't be your experience. My suggestion, take something for pain prior to the procedure "just in case" and relax. The relief is immediate and I'm so glad it's over.
Good luck to everyone.


I had a stent placed after a hysterectomy because my uterus and fibroid were causing bilateral hydronephrosis.. to me the stent feels like a worse version of hydronephrosis, I have a constant 24/7 urge to pee that’s driving me mad coupled with pain. I feel like doctors downplay patients pain a lot, maybe because they see so many people I’m not sure but it is definitely not something so minor as described in the video. I have one week left with it and it’s removal can’t come soon enough.


This might be helpful, (idk)

—Try to only drink CLEAR liquids this will help get rid of the blood in your urine
-7up (best if warm)
-Water (LOTS of water)
-Sprite (best if warm)
-Clear sparking water (make sure it doesn’t have much sugar and no caffeine)
—Gatorade is also okay towards the end. Just take small sips at a time and don’t drink too much of it.
—Take it easy. Walk slow, try not to make any sudden movements, slowly sit down and slowly get into bed (ask someone for help if you need to)
—Limit your protein, caffeine, salt, and sugar
—eat watermelon (trust me, it helps)
—avoid ALL spicy foods, citrus, and tea.
—when you lay down, don’t lay on your back or stomach, you’ll wake up in a lot of pain if you do. Lay on your side that doesn’t have the kidney stone. So if the stone is in your left kidney, lay on your right side (and vise versa)
—Eat small meals the whole time, not just in the beginning. Eating large or regular sized meals may give you stomach pain (whether it’s only little or a lot) and it might make you a little nauseous. And that mixed with the kidney stone pain, oUcH.
—Dont be scared to ask someone at home for help. I’m only 13 so I still live with my parents. When my mom goes to work, my dad helps me get up if I can’t get up on my own, he brings food and drinks to my room so I don’t have to walk around much. And when my mom’s home, she helps me. She stays in the bathroom with me when I take showers because I keep falling over for some reason? 😂 and she brings me food and water, helps me walk because holy Jesus, walking hurts like hell. (It will be different for everyone though. Some people may not even feel the stent, and others won’t be able to walk at all. It just depends)
—keep a bowl, bag, or trash can with you at all times. Even with the pills I have that are supposed to help with pain and get rid of nausea, I still get really nauseous out of no where.
—Peeing the bed is normal! If you notice that when you wake up, your bed is wet, it’s okay. It happened to me a few times. Sometimes it feels like I’m peeing lava, and other times I don’t even notice that I’m peeing. It just comes out. So I suggest sleeping on towels.
—Dont go anywhere. Stay home. Have someone else do your grocery shopping.
—blood in your urine is normal, BUT if your urine is a bright, cherry red call your doctor.
—wear comfy clothes. I just wear baggy t shirts and underwear (and if it gets cold, sweatpants) Don’t wear jeans. They make the pain a lot worse.
—if you have the hiccups, sit up. Don’t lay down. Sit up and chug a glass of water. It works every time for me.
Sorry that was long, but I hope it helps <3

Hello again.
Two months ago I got a stent placed.
Yesterday I went to the hospital so they could go in with a scope and remove the stone pieces since I never passed them.
Well, that didn’t happen. They ended up spending an hour trying to remove the stent.
Apparently it started to crystallize around the stent. So they had a lot of trouble trying to remove it.
Once they removed it, they placed a bigger stent in.
Before, I couldn’t really feel it.
Now, I’m in pain 24/7 and start sobbing every time I use the bathroom because it hurts so bad.
I can hardly walk too..
My doctor said citrus probably caused it to crystallize
So seriously. Please stay away from citrus. The only thing I’m allowed to drink now is water.


I have one in now, and it feels like I’m passing a stone EVERY TIME I pee. It’s horrible!


I've been in more pain since my stent was placed, and I keep feeling like a crazy person. 13 days later and I still haven't gotten used to it. I just want my surgon to pull out this 6mm stone and stent so I can be pain free for once. Even my percocets only reallt got the pain down to a 3 at max. I just feel very irritated, swollen, and cut up down there and in there.


Just got an extremely painful 10 m stone lasered . On day 4 of my stint . Can't wait to get it removed in two weeks time. Wetting myself and its painful to pass urine and sore on my left kidney . But thankful the kidney stone is removed.


I had the stent for few days inside me. When I almost finishing pee I feel a horrible pain near my kidney. When I lift my right(where the stent is located) leg up (like a peeing dog) I feel relief!.


I just got my stent removed after 5 days of it being in me, and I swear it felt like I was going to die afterwards. I wouldn’t wish that pain on my worst enemy


I had one done yesterday. The worst pain, i ever experienced in my life. Not to deter or discourage anyone. The the agony from this procedure slowly declines.


The best way i can describe having a stent is a side cramp but very minor, no pain just you know it's there. Urination after surgery is painful but with Azo it made it easier, so get that asap.

Removal is best described as nasty pinches at the tip of you ... you feel it once when they put in the anesthetic, a second when they insert the scope, and third when they remove the stent, all this from 1min to 30 sec.

Psychologically you may feel a lil trama, after all it was done at a sensitive spot but Valium works well with managing that. Take another Azo and take a nap, you WILL feel 100%better the next day ... trust me ...

I just had this done last week.


I had 6 kidney stones and especially on left side I had 1.1cm kidney stone. Post surgery they placed stents in both left n right side of kidneys. When ever I don't drink water, I use to feel the pain and I can see blood while passing urine.
So, if you placed stents remember you have to drink lot of water to reduce the pain. As more water will prevent stent touching the skin as it will be floating in between.


I had a 9 mm stone at junction. removed through cytoscope. Surprising doctor found 5 more stones which were not visible in CT scan. Sten was placed. Till the time cathedral was there i couldn't feel. The moment it was removed i had pain of my life while passing urine. It gradually reduces but pain remains. I have to bear the stent for three weeks now. Its a double whammy. You have tk drink 4 litres of water so u urinate. But every time u urinate pain comes back. Very hard for patients going through this.


Don’t let this doctor lie to you!!! You WILL feel the stent!!! And it feels just as bad as a stone


14 mm kidney stone blasted yesterday. The procedure was around an hour and they put a stent in. It was painful and there have been so many bathroom trips.
I'm only less than 24 hours post op, but I can say I would NEVER have it done again. Maybe I'll feel better than a day or so.


My 5th day with stent and it is the most uncomfortable thing besides my 6mm kidney stone. Can’t wait for Tuesday to get that removed


For the first few days of a stent, at least for me, it's agony. It gets better after about 4 days. The stent removal for me is quite painful, but evidently I'm quite tiny.


Theses stents are painful and uncomfortable. I had mine in for 7 weeks and have a appointment to have them removed June 8 ! I can no longer take this pain and I have two stents placed inside me ! It’s DEPRESSING…I barely have the strength to do anything now a days ! I just want to feel like me again .


I had a 7mm kidney stone and subsequently had a stent inserted for a month. A few days ago, a surgeon removed the stent and performed laser lithotripsy to fragment the stone. I now have a new stent that will remain in place for two weeks. While having a stent is uncomfortable, I have become accustomed to it.


You didn't mention blockage of the urethra due to prostrate cancer? I have a kidney stent & catheter as a prostrate cancer metastasis patient.
