JJ Stent (removal of kidney stones)

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A JJ stent is a tube that is temporarily placed in the ureter to make sure urine can flow from the kidney to the bladder.

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Unbelievable!!! So many of you saying it was not bad.. I am here 3 years later to say it was hell.


I had a stent placed after kidney stone removal, I barely feel it and it doesn't affect me very much. It doesn't feel any worse than a tampon or a menstrual cup, you can feel that it's there but it's not an issue. I'm having it removed in a few days. Good luck to the other people who have to go through this!
Update: I had my stent removed, it was quick and painless, it only hurts when you pee but after a while you're back to normal!


Thank you for sharing this information, it's very helpful for the people that has a problem with KIdney stones, Stay safe and healthy for everyone.


Just got my stent removed using a flexible cystocope this afternoon (male, 53 years old). Overall, the pain was mild and bearable using just local jelly anesthesic. It's more uncomfortable than painful although the nurse told me that some patients find it very painful although most do not. I feel fortunate to belong to the latter group. The most painful part is when the tip of the scope passes through the prostate (as it's narrower there) but that is only for a split second. I give that pain rating a 6/10. Once the tip gets to the bladder, the pain dissapears. The next painful part is when the urologist retracts the stent out of the body. That pain felt like 5/10 when it goes through the penis but only last a second or so. Not bad at all. The worst part is that you will pee blood for the next day or two and the urine burning sensation in the first hour is pretty painful (7/10), but that urination pain subsides immensely even just 3 hours later. Good luck guys, it's really not that bad.


Hello everyone,
Yesterday i got my stent removed that was after 10 days of my kidney stone cystoscopy operation.
I was really worried after reading the comments here but it was not much of a problem at all.
The local anesthetic jelly is applied only at that time some minor pain occurs... after that while removing the stent just take deep breathes and relax don’t concentrate on the stent... it will be removed in no time .
After that for 2-3 times your urine will ejaculate some blood vessels and clots... and you’ll be absolutely ok after that.
No need to worry at all.


Apparently the stent in the urethra is very uncomfortable compared with a stent in an artery


I know a lot of people didn't get bothered by the stent much but man was it different for me

I just had mine removed a couple of hours ago and I really didn't expect this instant relief. Only people in the same boat would understand how good it feels to finally have a somewhat normal bathroom experience and what un underrated experience it is.
Yeah it hurts when I pee but it's nothing compared to what I had to endure for almost 2 months with that damned stent .
Can't wait to get back to the gym and get my life back on track. Happy day .


DJ stent removal is quick and painless. Just feel pressure. My stent removed today


Thanks for making this video and sharing this information.


I have one in now... it hurts, but saved my life


It was annoying feeling having the stent inside, specially while making pee and after. And most of the time having the stent inside you feel like going to the toilet most of the time. Waiting for my next kidney laser. I hope everything will be alright.


How does the top of the stent uncurl before they pull it out?


I got my kidney stones surgery on 12th September and now I have a stent they said they gonna remove stent on 6th October


Had mine out in a week ago the blockage was damaging the kidney. They will try to break the stone with lazer now waiting for the next appointment


Guys I had stone 5mm but with apple cider vinegar and lemon water I passed flushed out thanks God


Hi my stent is removed 3 days ago but I am feeling the same pain that was in beginning when the stone was found


I’m in agony with my stent. Painkillers galore and still in pain. Roll on 4-6 weeks when I have the laser. I can do anything apart from bed rest .


Anyone have 2 stents for 3 months? My stone removal was postponed due to UTI and I have had both stents in for 3 months now. I work in concert production, which is physical labor that involves lifting and climbing. It has been torturous to say the least. Thick blood in urine during most work days, and my testicles/groin area constantly ache. I am finally clear for lithro surgery in 2 more days. I don't think I can continue working much longer like this. The last week I can barely walk, or stand up straight. Anyone have a similar experience. My moral is almost non-existent at this point. I feel like I'm slowly dying.


My dad has done dj stenting become of kidney infection, it's about 2 weeks ago.but still he is facing discomfort in the stented part, why it's happening


sir, how many days after RIRS surgery in women should open the tube in the urethra?
