Color Psychology | How Others see you according to color you wear

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Color Psychology | What the Color you Wear Says About Your Personality | How Others see you according to color you wear is a ReneSanceMan Production. This men's fashion channel will address what Color Says About your Personality - what color says about you - and give examples as to what the best colors to wear during an interview. It discusses the field in social science called psychology of color. This Fashion Fitness and Dating Channel we will give some men's fashion tips and tricks.
Tags include:
What the Color you Wear Says About You | How Others see you according to color you wear
what the color you wear says about you
the color you wear says something about your personality
what color says about your personality
wear this color if you want to appear how others will perceive you
how others see you according to color you wear
Color psychology how colors influence
mens lifestyle channel
what color says about you
Color and Perception
what to wear for interview
personality of blue
when to wear black
color psychology
psychology of color
Color psychology in branding
The color you wear does impact others and how they perceive you
Men's Fashion Tips and Tricks
Fashion tips and tricks for guys
Men's Fashion Channel
Best colors to wear for an interview
ReneSance Man
Renaissance Man
what color says about your personality, wear this color if you want to appear how others will perceive you, renesanceman, how others see you according to color you wear,what color says about you, Color and Perception, what to wear for interview, personality of blue, when to wear black,what color to wear,color psychology,psychology of color,mens lifestyle channel,Color psychology how colors influence, Mens fashion summer 2020 ,Color psychology in branding
Colors to wear if going on a date, business meeting, appear more approachable or trusting. I have tried this and I knew it worked BUT, I underestimated its effect BIG TIME!
In here I will wear the same shirt and just change the color via the editing process (shown at the end). Watch how you see me just by changing the color. A highly visual video because you can see how light gray to dark gray changes my appearance in an instance. This is an interactive video where I have a small social experiment at the end. Watch and have fun with it. Does do shirt look tighter, how's the fit, do you see my personality differences with changing color? Comment
For some reason, when people see me, they always associate my channel with what I wore in my first episode; my red shirt. They don’t ask me about resistance bands, dating, covid19 or my beautiful vests. It’s amazing that the episode that has a meager 1.6% of my total views is the same episode where I’m associated with a particular color. It’s always “hey, where’s your red shirt”? While I wore red purposely, it’s safe to say that I underestimated it’s appeal. But how about other colors? How DO people perceive you when wearing black, gray, green, pink, white and of course red.
Black, ladies and gentlemen is a power color. When you’re wearing black others will see you as ambitious, purposeful, powerful, serious and intelligent. It says “hey, I’m in control here” and it commands respect. It is a prestige color that shows people are both simple and yet complex.
Something to keep in mind is black is also known to have a trimming effect. For example, take a loot at these pictures. Same person different body? But be careful about this because it may backfire and make you look older than what you are. How about blue?
According to research women say wearing navy blue is one of the most attractive colors a man can wear. Think of our Navy men wearing Navy blue and what comes out? It states confidence and reliability. It’s intelligent, trust, tranquil and efficient. Wearing blue says that you think for yourself. The darker it is, the more calming its effects are. It says man person is a professional. Interviewing for a leadership position? Wear navy blue.
When wearing gray 1 word comes to mind,,,,, “Team Player” (Look Confused). Stylists like to say that gray is the color of balance. Similar to blue, Gray shows professionalism but at a tamed level. The darker it is the more professional you look. Contrary to blue however the lighter the gray the more calming its effects are and the more it says you’re a team player. You want to blend in? Wear gray. Interviewing for a job? Wear Dark Gray.
Tags include:
What the Color you Wear Says About You | How Others see you according to color you wear
what the color you wear says about you
the color you wear says something about your personality
what color says about your personality
wear this color if you want to appear how others will perceive you
how others see you according to color you wear
Color psychology how colors influence
mens lifestyle channel
what color says about you
Color and Perception
what to wear for interview
personality of blue
when to wear black
color psychology
psychology of color
Color psychology in branding
The color you wear does impact others and how they perceive you
Men's Fashion Tips and Tricks
Fashion tips and tricks for guys
Men's Fashion Channel
Best colors to wear for an interview
ReneSance Man
Renaissance Man
what color says about your personality, wear this color if you want to appear how others will perceive you, renesanceman, how others see you according to color you wear,what color says about you, Color and Perception, what to wear for interview, personality of blue, when to wear black,what color to wear,color psychology,psychology of color,mens lifestyle channel,Color psychology how colors influence, Mens fashion summer 2020 ,Color psychology in branding
Colors to wear if going on a date, business meeting, appear more approachable or trusting. I have tried this and I knew it worked BUT, I underestimated its effect BIG TIME!
In here I will wear the same shirt and just change the color via the editing process (shown at the end). Watch how you see me just by changing the color. A highly visual video because you can see how light gray to dark gray changes my appearance in an instance. This is an interactive video where I have a small social experiment at the end. Watch and have fun with it. Does do shirt look tighter, how's the fit, do you see my personality differences with changing color? Comment
For some reason, when people see me, they always associate my channel with what I wore in my first episode; my red shirt. They don’t ask me about resistance bands, dating, covid19 or my beautiful vests. It’s amazing that the episode that has a meager 1.6% of my total views is the same episode where I’m associated with a particular color. It’s always “hey, where’s your red shirt”? While I wore red purposely, it’s safe to say that I underestimated it’s appeal. But how about other colors? How DO people perceive you when wearing black, gray, green, pink, white and of course red.
Black, ladies and gentlemen is a power color. When you’re wearing black others will see you as ambitious, purposeful, powerful, serious and intelligent. It says “hey, I’m in control here” and it commands respect. It is a prestige color that shows people are both simple and yet complex.
Something to keep in mind is black is also known to have a trimming effect. For example, take a loot at these pictures. Same person different body? But be careful about this because it may backfire and make you look older than what you are. How about blue?
According to research women say wearing navy blue is one of the most attractive colors a man can wear. Think of our Navy men wearing Navy blue and what comes out? It states confidence and reliability. It’s intelligent, trust, tranquil and efficient. Wearing blue says that you think for yourself. The darker it is, the more calming its effects are. It says man person is a professional. Interviewing for a leadership position? Wear navy blue.
When wearing gray 1 word comes to mind,,,,, “Team Player” (Look Confused). Stylists like to say that gray is the color of balance. Similar to blue, Gray shows professionalism but at a tamed level. The darker it is the more professional you look. Contrary to blue however the lighter the gray the more calming its effects are and the more it says you’re a team player. You want to blend in? Wear gray. Interviewing for a job? Wear Dark Gray.