10 Signs of a Speech Delay at 18 months [Learn the key milestones from a licensed speech therapist]

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In this video, I will teach you 10 signs of a potential speech delay in 18 month olds. I begin with 5 signs of a speech and language delay related to a child’s expression, which includes which words an 18 month old says and what sounds they make. Then I share 5 signs of a potential delay in an 18 month old’s understanding skills. By the end of the video you’ll have a general understanding of what speech therapists are looking for in 18 month old’s’ talking, understanding, and pronunciation skills. Plus I’ll show you how you can find support for your child if you think they might be delayed in their speech development.


0:37 Signs of a speech or language delay in 18 month olds - expression and talking skills
0:58 #1 - My 18 month old isn’t talking yet
2:04 #2 - My 18 month old doesn’t copy me
2:45 #3 - My 18 month old is babbling but not talking
3:28 #4 - My 18 month old doesn’t say sounds clearly
3:54 #5 - My 18 month old isn’t interested in other people
4:38 ** How to find a speech therapist to support your toddler **
4:56 Signs of a language delay in 18 month olds - understanding skills
5:12 #6 My 18 month old doesn’t know their name
5:40 #7 My 18 month old isn’t learning new words
6:27 #8 My 18 month old doesn’t follow directions
7:07 #9 My 18 month old doesn’t follow the “Go get your ____” command
7:43 #10 Your gut tells you something is off
8:45 Finding support for your toddler



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The Speech therapist told me my son was super delayed at 16 months because he should have been saying 15 words. My pediatrician laughed. She said three words at 18 months and that she already knew that particular speech therapy place was, in her words, “pushy”. They really freak you out but the second opinion speech therapist I had said 7 words at 18 months would be great and that sometimes they just don’t want to talk, especially boys. All babies are different.


I’m so glad I came across this video. I feel validated. I was a teacher and my 13 year old was reading one vowel words at 2! Now, my 19 month old hardly even says “mama” and when she does, it’s not with purpose…and no one else understands why it bothers me. She says dada and a few other words, she follows instructions well, but won’t mimick. She just giggles when I repeat words. When she cries, I’ll ask if she wants juice, blanket, etc, but she’ll get frustrated and start hitting herself in her face. She’s starting to point at things she wants and babbles or whines but can’t really articulate what she wants. I’m messaging her doctor again today.


20 words?! My pediatrician told me around 6, and he even said that was flexible


Thank you so much for your videos. Our daughter (1st child) had her 18 month check up today and the pediatrician recommended an evaluation as ahe does not say many words. As first time parents, our experiance and information (even from the pediatrician) has been limited at best. My only wish is that i knew these benchmarks and watched your videos sooner. Our daughters non-speech benchmarks are on par, if not slightly advanced. You have provided a great resource here for new parents to effectively teach words to our little ones. Thank you so much.


My pediatrician told me that toddler should know at least 8 words by 18 months, the CDC says toddler should say more than 3. To me this shows you can’t really put an exact number of words because Individuals differ. My pediatrician said as long as the toddler shows signs of communication readiness: pointing, gesturing, sharing objects, responding to their name, and making eye contact. These are all signs of social engagement, and as they build on these skills, verbal language typically follows naturally.


Don’t listen to this crap… 20-40 words at 18 months?!? I’m willing you bet that MAYBE 1% of 18 month old children are saying that many words! As long as your child is babbling and changing the infliction of their voice at times, you have nothing to be worried about…

It’s videos like this that makes first time parents panic that their child might have a learning disability!


I’m just finding out about my 18 month old speech delay. I’m trying not to feel bad because we do everything we can to be sure he communicates well. He understands when we tell him to “pick up the toy” or “all done?, give mommy/daddy your cup” when he is done drinking something, or even it’s time to “eat eat” and he tries to mimic by saying “ eat eat” or uh huh in response to a question. But throws a tantrum or seem uninterested in certain instructions. I hope the therapy helps him


My sister boy, he is 32 months old and he can't say anything, not even a word😢, I was not around now I saw him and your videos and realised this, this is very sad, hopefully he will be fine 😞


Feeling completely terrible for not comparing my children more until now. My last was counting to 12 on her own, speaking alphabet and using words like gorgeous. My littlest now is the same age and just barely using words but completely advanced with her motor skills and gestures. Calling the pediatricians office when they open so we can help her. Thanks for an informative video and validating what I already felt. ❤


Thanks. So my daughter doesn't respond to her name or rarely. She may respond if a stranger or family member calls her but then looks away. She is generally happy 😁 and well behaved and is an easy child who is active. My gut tells me she is a Smart child how ever her speech had me concernen. She imitate animal sounds however words are so difficult for her.


My 17 month old can say dada. Even mama he struggles to get out and uses it out of context. Expression language and receptive language is good


Every child is different. I think the most important thing we can do as parents is to encourage our children with games, music, and just talking to our children. I appreciate the information, but if parents listened to every theory of what a child should be doing, it's enough to make you crazy.
I do recognize the importance of watching for signs of behaviors or lack thereof, but certainly speaking with your pediatrician is important. Parents don't become so fixated and let your child be a child.


We only speak Korean at home and he seems to understand almost everything we say but he can only speak a few words. He is 18 months old. He will follow instructions like brining something, putting laundry in the hamper etc. in Korean. He has been going to daycare since he was 15 months. When should I get worried? Is taking him to speech therapy (obviously is going to be in English) going to be helpful? Should I speak to him in English? We exclusively use Korean only at home w very very occasional English here and there.


my little man is 21 months but 19 months corrected he was 10 weeks premature. He spent 82 days in nicu and had difficult time feeding. He didnt take to solids till 18 months and always been a late bloomer in his development but one thing that stood out is his speech. He doesn't even wave or point, kiss us, fetch things . He babbles dadda and my brother name but doesn't know the meaning behind it. We've been told by his physio, neonatologist, pediatrician and speech and language that he autistic due to all his other traits his showing as well we have his revaluation on 29th july ..


My 19 month old is not saying anything. Maybe car. He used to say mama and dada. But not anymore. He had a few ear infections, and doctor said that might be the cause. He does imitate


She understands. She goes to talk. Uses hands. Uses inflections in voice. Up down. But when time to talk. She doesn't make words


20-40 words sounds like a lot based on what our pediatrician said


My son is physically adept but only makes noises and doesn’t say any words. We try so hard and read to him but he just looks 😢


This has been really helpful, I was sort of hoping to see a kid at that age talking without a speech delay and with one but that’s okay hehehe .


Super informative. Thanks so much! I was surprised when you added the schwa sound in for /p/ and /b/. I usually clip them.
