How to fall in love with art again

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Lately I've been getting pretty jaded and tired of art. So I decided to try something that would bring back that spark and get me motivated again :)




No. 7 Alone with my thoughts

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I just sent this to my two artist friends that are deep in the cycle of cynicism.

They’ll dismiss it as click bait.. But I hope maybe one day they might watch it.

Thanks for the inspiration!


“Somewhere along the way I forgot that I liked drawing” damn that sentence hit hard, I realized that myself not too long ago and I’ve been struggling since, I used to love drawing so much but I forgot why. I know I have my old sketchbook hidden somewhere around my house and I hope I can find them and try to remember what made me love art so much in the first place


I’ve found myself in the loop of immediately posting the drawing on social media and then spending an hour or so checking constantly to the point that it turned me off drawing entirely and pushed me towards more arts and crafts (knitting, crochet, cross stitch, etc). It is such a frustrating feeling and I’m merely doing it as a hobby. So thank you for posting this, it does help to know it’s not just us amateurs that suffer from the cynicism.


It's now 4 in the morning and I'm taking a break from studying. It's so nice to see an upload from you. It alleviated my stress for a bit.


"When was the last time i drew, purely because i like drawing?" That hits the right spot. </3


Man, I’m crying while watching this. I’ve been feeling that cynicism, I hate drawing now. I lost that passion for drawing cause I simply loved it. I’m doing exactly what you talked about, I’m creating for others now, for those likes and job opportunities. It’s a self made hell. I think I need to get off social media and just create for myself again.


Since the virus came in, I’ve done the same thing: dedicated a sketchbook specifically to do whatever I want without anyone seeing it. It’s been so good for my creativity


I relate to this heavily. I personally am not a professional artist and I have no desire to be. Everyone tells me to make an Instagram. "Start an online portfolio! It'll attract the attention of businesses!" But I dont want to. I don't want an audience. I want to draw for the sake of making something. For myself. I want to draw, not because someone asked, but as an expression of love. Because I LOVE making hand drawn Christmas/birthday cards for people but NOT because they're my's just because I love them. As a teen my driving goal for art was to "get better" and to some degree it still is. But I want to make art (even bad art) not for the sake of it being attractive or even good, but just for the sake of expression. :)


I'm so glad more and more artists who have social media presence realise they don't have to post every drawing they make. Also it's so nice to have a place for yourself only, like a separate sketchbook, where you're free from the outside pressure.


Totally agree! ps love mini clip games !


thank you for this. This time I was thinking "I just lost my love of art, time to move on" but really, the entire time I was wishing I could go back to when I would draw hot garbage and would be excited. Characters that now, would've pissed me off to look at design wise. I catch myself wishing I had the same childlike enthusiasm with my more adult skillset and focus.

You know, thank you. I had that feeling a year ago. I deleted instagram, spent more time for myself and try to find that kidd again. It worked. But i think i stopped doing that. I thought now were i can draw again- lets draw, get better and most important draw for friends! and yesterday i was sitting over my sketchbook and realizing that, that is all what i did. I coulndt remember drawing something for myself, for the process. Because that is what gives me joy. Obviously im happy when my friends are happy or when people give me feedback, but the process is actually everything. Dont rush yourself, Dont pressure yourself. Art is something to enjoy. And then i watched your Video and thought of all this. Im in love with your Art, jaden. But most important, im thanksful for your impact.


It's so hard to come back. I wanna start to do art again, and i agree, this addiction of public admiration from people around the world. Approval, exposure, etc. It influences what we draw and we sacrifice what we actually want to make. At least, for me, when i draw for the purpose of "sharing it with my friends". It just doesn't come as loving towards our relationship with art. It's really exhausting to feel pumped up about something and i immediately stop because i suddenly thought that "oh this idea is trash, nobody is going to like it."

I hope you get out your rut, i hope all of us get out of it.

Start making what we actually want.. instead of what we think other people will ultimately like. :(( We should all have a "for our eyes only" sketchbook where we dont feel pressured to please anyone with our pieces.


what helps for me is to just simply ask myself "am i enjoying this?", but not trying to prove myself that i am enjoying it. its easy to get lost in an idea of how things should be in life, but at the end of the day if you're not having fun, why bother. also remember that there are many artforms not just drawing, and they all go together very well, you can only spend so much time in the day drawing, until you naturally start to become disinterested, then you can switch things up.


I just got into music, and since I’m starting in a late age where you do care about the success of what you’re making, as soon as I started composing I started disliking it, because as soon as I started I was not making it for my own enjoyment, thank you for this videos, it has been so helpful for this whole journey


last month a finally came back from an almost a year long artists block. i’m extremely happy about it, and now i finally get to feel the happiness of drawing for myself and getting better. one reason i had an artists block is because i kept overthinking my own art and thought it wasn’t good enough for me to even keep trying. now i’ve stepped over that and i’m finally at peace once again.


Hoping to find my joy in drawing back as well. Different reason but this sounds like a nice step in the right direction.


I totally relate! social media has ruined my relationship with art, now whenever I'm drawing I start wondering if the algorithm will like it... the most frustrating thing is that back when I wasnt even trying, when I was just posting mediocre drawings for fun, I used to be successful! now I have changed & improved my style, Im doing what I wanna do but people dont like it.. or the algorithm doesn't like it... and I constantly try so hard to draw something that will be successful again


During college, something happened that changed me altogether. I felt violated to the soul. I couldn’t draw without some therapy to get me to the finish line of my degree (BF in digital arts). I graduated with feeling like a fraud. The people around me loved art where as I felt burned. I couldn’t even bring myself to hold a pencil to draw, sketch, doodle. I didn’t just fall out of love, I felt relieved that it was over. The exhaustion of leaving a toxic relationship kind ruled my life after that. I got rid of everything, like art was a terrible ex. I destroyed almost everything.

Had no portfolio within 6 months of my degree, I wanted to start fresh and create a whole new set. That’s when I realized I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t bring myself to just sit there and draw. Any ounce of joy is just gone. It’s like making friends after leaving a toxic friendship, I couldn’t. Art therapy wasn’t helping, nothing was. Honestly, nothing has been, so I left.

I told myself it was over. Any ounce of love I had for this thing that brought me so much joy and safety was just gone. The person who I was when I entered the art world is not there. I’ll see people speed drawing, just sketching and I grew envious. I was and still am green with envy that their love for art wasn’t violated and tainted by the world. I couldn’t even talk about my degree without feeling shame and trauma. I decided to go down a different path.

As I go down this new path, many ask why I don’t even show the skill set I gained with my degree. I couldn’t. It was a struggle, it still is. I felt so alone. I couldn’t even bring myself to even show a small doodle. I have a friend who can vouch my skills, and have me be a set of eyeballs when she needs a set of them and I am grateful. I want to be in love with art, but I couldn’t. The joy, I can at least enjoy it vicariously.

I recently got assigned some tasks in the creative department. I am not going to lie, I’m a bit scared. So I looked up something like, “how to get back into digital art, ” and found this video. How to fall back in love. For the first time, I don’t feel so alone. Of course my journey is unique, but I feel so less alone. For the first time, everything related to all of these deep and painful emotions were just so crystal clear. I had no idea I saw art like a terrible ex that makes you want to be single forever. Watching this video helped dawn about this clarity regarding these tough emotions and memories.

I want to fall in love with art again. I miss it. I miss it so much. That joy when I just draw something nice and I just liked it. That sketch where even if that arm looks off, it’s okay because you spent hours drawing it. I miss being that little girl who just did it. I now have a husband who is doing that. It’s so nice. I have a baby on the way and I want her to be able to find joy even after the world beats you down. I miss the me who saw light in the world when she was creating a digital art piece. It’s a tough journey, but I’m glad this video is here. It may just be 4:51 seconds but this was and is the most hopeful I have been in falling in love with art and my art again.

This comment became so much more emotional than intended. I hope that’s okay. I had a good cry and relief.


Uhhh that hit different. I'm at exactly that point right now. I'm so proud of myself, that I managed to finish Inktober this year and now, end of November, I'm just realising what that actually did to me. I feel drained and kind of hungover and I'm just drawing for the sake of posting on my scheduled days. Just today, I considered taking a real break for the first time and just draw, without showing anybody. I think this video came at the right time, thank's!
